My Comment:
The alternative is of course to actively remember.
The true Creation operates timelessly beneath the shifting appearances of worlds.
Rather than focus in the error as a sense of guilt.
Be refocused in the true, as the sense of correction of a faulty reality formulation - or misidentification.
The insistence that we alone must do, undo or redo correction of perceived error, is the shifting blame and power struggle of narrative framing.
'WE alone' or 'I of myself' can do nothing - because that is the error of a false sense of self joining with its fear and guilt definition of 'survival'.
Pausing from energising or re-activating the self-bot of ancient fear, is the current connection and it is felt (not thought) as a wholeness of being.
When life is mapped out and defined in its problem, the answer can relieve our burden without being recognized as answer, for we are self-invested in 'problem' and our filters operate automatically to induce us to re-shoulder our burdens and deny our own life - because it does not fit where the thinking is going.
Forgetting God is remembering ourself in a world that seems outside us, because we are focussed 'outside our self' (dissociated and displaced in thinking). Intimacy is not the joining of separates, but their dissolving to un undercurrent recognition.
Life knows Itself Life.
Noticing the mind of thinking, and noticing the life, becomes the discrimination and discernment as to who you are - and what you are not. This is now the basis of a freedom of true choice.
If you cant abide life - it is only the thinking in which you have wrapped it that makes it seem so.
God or Life remembers you now - always and in all ways now. The witness for this is your very existence and the awareness of this comes with it - and is not an overlay of thinking about existence, overlaid upon it.
In the attempt to change the world (as if it has separate existence from your gift to it) is the result of being subject to the changing world by the power of your own word. Cast out and assigned to random change, guilt of failure and evils that run unchecked - your word has in a sense cursed instead of blessed. So own what you cannot make into a silk purse and change it for a true currency of worth. You may hate 'God-Given' if you give God meanings of hate. Of course you can simply accept, embrace and extend the innate. The words and symbols are either serving true purpose or substituting for it. Only you can choose for you.
God Remembering is an inside job - even when all the outer aligns within it.
A prodigal wasteland is a perfect point to question an old pattern and walk out of it in willingness to reconciliation at heart - and without asserting demands of entitlement on our own terms.
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