Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Bill Gates the New Pavlov

Writing into themes arising from Bill Gates: the new Pavlov by Jon Rappoport

#1 To the main article:

A fake world has fake leaders. True leadership is not status, fame or control and so is generally invisible and unrecognized by those seeking status, significance and control. Who has eyes to see, let them see. A fake is a tempt to pass of in stead of true – therefore beneath the fake is ‘hidden’ truth – but only hidden as a result of identifying in and valuing the false as true and thus denying the true.

To Larry: How you explain the matrix – how people are being manipulated...
A personality based upon denial of true, is a mask or ‘lens’ through which nothing is truly recognized – but seems to be a thing apart in a world apart. For denial is not whole acceptance – or rather is part acceptance of something else in place of true. Make not an image and take in place of the Living -or the image demands the sacrifice of the Living to ‘persist in power’.

The recognition of Christ is the grace of true innocence – an unself-conscious innocence of thought – and not the relative ‘innocence’ by which a sense of guilt is seemingly mitigated by the sins seen in the other. Take no thought for your self. When ye thinketh not – fulfilment comes of itself.

Truth is a recognition through us and not a symbol under which to be validated or made special in some future moment to which this one is sacrificed. Any a tempt to ‘do’ Life from a separated self sense blocks its extension through us, and reflects a world to which one is subject to being blocked, under threat and compelled to escape or overcome – in place of the recognition, appreciation and gratitude in the Living.

So the idea of being manipulated by powerful others is a form of the idea of the deceiver – to be recognized truly as a false witness and not a personage, because regardless the form it takes, the propensity to be deceived is the like resonance of ones’ own fears. It takes one to know one. So be willing to know better by recognizing we do not know and being willing to know anew.

Giving power to deceit is taking power from truth. sacrificing truth to an illusion of power. Not that given power, deceit is not very destructive to our peace – but that in false allegiance we believe it power over us and seek to limit loss by denial and defence against any truth that would expose and undo our lack of foundation – except a deceit be-lived is not recognized as deceit – but projected away onto others and to a world that are thus distorted by a hate of others and world – and one’s body for not reflecting perfection. Such hatred may not be much noticed but acts as the ability to ‘see’ what is wrong with everything and frame one’s reality in relation to a sense of dissonance.

Sorting the wheat from the chaff is the Holy Spirit’s gift. To usurp the Holy Spirit is to judge and by the measure you give are you receiving. the Holy Spirit’s judgement is through you to the recognition of another and thus to you as the true witness of another. If you prefer you own gift, recognize it is given you by your world and your brother/sister even as you gave them.

Who cares to give up investment in guilt and sin in willingness for a greater perspective to be given instead? Not those who worship sin, sickness and death as truth and power, but regardless of convictions to the contrary, minds are not fixed and can be release to renewal.

If we are wrong about our self – then everything else will be wrong with it. In an insane world would this not be a good thing to uncover and correct?

To Oliver who said: World tyrants do not want the public to know that a ...

(Yes but do we hide in such terms) If you use your wife (or any other excuse) as a reason for not living the life that is within you to embrace – then are you not living the life that is within you to embrace and using your wife as a cover story for not living the life that is within you to embrace?
No blame. But the first step is to own our own instead of hiding in cover stories of self justification that mask our feeling of being and mesh with the mask of others to limit life to a fake and manipulative justifiction – on the basis of a justified affection.

So generally you can see a default identity born of fear or conflicted self, runs as an active defence of limitation and conflict as a condition of darkness or diversion in which a notional security presents itself as power over life – as a cover story for the incapacity to embrace the life that is within them to embrace.

Although information can be withheld, just as can a blessing, the fact of its withholding is communicated and a sense of being in an unwhole or unreal situation is a natural basis for the desire to know the truth in place of a sense of conflicted reality. But the mind that has adapted and grown to navigate and survive the ‘cover story’ reality is also the mind that makes it and which covers over the direct movement of the feeling of being – which is of a different order than the divide and rule segregation and control, separation and conflict; it is a movement within wholeness.

Re-waking the wholeness of which the individuality is a true expression, is the recognition and release of a false version of self and world that may have served in the past or may have been learned by induction and in whatever way played its part in bringing you to where you are. The recognition is the release, for what you recognize not to be true of you cannot continue to pass as true – though it can run as a cover story knowingly chosen – if you choose that. Acting from the true of you is beyond the ability of the false – because any acting from a false sense of self must reinforce the blocks to the recognition of the true.

The feeling awareness and discernment of the true is something to learn not to recoil from, shut down, grasp or exploit. In that sense let be is staying open with. There is no it in being – only in abstracted thought about who and what you are – with everything. In using such separating thought as currency of the real, the real is obscured and ‘it’ is forced into the deceit and prison of our thinking, which we experience as ourself being imprisoned by force and deceit.

