Thursday 28 May 2020

Releasing Old Identity labelling

Appeals to the personal, if they are to call truly - need to be transparent to an intimacy of being.
Otherwise the engagement of the persona in its contextual personae reiterates its pet loves, hates or fusion of the two. If we are merely to perform an echo chamber of confirmation bias, then lets all lockstep in grievance that sets us powerless - or liable to become possessed by blind hatreds that - given the spark - will do just the kind of violence in coercion and deceit that we hate to receive.

Truth reveals freedom but we may be unready or unwilling to question, revision or release our invested identity. Setting the heart in an Ideal or an Idol, is set up for a Fall, and heartbreak is part of the interface of an early experience of separation trauma - that can and does set our strategy in life - as our masking persona.

Fear is conflict seeking resolution, but if the conflict is asserted AS our own mind - it seeks external resolution as 'control'. In that sense control is repackaged fear even as complex financial instruments repackage toxic, corporate debts.

The patterning by which such operates are structures of established possession and control, not least as a 'lockstep' alliance in common interests set in fear of losing both to blame and penalty.

The surface belief in a control-bubble set over and against a greater life can run its own tension of attention until the soap runs out. 

Understanding - or better - directly seeing - the devices and patterns of our own narrative investments - allows awakening responsibility for where we feed, fuel or subscribe to the 'evil fate' in ways that are not obvious to the learned masking of appearances.

Another comment nearby reiterates something James Corbett and others bring up - and that is of reclaiming consciousness by the words terms and phrases that we make currency of BY acceptance that automatically shares on. But not only to reclaim power from such masking deceits that sell conflict, division and limitation under doublethink, but to identify the fear and tyranny within our own consciousness - that buds our own 'mind' like a little 'virus' that then seems to 'hijack' the living to run a systemic and dead structure of conditioned responses.

The willingness to abide our felt fear in desire of healing or reintegrating to a clear and present appreciation - is of a completely different order than everything we learns in armouring and reinforcing the mask. Because we can see others in their fear who are unready or unwilling to face or own their consciousness, we can operate as if we are set over them in judgement and assign toxic debts to them as an automatic response to evading our own part.

Frankly I find all the old labels are keeping us in an old adaptation that cannot serve our needs now, and the pattern of all established identities is to double down in clinging on while the breakdown to chaos proves them all right - whichever side of whatever fence such identities are set in.

When fear or rage possess the mind - we may say afterwards, 'I don't know what came over me' or 'I couldn't help myself'. For when we are emotionally triggered to reiterate a past made in deep grievance, conflict or pain of loss - it is to do ANYTHING BUT RELIVE IT.

And yet the only true freedom is to revisit the past - as the stamping on the face of a presence denied - from a NEW sense of connection than the mind MADE by fear.
Looking directly AT what we hate or fear releases it from holding us hostage.
The attempt to mask over and repackage fears to externally flagged personae gives an illusion time to persist under the lockdown of its own directives.

Letting love in - breaks the self-isolation and releases the need to mask in armour. Trying to DO love armours in virtue signalling and absurd and insane parody of life demanding sacrifice of Sense and true Significance to nonsense set to keep a Common Sense at bay.

Releasing fear is the by product of a self-honesty and not a wilful or coercive act.
Healing aligns First things first, such that all else aligns in its timing to a centred and balanced wholeness. We are now living a time and timing for extreme reversal - to which life is more overtly subjected. But we are also collectively revisiting our 'starting place' to know it for the first time.
I write to bring attention to the now that is discarded by the mind in reaction, for as we accept true for us, so do we then reinforce by word and deed. I hold Reality to be democratic - and all of us are free to create our own version that may align more, or less, with that which holds the conditions for life, consciousness and freedom to share it. The good news is that mistakes are correctable, but persistent and coercive investment in self-illusion is not willing or able to hear it.
If we merely reinforce polarised positions of invested identity, we are choosing to be right over all or any potentials for healing. This is the law of the mind in grievance, that cannot escape until its debts are collected or repaid, and yet grows more trapped by every attempt to escape itself as a thing set over and apart from what it judges.

