Wednesday, 7 February 2018

The statin of the Notion

Reading ANH on the statin of the nation prompted reflections that don't belong there in full so I put them here where they can be read by the interested.

Surely it is very simple. An overlording class effectively owns and runs what we take to be our governance, Media, justice system, education system, medical, defence and security systems etc.
It does so as the logical expression of a kind of thinking that is part of our development - but is not truly human.

Globalism as a mass produced technocratic management system in which inputs and outputs and profits and costs are manipulated to grow the most profitable crop - which of course has nothing to do with our health, wealth or wellbeing, but only their self-interest. Big Data serves the fine tuning of stress testing and refining the management system.

But as an awareness of the living, I see differently. Our denied fears are given power. Denial operates to outsource self conflict by assigning it away from self onto others, the world or even our body, and hating or fearing it there as a diversion and dissociation from an inner terror, shame or rage.

Our model and experience of our world is made to cover over and escape from separation trauma, that is largely unrecognized as such because our developing mind was predicated on not knowing it. In order to 'survive' under such a system, we have to sacrifice life to fear. In order to bear our lives under such a burden, we define it in terms that seek to limit, evade or delay our sacrifice so as to protect that which 'survives'.

The 'Medical State' is not science, nor the state it still at times pretends to be. It is a facet in a system of mind control, in which we think our thoughts are our own, rather than something that is not truly belonging, given free access to think in our stead.

I essay these sketches in the wondering if it is possible to say this and be received - and whether such a shared moment is a light in a sleeping humanity by which others can stir from a different purpose than salvation by separation from the feared and hated.

I am living my choice, in witness to that we are beings of choice. But fear-defined thinking frames only the choices that keep us fixated in looking away from Cause - because in between us and our original or true nature is a gap that fear made, to protect itself.

Why did I write this? I felt the article above is pussyfooting around the issues - when of course the between the lines message is - we are being manipulated and deceived and need wake up to a true basis from which to discern what is worthy and what is seeking to pass off as if it has worth or means what it purports.

I don't know that people used to live savage short lives. History is cast in the same mould as medical studies are. That is - once there is investment in a particular narrative, it is protected and reinforced against any real change. Our definition of our self determines our experience of our world. It is always changing. Much of what is seen as change is simply a redistribution or a reworking of the same themes in different forms.

Fear of life and living masks in fear and pain of loss in injury, disease and death. As if adding more investment in the defence against feared outcomes will 'add' to our life.
A life that is redefined in terms of risk factors determined from a past that narrows down to database parameters and sets our thinking into pigeon holes - including 'other'.

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