Friday, 13 April 2018

The evil that hides in the forms of the Good

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I don’t quite agree with Solzhenitsyn. He’s right, but it is still the case that human beings have a spectrum of relative good and evil, with a few being very good and a few being quite evil. The problem is the large numbers of people who have not achieved conscious understanding nor made firm and conscious decisions regarding the matter. They are easily led, easily influenced, and it is because of them we have the awful saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Due to this situation, those who are rather more evil can get much more traction in the world than they ought.

I recognize that what you say is the world of human judgement. I hold that such a power - wished for and engaged in as a a personal or private agenda - is the root of all evil or father of the lie - and has been identified as the 'choice' by which a Fallen nature replaced a quality of an intimacy of (communioned) being. Not unlike the loss of health to sickness management in fear of a true nature - and so as imposition of interventions and micro management.

This has been running for a few millennia as the conditioning within a more and more exclusive sense of physical definition supports personality fragmentation. Within the realm of persons - there seem to be good persons (with good intentions) and bad persons (with evil intentions), but looking only a little under the surface reveals that fear of evil within runs the masking in good intentions, and honest recognition and repentance of (or not choosing to act from or engage in reaction to) evil within allows the movement of a deeper sense of compassion in recognition of others in being - rather than as personally judged.

Consciousness as generally accepted is a specific form of UNconsciousness - being masked in persona as a protection against the evils that are met in infancy or before. Terror and rage, impotence and heartbreak are first met as the formation of the ability to focus in and become part of 'the human world'. That this is masked out by a (generally) protective family, culture and world view (of significance and adapted abilities) is not to say it is absent or inactive.

Childhood's end is the stepping out of protections that have become confining, possessive or over-controlling, to the conscious responsibility for decision - which is acceptance of will in the light of the true desire. But this intimacy of being is both inhibited and demonised by a world of human hate and rejection that does not see the being, but only the transgression of rules.

It would be impossible to exaggerate the complexity of human personality entanglement. And in some sense it operates like assigning impossible computations to 'hang' the (computing) processor.
That many who think they are more conscious seek to manipulate those they think are lacking is the extension of a manipulative consciousness.

Birds of a feather flock together  - for like meets like. Those who 'follow' others, do so for their own reasons, and use 'leaders' or even 'rules' or 'narratives' set by leaders while keeping the option to cry foul if they are then misled. This kind of 'conditional love' turns to hate in a moment if the conditions of its predicate are broken. That is to say it is merely a defence, mask or covering over of a hate that is revealed should the curtain slip.

Here is the evil that hides behind the mask facing out - but is itself a mask over the freedom to look within. Introspection, reflection and transformation are attributes of truly conscious living. But fear of change as the fear of greater loss (evil) works systematically to inhibit and deny introspection, reflection and renewal. I sketch out only to illuminate a basis for sane choosing. I have no desire to substitute for your own freely accepted will. Evils play a role in the re-wakening to wholeness as dissonance that wont go away until the cause is reconciled or resolved. the intent to force the good over the dissonance is a polarised split in consciousness, where a fantasy ideal or symbolic image is imposed upon organic communication such as to turn life inside out in reversal of the golden rule.

When I quote 'everything is backwards', I hold that it goes deeper than doctors, lawyers, educators, et al - as a systematic or institutional hate-fear of the 'other' as scapegoat for rejected or denied self. And the good intentions of enforced 'correctness' provide agency for this fear-driven hate to operate the mask of untouchable and unchallengable self-righteousness. I have to feel and own the hatred that is uncovered in my heart and mind to open the choice to repent of what I do NOT recognize true of me now - and put it behind me by aligning in what truly does.

Lockdown into the mere forms of 'good' works the lie of a life that sets the world of form as authority or 'reality' over the richly nuanced organic appreciation of reflective engagement and creative participation of genuine relationship. The achievement of making a monstrous and absurd complex of lies seem simply true - while rendering the simplest appreciation of life as impossibly complicated, mysterious and only yielding to the judgement of 'experts' in forms of mutual agreement, is to be believed to be seen!

(Of course there is a need for the rule of law of cause and effect - but as support for the law of love - else it runs as the sacrifice of love's innocence to the 'correctness' of the letter. Your personality can NOT be guilty for what lies beneath awareness. Freedom is not at the level of action, except to express or suppress the movement of desire, for you will always act upon the basis of what you accept true in any given situation toward the nutrient and away from the toxin as you define it.

Following collective definitions may work to fit in to social demands (real or imagined) but it is not consciously felt as acceptance of life - but more of an auto-pilot. The unwatched mind is vulnerable to trap itself in reaction to its own thought - and manipulators know this and so frame their suggestions and insinuations, smears or leading narrative to use you blind to serve their own agenda - running as their 'good' or least evil option.

When everything is believed evil, evil itself is invisibly normal - the only choice is the seeming lesser evil - and so there is no 'choice' but only a technocratic machine to yield to, that engineers the human animal to conform and comply within the rules of its existence. But notice machine is designed and wielded by the drive to dominate via define, predict and control.

A risk-less life is a form of death. Choosing life is what we thought we were doing, but we clicked into a phishing ruse, and are locked out of our true Identity by running upon a false flagged 'attack'.
Having made a false choice real to our own perceiving, we have set up the conditions in which the Given True has to be consciously accepted or chosen - and this is the art of listening discernment that all other abilities can align in support of; as the desire to truly know.

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