Monday 28 October 2019

Hallowe'en and fascination with horror

in response to the themes in:

Fascination with horror and evil is in the sick attraction of guilt - sick in that we want (give ongoing focus to) what we hate and fear while presenting a sense of self-lack, division and powerlessness.
The use of limitation, lack and division to generate a bubbled self-separateness is both the fantasy of wish-creation made real - and subjection to what we made real by wanting it so. The victimiser is blind to its act and consequence within the narrative of a self-fulfilling fantasy possession - (as called psychopathy or narcissism on SOTT) - and the victim gives support by reaction in a like but opposite reaction as the charge of grievance seeking vengeance as a negatively polarised fantasy fulfilment. And to the 'engine' of a recycling guilt runs down the generations and hearkens back to Ancient beginnings - that SOTT sometimes points to in terms of a catastrophic past.
I have read that Hallowe'en stretches back to the fall of Atlantis - when so many died in a day that the next day was given/taken up by a mass communion with the dead - for the dead then were not dead in the way that many now wish to be - under the current tv set mythology of being turned off.

This reminds me of the pervasive popularity of Spiritualism during and after the great wars of the last century.

All Hallows (all made holy in love's remembrance and release) is not celebrated by a mainstream media manipulation - perhaps because the Church neutered love of its direct communion, to become itself a ghost.
As for apocalyptic fear - see that very little real progress has occurred with regard to an underlying human conditioning that is manipulated or leveraged but rarely allowed to be brought to the surface. Fear is protected from exposure by guilts and terrors - because fear brought to light reveals itself as a true need - or rather a need for truth.
When you recognise your need for truth above all else you release all investments in lies and the father of them to the heart's recognition. Honesty is in the Heart and not in a substitution of weakness presented as a means to manipulate others or forfend a greater penalty by keeping the wounds while projecting them onto others to direct the penalty away from self.

As for inducing the children who come to us in trust to play in macabre masquerades of horror made as play - does it prepare them for life in anything but Hollywood?

Testing boundaries is part of finding who you are and also of seeking the love that holds you in being where you are.
Limitation can also be assigned to an eggshell or a nest. What happens if you come out before you are truly called but an aborted potential? Not that some cannot find the way to learn from any experience rather than be neutered and rendered to the living dead.
?The usurping and adulteration of Meaning is the spiralling out of a destructive and depleting attempt to 'play outside the Law of your own being'. That this is impossible means that you will find yourself in an impossible situation - with no way out.
?BUT... that this is impossible remains your true salvation - regardless the phantoms of a mind split by fear.
?There is no God but God - does not mean the words but the truth they point to. The mind can make its own 'reality-experience' within the heart or within the willingness of the heart to play 'dead' to a casting out in defence against a world turned to horror.
?The purpose you align in is your heart's acceptance - excepting when an old fear is triggered to run the old defence.

?The purpose of self protection SEEMS to be loving - but may be the masking over fears we are either unready to face or unwilling to own - and so we call to external powers to 'save us' as if there is no love within. Anything given power comes by invitation, but may not leave without wholly relinquishing it. While we want its protection, hate and blame and fear operate in the shadows - excepting when of course they rise to break the world you tried to love.

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