Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Human nature and human deceit

I wrote into a couple of comments at the above:

Human nature is revealed by its denials and corruptions. You couldn’t have a usurping or fake reality without a genuine to pass off as.
Human deceit is a substitution reality – ie fake or masked. What we call human consciousness is generally a dissociated and displaced subjective model of self-justification for denial or evasion of the true – as a result of being phished into and identifying in the false – hence the reversal.
The nature of our being is thus filtered and distorted through layers of (self) definition – such that the movement of oneness becomes the urge to dominate (for example).
One of the things I feel in ‘world-watching’ is that it reflects self-knowledge that such a world was made to hide – ie – we WANT to ‘see evil’ OUT THERE to evade or mitigate our own core responsibility (to ourself).
The psychic-emotional construct of the personality/society is predicated to mask (deny) its fear and guilt by displacement and projection onto ‘others’ who are then attacked, penalised, made sacrifice of.
So the underlying ‘model’ is protected with the ongoing sacrifice of the living – where that model is a hidden or unowned addictive compulsion.
Living FROM a sense of self-lack is a form of tyranny whatever forms it takes. Uncovering the nature of simple presence in its own light – and not a a weaponised or marketised subversion of the masking form – is the restoring of the alignment in being – rather than ‘fear thinking’.
The nature of being is humanly expressed and embodied through the ideas we accept true for us (for whatever reason, and this includes ‘unconscious belief’).
Living under terror is no capacity to live – so where the terror is made real by reaction, that reaction is a form of appeasement or alignment by which to hide from or evade the fear and pain of loss.

Behaviour follows automatically from belief and definition - though it may be expressed or suppressed.
The study of guilt, fear, shame and wishful magic, is the armouring of the manipulator who can then interject in what the target is already doing (to themselves). They can also generate and cultivate the conditions that encourage and nurture guilt, fear, shame and false hope.
It is easy to see this in others. less so to catch ourselves in act.
Obfuscation of a direct awareness of reality is the engagement of 'thinking', identity in conflict but seeking to assign the cause away from itself - except where playing victim operates a better defence.
The idea of mind-control is built into our notion of the function and nature of mind.
The belief in power is almost exclusively rooted in a belief in powerlessness - such that shared power sounds like a self contradiction. But that is the true nature of true communication.

Who among us seeks out all that is worthy in those we meet or even think upon?
Does not the mind automatically judge and seek the witnesses to its judgement - and is not the judgement a sense of lack of worth - if not an image of things we justify hating, withdrawing blessing from and withholding the extension of worth?
Oh if people tick our boxes we 'like them' as long as they don't paint over the lines we set.
The mind is completely blind to its own activity and we see many examples of this in those we love to hate or judge against in (self) righteous arrogance.

First we judge our behaviour after the fact. And this fact is worth noting. Hindsight applied backwards makes guilt in place of learning, or awakening a true responsibility. Beware the deceiver and be awake to where you receive from. Self-hate rises from a false self image.

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