Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Psyops as attention baiting

(We are induced to accept a framing of belief by reaction of invested identity - whatever we think or believe we are doing).

I think an insider definition of 'good tv' was anything that kept you watching tv.
Is a psyop fundamentally a baiting by which to effect its hidden agenda through being taken in - on any level?
And self-reinforced by investment of identity that then propagates the meme to its targets?

Without the power behind it, lies would be disregarded or laughed at and given no power to obscure the truth. But when power is invested in lies as necessary to its protection against 'threat' - it runs like the Terminator - 'It will not stop'.

So if there is hope to escape from lies as weapons backed up by power to make or break our life in its world - it has to be by recognising where and how we give power away by our allegiance and focus of energy and attention.

Reading them to see what their payload is may have merit. How much of what is sensational is timed to divert attention from what is really being effected?

G W Bush played the fool - but was everyone fooled? Not once or twice but over and again!
Trump - the last Trump? - is also a brand.
Is it not just the way those seeking power have been induced or 'incentivised' to believe thats how power works - comply or die?

As the Dream disintegrates it become more and more incoherent, false and forced - everything falls apart - its centre cannot hold. But is it OUT THERE in the world or is its 'signal distortion working our thought?

I don't watch tv - - ok - apart from occasional selected online pulled access to content of my interest.
But I don't tune to the channels or vibrations of crap - without feeling sick - and that's good as long as I do not normalise sickness as the new standard, adapt to it and become and invested expert on it.

The invention of the media and particularly the moving image has radically transformed  minds, societies and politics - which immediately moved to possess and control it as the PR of social engineered minds and society.

One of the Commandments was to make no image of Reality - and then not to worth-ship image instead of Reality as in idol or symbolic substitute for true relation. Imaged reality is a manipulative or private mind. Starts off as a bit on the side - ends in stark insanity.

What I understand from stark insanity is that I don't want it. This is an ongoing lesson because whenever I notice a triggered reaction - I see another call to align in what I DO want - instead.

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