Wednesday, 1 May 2019

A way of life that frames us in fear, division and loss

Yes, I recognize a ‘way of death’ runs AS IF a way of life and I accept this recognition in myself as a Calling or waking to a personal and relational responsibility, that is not possible to grow from or upon a fearful and addictive identification in a conflicting identity.

‘Bottoming out’ is the failure to maintain ‘narrative control’ as a believable basis for allegiance. But as a result of every kind of evasion and denial with all the ingenuity of which mind is capable BECAUSE what we most desire aligns our thought and behaviour.

My reading or our times is of the end of an era  - where the ‘era’ is not merely a passage of time, but the world under its specific ‘Sun’ - which in this usage is an internalised ‘model’ of reality - set up as a tool for its manipulation. Or rather as the means for exploring the experience of possession and control as a theme or focus.

I think the story of the Prodigal Son suffices to give the sense of taking a living inherence out of context to run as a mis-taken right of inheritance. We get in our own way - and blame it on anything, everything ELSE.

I have the experience of the world - insane as it is humanly revealing itself in these times - and yet also holding a intimate quality of natural or innate beauty that inspires thoughtless being whose qualities can be known - but which is itself one without a second - until the mind ‘resumes’ its interjection of interpretive definition to make or control (its private reality experience).

Opening the field of awareness is the grounding of all we think, feel and do.
I cannot tell anyone of what they are as yet defended against as a result of projecting fears kept hidden and investing in keeping them so.

One of the reasons I write is to witness another quality of response than the fear-driven reaction. It may not seem fear driven to survive against perceived and believed threat - or to align in countering perceived and believed evils, but that IS the nature of the evil - to hide in the good unseen as a private agenda.

Uncovering the false as false is part of freeing ourself of a false allegiance or a false sense of self and world. It may be that very few are as yet willing to abide the hateful or feared of their ‘room 101’ so as to look on it from a willingess and desire for truth and so be free to look past terror symbols to what they are but the guardians set to keep hidden.

But every willingness to move through fear in willingness for healing of wholeness of being is part of its growing in our mind, as our noticing and as our capacity to see real choices instead of being framed in fear - or in attempts to stamp out fear in its symptoms.

To those who have (and thus share in being) more shall be given - because what we truly appreciate grows or appreciates.
But from those who have not - (an appreciation in shared being) more shall be taken - even the little they have. This is simply the result of a negative appreciation. the Law or Mind is the same, but working to create an abundance of lack or debt. 

Identifying in lack and limitation is the model of private possession and control.
I am not addressing ‘things’ but Ideas that are assigned to ‘things’.
 When our accepted Ideas as to who we are and what life and the world is for - change - the experience of self and world HAS CHANGED.

But the attempt to manipulate the ideas of the mind that makes the world (narrative control) is always the magical attempt to change the world to align with a core sense of private possession and control. And is simply the exploitation of leveraging fear and guilt and hate so as to incentivise behavioural conditions of compliance to a hidden or masked agenda.

Uncovering the mind OF denial without triggering the blame and shame of guilting invalidation is choosing NOT to give allegiance and support TO a mind of denial.

Selfism underlies EVERY form of ism that is deemed hateful and is the willingness to hate the OTHER as the ‘saving’ of the ‘self’.

Deceit runs as a self-illusion regardless the agencies of its operation. Giving our life and world to deceit is the result of unowned and unfaced fear - and its progeny.

The Model that we have developed as our current world is no more true than any other and is subject to the same distortions of definition for prediction and control - of a private agenda - as is any relational endeavour that becomes afraid of or invested against change, expansion, and unfolding of a true  and truly shared appreciation.

Demonisation is a private export. But C02 will green the Planet. It enables naked mole rats to live extremely long lives. Nothing is so blinding as the assertion to know as an investement to protect. No one want to keep you blind more than those who want to export their ‘demons’ onto a willingness to suckle Big lies. An noone more arrogant in their surety that humans are suckers.

Sucking on worry is toxic debt packaged as concern.

Oh - so much for my quick rejoinder!

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