Sunday, 31 May 2020

I keep my choices open

Would Marx have flowered without the support of the banks?
Funding is support. Fear drives funding and support for what love would never freely choose. Is that true?

I keep my choices open and while all kinds of framing perspectives can arise, they have to find a peace of heart to abide in me as stepping stones.

The idea of growing something new from a felt movement in the moment at hand is not a set of rules, of systems or identity survival - so much as willingness to release what doesn't serve by going to the well of being for how to see and respond - or whether to give attention there.

Too much charge differential will lead to a breakdown of the system to a discharge event and rebalancing of the system. But the core or centre of any system is its fulcrum or zero point.
While Archimedes joked of a place to stand by which to lever the world, modern mind is wedded to having to do so to keep up on the hamster wheel of its own 'progress' - having suckered under the belief it was over and apart from life - and so suffers self-isolating lockdown under our own rules.

Slowing down the wheel is not dampening the system of its core dynamic - but releasing the frictions of superfluous conflicts and chatter to receive a fresh update on what is going on.

Living on the rim is a surface of impressions and placeholders taken as fact - without reference to the whole - that the centre holds.

There are two choices I see, one is defaulting as ACT NOW OR ELSE!
The other is pause from reaction to connect at the heart.
One way to tell is that love is NEVER coercive upon its own.
Fear is always coercive and one test against hidden coercion - which we can self-inflict - is the relaxation of our gut.
Fear shuts down consciousness as an acute body-need to fight or fly.
If we let our reptilian brain default our choices we will always be lock-downed in either or - until we bring on the very death our faithful survival reflex was designed to prevent. It was never intended to be the Seat of Consciousness by which to live and grow our lives.
There is a place for it - but not as a replacement of the heart's intelligence.

It isn't only capitalists who are alert for opportunity - but anyone with enough free attention to notice paths of opportunity as they arise. However self-interest can be rim-defined rather than hub centred - and so opportunity for genuine communication is a noticing and attending to the signs of life. There is a sense in which the amygdala-captured are dead to their life by defaulting to a denial of consciousness as Notional Security - but the underlying truth that comes to my mind is 'release and be released'.

What if all the force of the denials that we suffer comes ultimately from our own - but by the very nature of denial ... hidden in a world that cant keep a secret forever. Nor would anyone in hide and seek wish to never - never - be found. Reality will always break the mask sooner or later - and we have to learn to accept and rediscover what is - and not limit our mind to what 'should be'. 
Using reality to find a true centre is finding the balance points. Monopole-ism seeks to usurp a living moving breathing dynamic of change and challenge. Not just in its icons, but in their followers. If others war on you, such as to force you to engage in active defence, act ONLY to bring the war to a close such that a process of communication can be restored. Or else the mind of vengeance takes monopoly unto itself in eradicating the disease.
Yet here's the rub... we know that eradicating war or disease of fear-conflict is the undoing of  the basis for our 'power' and so we identify in masking pretexts of wars and salvations by which to keep the enemy alive - for without a hate object, the ego HAS no function but to serve a focus of attention and desire.

How does the mind get the power to trap itself excepting we belief it offers freedom in notional security made in secret and under plausible deniability.
IT will not tell you a way out - because its job description is that there be no way out - while offering all kinds of targeted 'ways out' by which to lock in.
That is why I invite pausing and yielding the mind to the stillness of being in the wordless heart. There is movement arising from the heart as a wholeness of being. It has your name on it because you are integral to this moment and not a sin or stain upon it.

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