The deceiver is very fast and very active and has already given us what to think in seeming escape.
But the wish to be deceived is its employer - running under plausible deniability.

How does the Whole shift in the consciousness of the Many? Is it really by coercion and manipulative deceit? or is that a hole we make to hollow out and die in?
Letting in Communication from Outside the masked off isolation may be reflected in an Internet moment such as this, or in any other moment of relational synchronicity.
If I would be truly moved to be found in life instead of set in struggle - let me NOT move to love before the movement registers, nor delay in fear of love's expression, under false pride of a masked and defended 'identity'.
Learning to walk or ride a bike was a process of both balancing and imbalance. We need both. Control can operate a blind automaton, but it cannot live, or share or grow. Are the golem-controllers  blinded by their own elitism of self-specialness set in lust for possession and control, yet rendered hollow?

There is no life, no love and no peace in the 'visions' of a Gated future. But in the breaking of the Order of such Civilisation as we have known, we have the call and the duty to uncover and embody such perspective - even within conditions of physical and psychic limitation. 
Whatever life is given in sacrificial worship to a bio-tech control system, is all the life it has. But it works through 'identity' set in fear, but masked as set apart. It is not IN the externals - excepting we want it there - so as to distance or delay as the context in which to evade disclosure or indeed reliving pain of loss.
I suggest that terror symbols such as Orwell's 'Room 101' symbolises, are still diversionary guards around a more deeply hidden fear.
But you don't have to understand to let love in to a self-isolation, though it will surely rise from it as something we can also appreciate. Negative appreciations can fuel a grievance set in futility.
The setting of the mind in pathology or evil does not set us free of disease - but feeds it!
We become made in the image that we assign power to as leverage of control over it.
In the sense humans become the virus of a self-hating and destructive parasite.
I personally choose not to project this aspect of my psyche onto the symbiotic realm of support for Life on Earth or indeed beyond. But that means I have to own what is mine as part of releasing what no longer serves who I accept myself to be.

Yes I have also promoted that link and Belair's zoomed video discussion with Kelly, Barre, and Kaufman. Zach Bush is also worth seeking out. I don't accept germ theory as proven science - but it serves as an excellent example of the pattern of fear false flagged to invisible enemies - and protections - in exchange for a proprietary realm of control.

I felt to reflect further - but not as any imposition on you. Rather as a communication That is receive by sharing it.

My sense of the fear is deeper than childhood trauma.
When support for illusions breaks down, it is experienced as reality breaking down.
But it is the split mind being revealed or indeed brought into awareness.

IE - If you hate (judge or attack) yourself - you have to split to seem to do so.
'Divide and rule' is the predicate for a split mind of thinking and seeing that substitutes for truth - which is a definition of illusion.
Illusion has no power but that which we give it - and here is where self-honesty reveals hidden correspondences that defended illusions would keep concealed.
So noticing - for example - the mind, thought and word or phrase, that we accept and use is already living from a present sense of responsibility.

That we can define our self as victim or victor is part of experiencing inequality to our experience. Shifting between them can seem like a battle. The mind can generate complex realities on the fly. And to hold them all true, splits or compartmentalises.

Confusion of false with true, will cast truth out by denials, that of course will then need defending against to stop them (truth) getting back in. But it is our defences that kill us. Not truth. Out attempt to kill a demonised or denial cast onto truth  is exemplified in the antibiotic (poisoning) war on Life.
Or to put it another way - there is that which will limit, deny and kill you to escape or evade and delay truth.
As if self-isolation and masking illusion offers salvation from Total Truth - as from total loss of self.
Noticing what is here - within and without - can become normal as a result of persistent and consistent valuing of Life in the living - as distinct from life set in symbolic representations or derivative concepts. But this has to be chosen counter to an already active masked and locked down habit- persona running as strategy of self protection. 
Fear says "I will make you safe'. By seeking salvation of denied (controlled) present set in the past to be resolved or repaid in the future.

Love says "You are safe". Unconditional acceptance of what we feel is already given BY our existence - which is presence drawn from our past - not a product of its stamp.

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