Friday 27 September 2019

Uncovering wellness in place if iatrogenic disease loops

I connected with Dr Healy's work via my own re-educative willingness across the whole spectrum of presumed (directed and filtered) knowledge.
I am 64 and haven't taken and don't take pharma drugs for by far the greater part of my life - especially because events in my early adult life opened a psycho-physical appreciation of existence rather than a physically derived psychic assertion.

I have no doubt but that interventions in the electro-chemical pathways and balance of the body-mind can and does effect an off-balance adaptation such as to operate as a negatively reinforcing pattern of psycho-physical dysfunction.

In principle I see that we can lose our true alignment to errors, to crisis of fear and threat conflicts and attempts to mask or hide or deny these. I also see that we then often focus on what seems to be the cause of the iatrogenic disease along with the symptoms of its 'side' effect. This may be instead of focussing in realignment at the core - in life and in our life.

Realigning and reintegrating our self and life is a 'spiritual' or conscious purpose accepted at heart as a recognisable and at least partial willingness to notice and perhaps address or release the 'blocks' to an unconflicted self-awareness now. A key understanding being that the mind and body can be used and are used to hide or hide from relational conflict within self as between our self and others or world.

This is no less true of our collective or socio-political body-mind - which as an example has financial 'experts' hiding toxic debts (fraudulent consequences) in complex repackaging, as marketable financial assets or real currency.

This pattern is pervasive to our human psyche as the ingenuity of cleverness and deceit in avoidance. To take a search for 'psychological defences' and consider humanity the patient is to see we are structured in a negatively reinforcing loop of 'conflict management' in which sacrifice of the living is made to maintain the sustainability of the 'Model' and of course the priesthood and power structure of the model, worldview, mindset, or narrative identity.

And so I also see that there are those working to induce such sacrifice in Others  as their attempt to 'sustainability' as survival in their own frame of belief. Population control by stealth is part of a global human engineering project that is hidden in plain sight and under a broad spectrum dominance that uses the forms of human Good to both recruit sympathy and support while hiding agenda of power set over others and over life - which is a core pattern of a 'psycho-pathy' as a sense of possession and control running INSTEAD of and at expense of true relational being. Resulting as experience of dispossession and loss of command of our natural being.

Physical presence is a transparency to now - which is relational awareness. Loss of relational appreciation and response is a psychic-emotional substitution. Insofar as we manifest or meet 'blocks' to our growth and life they also operate some sense of defence, payoff or cover story of a lesser evil for something more greatly feared. Fear itself operates a block against exposure until there is willingness to see or perhaps re-vision what hidden fears dictate or deny.

Awakening as a willingness of self-responsibility for healing has to move past the grievance and identity in victim and its vindication in vengeance. This does not mean tolerating and persisting in injustice - but healing calls on the truth that heals while vengeance seeks to weaponise truth for the reciprocal sacrifice recompense or destruction of the perpetrator - and thus has investment in wound and grievance as a identity seeking righteously to reclaim worth.

There can be much hurt and hate in fear and rage in our sense of losing the life we thought was ours. All of which persist in robbing us of the life we are wholly worthy of  - now - but for the grace of noticing and the willingness to accept an alignment in appreciation. One moment at a time.

There are always more elements than the 'model' presumes. The human psyche is already a 'jack-in-the-box' of cultural and personal conflicts that can be triggered in multiple and various ways and lead a false trail from the certainty of being wronged or damaged by forces or powers outside our self.

I write from outside the 'box' but not without much personal experience of our psycho-physical conditioning - both pain of isolation and disconnect and joy of freedom in shared being. My sense of life is of embracing the first in the willingness of the second. My vision of human culture is of finding and growing support for a deeper self honesty than our current 'model' or identity is predicated upon, and allowing of - including our transparency to, and expression of love - in all our diversity and freedom of expression. IE: being truly ourselves, as the basis from which to extend worth-ship and with-ness. I hold that this is Un-covered in true willingness, rather than re-covered by struggle to regain a lost life, love or power. The experience of active willingness is in the abidance through the dynamic of conflict - and so may seem to be 'struggle within or against temptation of old habits that are being undone and replaced by new and consciously aligned choices - or acceptances.

A quantitative logjam or indeed breakdown of communication calls for a qualitative shift of priority and focus. To bring all and only what is needful together to our desire to live and share life - instead of old patterns of sustainability set against fear and threat of pain of loss.

Accepting and acting on thoughts and beliefs offered us without truly checking in at the heart is a kind of 'running on auto-pilot' or indeed unconscious placement of trust outside ourself.
How do we ever learn but through recognising mistakes and correcting them by making better or more aligned choices?

Outsourcing power of decision (our core responsibility) is pervasive and conditioned by a collective cultural alignment in seeking autonomy in the form and frame of the body as both a weapon and separating shield. This is hidden by a surface normality that denies the undercurrent of psychic emotional conflict. Much 'breakdown' of order is of an incapacity to maintain sustainability of an imposed order counter to our core or original nature of being. But WHEN it happens - and however it happens - is the opportunity and indeed the Call to release what doesn't and cannot really work to the willingness of being found in what does.
If 'I cant do it!' was a simple FACT - then the attempt to persist the impossible would release to what is not only possible but already present - but displaced or discarded by the desperation of struggle that sets us against our own grain.

I find there is no talking to those who are still actively aligned to the 'model' as protection of a life set as an escape from conflicts rather than of a self-honesty of at least some willingness to own and embrace them towards finding better ways.

Addiction is to whatever enables NOT KNOWING what you (or anyone) is currently unwilling or indeed unready to know. Most addiction is socially internalised and invisible in a world where :

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner)

My next step is to notice we are looking 'through a lens darkly' - that is through thinking that reverses or inverts cause and effect.
We generally have it all backwards. Stepping out of the 'group-think' is of course where 'there be dragons'.

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