Genuine currency has to check in with the true of you now. To check in you have to stop making the world and open receptivity in simple self-honesty. But if you only check in with your cover story – you are not checking for truth but to strengthen your alibi.

What is it we seek to cover; to hide or hide from? The defences made around the hidden are fearful but what has been hidden is the true of you – by layers of false belief reacted to as real and to which the true is sacrificed so the coverings are the stories of the trauma of separation and loss, betrayal and isolation. This ‘territory’ is like a ‘forbidden zone’, no one gets far. Many spend their entire life looking away so as to not know.

But truth is an inside job – and not a raid on the Light. Always is an inside job regardless of invested identity in appearances.

The attempt to escape the trap is the trap’s reinforcement of a false framing mind-capture.

The way out of an insane situation is the recognition you are not in it. So take the bait – or don’t take the bait – of a framework of thought-triggered emotional and physical reaction that seems power or protection in its moment but renews your subscription to a a life of diminishing returns, for what is given to illusion is robbed from true recognition, appreciation, gratitude – as the participance of being exactly and uniquely you – with everyone -which requires no sacrifice to be ‘made’ true and which grows naturally by aligning the do with the be.

A state of dissonance between doing and being is feedback by which to check in and re-align with your joy – and re-evaluate definitions and beliefs as to what you want and who you are in any given situation. Joy can be defined negatively – as health can be reduced to absence of symptom. But life is truly felt – and the qualities of that extend of themselves through your day – without demanding sacrifice or validation of others. This is not about living UP to something, but more freely releasing what does not belong when we are ready and willing to recognize that in simple honesty. It cant be forced and so this IS the uncovering of the true free will – from a mind-substitution. And of course it is not what we expect.

I don’t need to sell you to yourself – but in the willingness to know is the synchronicity of the timings of a shared appreciation; a true worth. So I have appreciated not attacking the cover story for that is was a choice made for its own reasons in its own moment, so thank you cover story for whatever roles you served in my life and now I choose to align with who I am revealed to be – because it is the true of me. Dis covering life anew is not back to zero – but arising from what had seemed zero to a false thinking. While you want the world of false thinking you wont open to the miraculous nature of life. Can you feel that tension as the ‘mind’ control?


Freedom is space in movement – the movement that creates space and the space that induces movement. If I believe I possess freedom then I believe I can be dispossessed – and experience that as a direct result of such seeming ‘power’ as threat, rivalry, opposition, fear of loss, and rage at the perceived intention to dispossess me.

The grasp to define, control and possess life or freedom is the basis for the loss of awareness of freedom by the use of it to deny its own witness. The freedom to experience slavery is the substitution of a tyrannous will for the true. But you are free to change your mind about your mind.

The limiting of the self to a body within a world of bodies and the limiting of the mind to a brain within a body is the limiting of freedom to the terms and confines of the body. What the body is used for is the basis of the experience gathered through it. The use of body as an instrument for communication is aligned in freedom to communication amidst a Universe that is a Total Communication at every level, facet or quality of energetic information exchange. Such freedom is Existence or indeed Creation in which no truly separate state or object exists outside or apart from the Totality of its being.

The idea of a separation is in the substitution for direct participance by a thought of possession – and by such thought is a state of possession given focus as a point of reference seemingly outside and apart from the act of a relational creation. The self idea or self in image operates an exclusive focus when identified in substitution for the freedom of participance – and the gratification in a substitute reality is fed by the ever tighter control and exclusion of such focus in getting. Compulsion to get is redefined as freedom and corrupts the communication and relationships by substituting communication with a getting device in the form of communicating, and substituting relationship with something to get from and get away with it.

So freedom can focus within insanity and lose its own reflected recognition – but where you choose to look for who and what you are is up to you and not determined by meanings you made up and sacrifice to. Everything is an energetic expression and yet abuse or imbalance within an open or infinite exchange results in loss of vibratory presence or ‘Field-awareness’ to the action-reaction of chaotic expression and over-control. Regaining balance is true centred open receptivity – and learning to express and embody true communication is restoring trust in a state where distrust locked everything down – regardless the pain and loss that entailed for the overwhelm of fear triggered what we now take as our mind – but is a tiny spark hidden beneath a fragmented incoherence. Freedom to further fragment under denial is no freedom at all. Freedom is still within the spark of what could not be completely eradicated, covered over or denied.

Stillness is the context of all motion, Silence of all sound, and Space of all movement. Relative minds cannot embrace what in truth already is the case. Focusing on the forms of expression as if self-existing reality is absenting your source nature. Life goes nowhere ELSE but where are you?

Presence of mind is not scattered, like Humpty to be put together again, but unified in purpose.

