Wednesday, 16 August 2017

The boy cries wolf!

Alt med 'news'

My comment into the above:

According to ‘official narrative control - there is no cure for cancer - except as PR for the carrot of future research.

How much of anything published - including ‘studies’ is PR?

Follow the money.

If you believe there is no cure - the nocebo effect kicks in.

Currently the internet opens research that would have been almost impossible - along with a flood of disinfo - by error, by wishful thinking and by design. As a man thinketh in his/her heart - so is he/she. The belief that is hidden is what you take to be reality - but PR knows it can get into the Template via carrot and stick inducements to phish and farm the fearful.

Pause and connect to the highest authority for recognizing truth (heartfelt honesty) before making or accepting ‘meanings’, decision and outcomes. This is always true for everything - so why wait for threats or calamities to practice true alignment in being - which may save from having to wait for a life and death crisis to address what is out of true and generating dissonance, stress and fears beneath the ‘keep calm and carry on’ conformity.

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