Tuesday 9 May 2023

Spiked Narratives and the Discernment of True

Spiked Narratives and the Discernment of True


 Getting tangled up in details is a divergence from the original desire.
But there is a psychological defence that biases towards avoiding disclosure by framing or defining its conflict-seeking resolution or question in terms that ensure it will never truly resolve or allow answer - excepting as themes of thinking that promise much but only deliver further baits and hooks to double down in research and defence. Such that the 'search' becomes a substitute for meaning and identity (life lived and shared in creative endeavour).
So now all the invested 'identities' project their worldviews of conflict agenda or evil - such as to justify funding for R&D against threat - or indeed human sacrifice as justified neccessity - that the system (of staked identities) be 'saved'.

Narratives are 'expressions of meaning' or extensions of fundamental ideas. The belief in death as power over life is the limiting of life to the body & world - that is of imaged forms seemingly self-existing as each a cause and effect. It is perhaps impossible to convey a world experience within consciousness to those who lockdown in the belief that consciousness is somehow in a private thinking, that is in a brain and body and entirely powerless and subject to a self-existing physical determination of events - from catastrophic destructions to genetic codings for cancer.
The mind or Thought can project or externalise itself from discarded or ignored Self. We do this all the time - phished by our own thinking.

Here is a key - 'our own thinking'. For as a man thinketh so he is - or rather so he experiences himself becoming. We cannot have experience of 'Is' but to be. As soon as we set or accept definition, we behold an experience of its result. In this sense we learn by what we teach of demonstrate. Self-conditioned learning is a feedback loop of self-reinforcing investment of identity - as meanings felt resonant to desire in experience. But as we all know, we can wish for what we realise we don't in fact want and create results that run counter to our true desire.

Conflict is first within, as conflicted belief & desire, to then result in reflective experience.
I see that dissonance can be released to a realigning of decision - ie choose one and let the other go, but it can also be used as a basis for projecting the cause of the conflict out and away from a persistence of a self identification gained or gotten from the conflict itself; as a sense of lack or denial of self seeking to Get possession and control 'back' from whatever external agent is flagged to serve as the vector of risk, threat or aggrieved offence.
This is the guilting & masking of self-lack in manipulative power over life - at least in the minds of all who share in the learning and teaching of such belief.

In a crisis of identity resulting from insane reflections set in competing narratives for blame, where is a true sanity to be found? At leasy in the recognition of an insanity now brought aware and therefore partial, so that there is a light of awareness as 'eyes that can see' subject only to recognition and release of the active ignorance of believing we know - or believing we must maintain the presentation of believing we know - or else be revealed ourself the king without clothes.
But WHO told you you were naked? said the Lord.
In the story it is the foreign courtiers who respond to the king's desire for aggrandisement with a mind-trap that can only be escaped by the release of the vanity that invoked the lie - as the father of it.
What is conflict persisted in?
Draining, depleting and exhausting - such as to have to call in external boosting defences to maintain a dwindling life within. The defences are Grandiose but buried within them is every kind of toxic denial. The mind is split to learn to see the world set in narratives spun from lies like debt is spun to make money. Which came first; the debt or the loan? They are the same, but interest is set only on the lender.

There is another way to evaluate stories than weighing probability, and that is discernment.
There is generally a baby in the bathwater of anything we are preset to judge against or cast out of mind as if to get rid of. Hence there is a need to look on the hated and feared to be free of otherwise being compelled to look away - that itself is a result of a fascination and fixation in horror and the 'dynamic' of conflict that is then hidden or masked over as unthinkable or evil.
Yet still active in the mind even though masked in the belief or wish to have got rid of it - or at least mitigated and managed the pain.

Why would we want genetic control?
In life we acquire subconsciously learned patterns of perception and response to free attention. But much as may seem otherwise these are not 'hard wired' but can be brought to awareness as a choice we can choose not to persist in, and so can change our mind by acting differently to create a new habit over time. Many are so invested in the habit identity as a comfort zone as to literally prefer to die in it (or of it) than bring it to awareness as the transformative renewal of mind - for what seemed so has to be brought to what is so - in terms of presence not in terms of ticking boxes of a masking correctness.

So those who choose a spiked narrative and agenda are accepting the projection of cause to a story spun out of dark defence budgets that are one with every other kind of organised crime running 'outside of accountability' as a masked and manipulative private thinking.

Of course there is a baby in the bathwater of a bent, bought and corrupted science, releasing one to wholly embrace the other is redemption or indeed salvage of original meaning from an adulteration with wishful or dissociative thinking.

I am not accepting of biology (life!) defined in dark labs to run as risk models set as contagion in the minds that buy & sell active ignorance against fear of exposure to the fears that are in any case our own - and not the jurisdiction of foreign courtiers or fawning compliance of fear set compliant.

Is it a 'conspiracy' to mask in mutually agreed definitions as a means to 'create' our own masking reality bubble? Yet this is dependent on NOT knowing what we do - or we cannot carry it off!
But reality undistorted is always already given and received - but the 'dreaming' of a mis-taken inheritance, casts out its conflicting results as our self in world of struggle.

What is 'apocalypse' or 'revelation' but the undoing of a masking over to reveal not just the device of masking self-deceptions but the undistorted truth of life within. Is that a 'reset'? In a sense yes - but not to a zero set by the old Guard, but to a quality and flow of being that is of shared presence - regardless time & space - yet aligning synchronicity in the heart.

in response to the themes in:


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