Where is freedom in conflicted purpose? Yet is not keeping the mind in conflict the means by which a false gratification of ‘freedom to get’ operates a masked agenda? – and jealously so?

Words like freedom have become degraded by accepted misuse. We CAN redeem the currency of our communication and exchange – if we choose to not use false coin whenever we notice it is offered – and in the space left open by pausing, feel for a more aligned communication. This is not political correctness or any kind of outer conformity but a realignment to the true of you, without need of justification or apology. Give as you would in truth receive.

#4 To the main article:

Jon’s idea of a clan or tribe ‘leader’ is a projection of his concept of ‘leadership’.

Now insofar as Jon is honouring truth and acting in alignment with his true will and not overriding and usurping it with a substitute or fake presentation, he is stepping into a leadership role that others can follow or align with in their own way – as the freedom of their own will.

But if anyone is seeking to recruit, capture, manipulate and persuade others to align or agree with a presentation of a substitute self seeking to get validation and reinforcement – he is not leading so much as fooling himself and inviting others to support him in it.

Extrapolate to whatever situation.

From Quebec says: Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser.
~Donald J. Trump

My comment to Trump is that you CANNOT show anything to an ego that the ego does not see as rival – and assign ‘loser’ to – in the belief it is a winner and there’s no room for anyone else – excepting to use them in guise of alliance.

But Trumps’ statement is a succinct encapsulation of the predator/prey mentality that subsumes all else to ‘winning’ in the terms set by war-minded blindness.

the term ego – like most any other – is subverted and changed to mean all manner of things by all manner of people and becomes what anyone wants it to mean.

In terms I feel might be meaningful to the willingness to wake from the matrix-mind rather than sacrifice freedom to its deceit – the ego-reaction is reacting from conditioning. The would be predator seeks to be the one doing the conditioning and uncovering the weaknesses in others so as to be able to unsettle and manipulate them. They identify with ‘winners’ and use ‘losers’ as if that is the natural order. They will lie with no sense of deceit or betrayal for they have no identification with any other principle but ‘winning’ and no respect for anyone who doesn’t fight their corner – seeing everyone as fighting the same war but with a losing hand compared to the ‘self-made man.

Perspective upon the ego or mind at personality level is awakening as an upstream perspective to it’s range of focus. You see yourself in act – not think about yourself in concept. Put in an example I saw two male pheasants fighting in the road – so intensely engaged in ‘winning’ that neither had any free awareness to notice the truck before they exploded into a cloud of feathers.

The compulsive is tyrannical, believing it is protecting ‘freedom’ but freedom is willingly open to relationship without coercion and deceit. The use of ego as a put down is identical to any other put-down. It takes one to know one.

Note the scientific ego says ‘show me proof that it works and we will accept it’ – and denies any evidences that don’t meet the complex rules that only its high priests can oversee and adjudicate on. Its a monopoly cartel that usurps the law is this ‘ego’. The corrupted law is to keep ‘losers’ in their place.

It is said every man has his price and if they don’t take up the offer they can be paid in pain and death.

I foresaw that the pretence at moral integrity was beyond repair but I didn’t foresee that its (orchestrated?) defeat was to an arrogance claiming virtue by contrast with the corruption of the previous administration. Trump’s America – great under Goldman? Who is the winner and who is the lackey? ‘Smart’ people don’t challenge power but live within its dictate.


arcadia11 says:  視其所以,觀其所由,察其所安。人焉叟哉?人焉叟哉?
See a person’s means (of getting things). Observe his motives. Examine that in which he rests. How can a person conceal his character?

Confucious was asked on what he would do if in the seat of power – and he said he would redeem the vocabulary (obviously paraphrased in English here!).

Who accords such import to our vocabulary or currency of thought and word?

Anyone who recognizes that all else proceeds from its foundations – and that a corrupted or indeed hijacked foundation is a much deeper understanding of the saying; “he who steals a kingdom they call king (but who steals a loaf they hang).

With regard to your points, a logical detective mind ensures not to run off with a good story just because it has a personal appeal – but to check the contextual supports for it. For if we simply believe what we ‘want’ to believe we are able to fool ourselves or be easily fooled.

Taking believe as be live. If you cannot be live something it is the result of a dissonance or inner conflict. Feeling into the nature of the conflict uncovers what is truly you and what is clutter, baggage or indeed a negative payload of self destructive belief.

Once one is freed from the need to identify in conflicting belief – a quality of discernment rises self aware rather than intuitive prompting or guidance. This might be called ‘recognizing all things within oneself’. Judgement – in its presumptive power over life – divides and rejects to rule out from a sense of power – and so is ‘in’ a world of powerlessness, rage and vengeance.

A Christian idea was to address the sin as something to correct in oneself or facilitate healing of – in the context of a true appreciation of the worth that is covered over by false thinking – from which only false or evil outcomes proceed – no matter how skilfully presented.

