Friday, 13 April 2018

Love lost to a lie

(NOTE: The morning after I posted this, the page and article was removed by offguardian and any references to it on their site. The article was a very long account of Monbiot's articles and exchanges as a sense of betrayal and loss that focused to date in the call for war on Syria).

The feeling I get from Tim Hayward's article is of lost love - but not in the romantic sense - for Monbiot - who he used to feel part of, believe in, stand side by side with? Is this a long letter TO G.M?

There's another feeling I get over the incitement to war on Syria - and that is of the many being forced, terrorized, or convinced at least that going along with the pressure to act out the line or at least not challenge it - is the choosing of a lesser evil.

However I do not see any convincing actors on the stage in the 'case' for making war on Syria. Only of assets by one means or another.

We may be misled about most everything, perhaps because the mind from its earliest adaptations to sense of loss of love, support and connection, learns to mask pain and seek protection in strategies of self justification.

Since the earliest catastrophic beginnings of the development of this peculiarly split human consciousness, the gods that terrorised us from above were sacrificed to in supplication of appeasement. So that which sends fire and plague is entreated to save us from it. Nothing has changed but the costumes of its human reenactments.

I feel it is time for a New Story.
Don't fight over narrative - just read where it comes from with some compassion. The promise of  'power and protection' reveals a hollow and pathetic dependency. We feed a monster as if to 'survive'.

The capacity for introspection is also the capacity to uncover a fundamental humanity within even the worst of times. Everyone acts in self interest as in that moment they define themselves to be in relation to it. The lie is considered bad to be exposed in - but necessary to hide by.

But if everything is subjugated to serve a lie (too big to fail) then there is nothing true - excepting the power to say so and enforce it, and is that not the 'thinking' to which we have been trained to suckle?

I cannot make another man (or woman's) choices. I can only live my own and by tasting the results, learn to make better choices. But this absolutely depends on self-honesty. We cannot lie to others and be true to ourself nor lie to ourself and be true to others. And if we try to make the lie true - we will project the mind of it into the perceptions of others - whether they extend a true willingness or a deceit - we wont be able to tell.
That is the recipe for hell - because everything reflects a hidden hate that 'threatens' to destroy or violate our defences. But the enemy is not 'OUT THERE!' - even if there are many with grievance.

The lie and the father of the lie sets us against our Self - each other and our world.
"No it doesn't - it protects me from chaos, powerlessness, humiliation and loss of self!"
Yet all these things has it delivered while pointing the finger away.
There is a heart prayer from Hawaii...
The mind is erected against saying it:

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you , thank you".

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