Monday 28 October 2019

Throwing stones at Jordan Peterson

 a quote that resonates in me:

“I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”
~ Malcolm X

If I recognise and resonate in truth - I own what is revealed to knowing. I extend gratitude and appreciation for the truth.
The making special of others is similar to putting truth IN the object, book or person. This a a kind of magic of associating with something while separating from it.

Jordan Peterson has held a relational and coherent demeanour throughout a very public persecution - and as such has shone the Spirit of a true witnessing amidst tricks and deceits. 
If people feed you a role and you buy into it - you become food.
Sacrificing ourself to a 'higher calling' is very common in anyone who finds they are receiving love and gratitude for being true to himself. But he also has an identity set against evils - which is different to receiving identity from truth.
And so the risk of becoming brittle by attachment to narrative identity is the other choice to deepening his faith in Life as fundamentally an expression of truth - regardless the overlay of conflicted identity.
Love is sustaining - and he has been sustained by the love of many to bear through hate - but that also means letting it in.
His wife hasn't been in the limelight - but she has been with him in what he has been living.
If he takes on guilt for her condition, it will block the love he needs. That is what guilt does if not faced, addressed, reconciled or undone.
People may put others on a pedestal so as to use them, and then cast them down when they no longer serve. But that's crap.

Walk alongside your brother or sister in Life. Sometimes you may falter and be glad of the helping hand. Sometime you are called to extend the hand. This is very obvious - UNLESS you are seeking to sustain a narrative identity at cost of true with-ness.

Be wary of judging another as if you set the rules that they must obey to serve a world made in your image.
And if anything has been truly lived and shared it is your true harvest. Trying to cling onto the form is the doubting of its truth in your heart.

My take on science is much more sceptical with regard to its underlying historical human baggage and presumption that then logically gives rise to building hugely invested structure on fundamental mistakes - but that is the narrative identity protecting the model that provides sustainability of reputation and funding. Fear of extinction rebels against the truth that would refresh and renew.
Jordan Peterson does not appear to be aware of the crisis in a subtly and also not so subtly captured Science - not least because he is very active within his own research in drawing the case for reasoned human endeavour.
He may also be overconfident in terms of the arena of debate - when for the most part there is none - only the feeling out for a vector of attack. Or he may be driven to meet targets despite severe health challenges - ie the mind and body refuse to support the 'mission'.
So he is actively teaching himself by example and also somewhat willing to learn from his own experience as a reflection of his inner alignment.

You have a choice when you meet anyone - in thought or in person - to extend a blessing or curse them. It isn't that it is 'wrong' to blame or call down penalty or invalidation so much as you do this unto your Self. There is a false harvest of denials piled up that remain yours regardless whether others take them on or not. If you have no peace - look to where you hold un-forgiveness and protect it as a chosen identity running in dissonance to the love that you simply are. Nothing external can resolve what is awry within yourself - but it can set up an addiction that then carries all the charge of those fears.

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