So engaging in the ‘ego’ entanglement AS IF to be righteous is simply part of the strategy of persisting IN IT. If waking FROM the nightmare is the desire of the heart and the willingness of the mind to serve – then such entanglement is the lure of deceit and not a true communication to parley or engage with and thus give reality to.

Listening fro willingness in the other is like looking for signs of life among the dead – who but sleep in evil dreams. A lack of willingness is easily felt by a willingness to give and receive – and so there is no call to persist in a fruitless or futile attempt to communicate in that situation – except to leave with a blessing and attend where there IS willingness.

The ‘ego’ is attached to its outcomes – and if the ‘sheepie’ don’t ‘wake up’ the anger rises in judgement for all to see. Who is the sleepie?

The ego is the desire to identify better than or worse than – thus setting up a false sense of worth that inevitably manifests the ‘pyramid’ of hierarchical structure as personal status and personal power and personal ‘glory’. No one embodied is completely without the sense of identity in lack – that automatically seeks completion in appetites or goals that substitute for true fulfilment. But there IS no substitute for love – nor for the wholeness and balance of what power is – beneath the attempt to ‘lord it over’ Life.

The primary spark of motivation is not wrong for wholeness of being is our true Inheritance – but the structure of belief and definition that filters and distorts this motivation results in insane strategies for a movement originally felt AS Life. So the sense of primary grievance in abandonment or betrayal is imprinted on and associated WITH Life and assigned TO it.

Splitting off from Life is not possible or you would have NO awareness of existing at all! And so the WISH to be a power unto yourself on that of Life which judgement rejects is the core assertion of substitution for true Willing. The Will is not controlled but received and aligned in. In some sense the denied Will is held in trust and restored as the ‘Holy Spirit’ of true discernment that moves through our willing-ness no matter how seemingly limited.

There is a positive appreciation of the ego for holding attention within the world as an expression of true desire. The negatively polarized ego traps attention in the world as the defence against true desire – because true desire is your whole and holy Will. The worth of this and its fruits is always a joined or shared appreciation and felt as blessing or joyful shift to a quality of gratitude FOR being.

the personal ego attributes the Life to ITS understanding, insight, actions as private and self special

sense of self. IT divides off to assert ITSELF Individual. But the New Wine will not be held in the old bottles. The matrix is subscribed by the belief-wish of a private and personal self-specialness that DEPENDS on the ‘enemy’, ‘other’ or scapegoat to gain and support ITS identity as yours.

IF you knew what it costs – no one in their right mind would want it. But no one is in their right mind because insanity is the cost. But within the mind of division is a spark that cannot be entirely extinguished and that is the stirring, promoting or noticing of a place or quality of being within you that the life in the world forgot. IF you want sanity – then learn to bring your focus here – regardless the tricks of the mind and as the capacity to recognize and not take their bait.

It is your Life – to live and be and share in – and uniquely so. Why seek to live something else, when that costs you the true appreciation that IS yours – and is not gotten at expense of anyone else – in fact it realigns a capacity to appreciate others in ways the fear-defined sense of self cannot imagine.


P J Mac says:    I can’t help but wonder how dull Bill Gates’ life must be

His beliefs form the matrix of his thoughts, feelings and actions as yours do for you.

The division of the world into winners and losers – within a context of fear of losing – is a basis from which to ‘identify’ in the ‘winning’ class and use the losers while justifying it as the management of human problems.

If the ‘problem’ is defined so as to be a vector for the gaining of ‘power’ to some grand solution – then the problem will be protected nurtured and fed like a forest fire to clear the land.

The capacity to hold belief in a future solution in the making while perpetuating unimaginable suffering and destruction is an example of the denial of true Presence for the sake of an evasion.

The investment in a false goal may reveal itself false as it is also recognized that there is no way back. The price for access to ‘power’ is the demonstration of the capacity to break the moral allegiance (one’s human feeling) to do the necessary – but set within the hierarchy of obedience.

So the emergent need to act within an impossible situation is replicated as a recruitment tool – and instead of reaching for one highest sense of guidance one does the new master’s bidding – and becomes and asset – with limited access to privilege – with strings attached.

The sucker is played for the need to be a ‘winner’ – and praised for their qualities and achievements that are then cast in the role of ‘helping’ in a great and worthy task relative to ‘these problems that must be faced – dealt with – and your the Man!’.

A sense of greatness deserved – that was not acknowledged, supported or recognized will now assert itself in ‘power’ that cant be ignored. Make great again… under the power that owns you.

Grandiosity is a grotesque and absurd masquerade. True grandeur is innate to the Soul – not the persona. What covers the Soul but the ‘mind’ of thought and belief that seeks to gain a world for itself!

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