Saturday 28 March 2020

The elephant in the room is 'WHO says?'

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The elephant in the room is 'WHO says?'
(Pun inescapable).
The jurisdiction to define and classify disease is the power to create it or mutate and modify its parameters - such that NO SYMPTOMS ARE REQUIRED.
While the opening blitzkrieg of an 'attacking invasion', breaks the ability to formulate a response - PANIC! - it also establishes the identity of the invader as powerful, overwhelming, and against which we have no immunity or defence - and so the Call to War! - as the alignment in the defence without which everyone will die or lose their loved ones. The heavily incentivised 'defence measures operate the actual attack on the health of the people of the nation, principally in abandoning real defences for life and cooperative support to a NET of illusion that operate to suppress and deny considered relational response by co-opting all such response to a centrally enforced narrative - embodied in institutional structures and procedures - locked into compliance by force of allegiance to a 'war' against terror that cannot be questioned without being identified as party to 'killing people' under officially mandated models signed off as expert medical science.

So who says that a new virus has not only been 'discovered' or parts of its genetic information mapped - and established beyond reasonable doubt to be THE cause of an outbreak of a respiratory disease symptomology that was given extra publicity by being associated with Chinese denials and cover ups, rather than specific pollution at a level that the people there were daily protesting on the streets seeking help, despite a very authoritarian government?
And who says the the 'tests' for this viral presence - that are not more than registering some viral presence which might be found anywhere in any population at any given time - and which require NO symptoms of illness to generate a positive diagnosis of disease - are the basis for enforced isolation, shutdown of all but the lockstep supporting economy, and flattening the consciousness of the people so as to prevent a sudden spike of recognition and response to errors and deceits?

Who says we have to give up and die under overwhelming mandate for suppression and denial of basic human dignity and freedoms of family and community bonds? Because the authoritatively stated INTENT for this live drill is for the novel virus is to get MUCH WORSE.
And the means to seem to make its so is nothing to do with medical science excepting its gagging and usurping by fear of pain of loss under financial corporate powers that effectively dictate narrative definitions of diseases and prescribed and mandated 'standards of care'.
Tyranny is applauded by the captive fear that WANTS such an overriding power to keep them 'safe' from any other view, and to mandate massive sacrificial 'solutions' in hope of averting Total Loss under War against invisible but shapeshifting enemies.

The bandwagon effect brings the strategic alignment in the narrative for funding, advantage, or business survival, that cartel corporate agenda invest in to establish the cover story as a new basis from which to found their 'industry' - all of which aligns under the common theme of seeking possession and control - as a largely unconsciously driven fear of loss of possession and control that grows with the appearance OF seeming to have it.

Fear and control generate blind or unconscious and compulsive self-destructive 'mind framing' and behaviours under insane attempts to conceal and protect errors from correction, not least because the guilt uncovered is of such a magnitude as to threaten total damnation to the mind of the persistence of the intent to take life for itself by deceits and resulting fears and coercions.

The intensity of the fear as belief, is given the to the wish to counter it.
But NO amount of focus or intensity will make the untrue, true - no matter the experience of the belief is of an order that destroys the mind and body of living.

Healing is any way of restoring the conditions for the support of life to the loss of these under any kind of error, no matter how compounded, or how deep is the conviction that error killed truth, and has become power over Life - at cost of sharing in the power of Life.

There is a choice here of where to give our faith and allegiance, and the belief that there is NOT is the insidious suggestions of a hateful or loveless  'self-isolation' of withholding and withdrawing of presence that blanks other lives so as to project fear OUT and AWAY from a secret or hidden sense of identification in survival at ANY cost. This is a decision from a level of our being that is covered over by adaptations of personal and social masking identity - until we uncover the willingness to look within, regardless the 'dictate' of acquired and inherited conditioning or habits of presumption, reacted to without any process of conscious response-ability.

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