"All life has a right to survive" - How so?
Nature is NOT cruel but Man can be and so can assign 'cruelty' to predators or comets or unexpected outcomes.
Survival of the fitting in-est? If you did not fit in you would not exist. The idea that life is got at the cost of death is the core separation belief by which to blank out the gift of Life with driven and fearful conflict.
Life - while alive - is a balancing of functions - but human ideas of balance may in fact be a fixed concept - which is death. Life is dynamic expansive and transformative and perceived chaotic from the framing in self-concept.
Born to die is not purposed as the goal or meaning of life - which is Truly Living - but simply acceptance of the temporal as the ever changing - and no fixed abode (or definition).
I cannot reach through belief that rules out all but itself, alone, frail and against impossible odds. This is the 'mind' equated with the body - rather than 'minding' that recognizes and aligns itself within the movement of being - and so is made new. Concept-self seeks narrative continuity but self recognition of timeless meaning within temporal forms opens the basis from which to release investment in story. Fear of death is fear of loss of self, loss of story and of the thinking that runs the story of define, predict and control within an Infinite Imagination. The rules we set by believing become the world we are conformed to think within - unless they are changed from world-reality to 'belief'. Belief can be recognized untrue, unhelpful and meaningless. But 'reality' can only be suffered and 'fought over'.
The self you accept is the self you give or assign and 'see' in others - in your world.
Self-image or concept is not a living extension of the gift of Existence/Creation. And so a false light in love of form rules out the extension and embrace of unconditional compassion - and however 'shaded'or graded, is a loveless world.
Human knowing in feeling being is eclipsed or masked over by human thinking and experience in social personality construct - and it reflected reality-experience. The personality level is the mask OF personae - not only for the 'self' but as the casting of the 'selves' in all.
Any set of thoughts about our existence is a working or current model or definition by which to open and explore perspective. If it 'works' for who you feel and accept yourself to be now - then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks - and you will open to new perspectives as a result of willingness to learn through this step as part of your unfolding or discovery of your Self. I am not living your life - you are! But in view of the sense of mis-identifcation in personality - we may say we are lived by one Life - each as unique perspectives within a greater whole.
Science predicated exclusively out and away from Consciousness - as the study (and manipulation) of the external world - is part of the mind of define, predict and control that is form-defined and Spirit blind.
But love or truth and the willingness to uncover the already true is aligned with the movement of being - which is to know itself and be truly known. This Intimacy is (in) Being - but is reflected in experience. To be truly known is not being judged - excepting such judgement were of the meaning :" This is my Beloved Whom is my joy".
That Holy Spirit recognition is not pertaining to a person - but it takes one to know one; You can only 'see' or meet that which you are the vibration of. This is never a judgement of blame - but the prompting to release what is not aligned true of you for what is. Embrace of where we are is what allows - and spontaneously induces - growth or shift to freshly aligned perspective - that you consciously appreciate the being of.
More presence of joy is a shifting of our collective vibration from fear-bound thinking which is joyless no matter how it seeks joy in substitution for real relationship.
Consciousness is not a 'possession' excepting the mind presumes to have grasped or gained control of it. Yet this is the state of 'possession' by such a purpose that runs the matrix or school of 'power struggle'.
What you would 'DO' to life, you are done by - even when your 'doing' is unmindful, unwitting or unconscious. Those who 'know not what they do' are dissociated from the creative level in assigning it to the unmindful.
The attempt to avoid consequence is the intent to evade true consciousness - for the splitting off in denial is not an actual split so much as a 'mapped out' division by which to 'rule' the fragments of 'survival'. But it is the 'rule' accepted as true that operates power and not the props and puppets that embody such a 'Law'.
Responsibility and freedom are falsely substituted by blame and sacrifice. Blame God for a loveless creation and you 'meet' a 'Soul-less' experience of the Only Existence. If you get this you see that Creation is not apart from or other to Creator and that time only comes into it as support for the freedom to use of your mind to interject actuality and recognition. The quality of re-cognition is the knowing of what is already true - and not a process in time by which to make or convince or enforce 'true'. But within our human experience - we interpret within our current dimensional framework - whilst that framework is in fact being reconfigured from within. (Although it seems from 'without'.
What is denied consciousness seeks 'coming back' into acceptance with all the force of its denial. Re-cognition frees us from projections of fear, hated and killed... over and over again. False flag operates the attempt and intent to maintain the denial under a sense of self-protection and power against feared, perceived and imagined threat - and has all the power fear gives it along with all of the inventions of the mind in necessity.
If you assign fear the power to guide and protect - then the past reboots its stamp upon the present into a forever Self-aborting future running as 'self' against or as 'subject to'.
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