Sunday 22 January 2023

In another galaxy far far away

in response to the themes in:



In another galaxy far far away were a people who believed in pathological biology - don't laugh!–it set them in a prison that bound ever tighter with every seeming escape or solution.
From biota as disease germ, came invisible nano-germs called viruses, that took on every kind of mutating trick to outsmart the attempt to eradicate them, so as to reveal themselves as genetic code that hacked living cells, injected code that took them over to replicate more pathology, that then left the cells to infect other cells , to then leave the organism to attack other organisms. Life could only survive by an 'immune system' that itself could be hacked into attacking itself, and yet required constant boosting against an overwhelming risk of sickness, pain and loss, indicated by various biomarkers of fluctuating levels of various tests that were related to various theories as to how sickness could be suppressed , where treatments were generally toxic and causing greater ills than letting be.

Yes such is the power of a fearful imagination set loose from a naturally felt being, that the mind itself was denied a role in the body - after the metaphorical horse had already escaped the stable door, such that thinking was locked down to materially caused symptoms for which only material solutions & interventions were officially allowed. But that only kept the people in the dark when biological shocks resulted in physical symptoms - often when the healing phase was active, such as to see healing as sickness and completely miss the cause while mistreating the patient.
In this way of seeing, the disease is very powerful, so the treatment has to be more so - even at risk of collateral damage or side effects, but when the treatment killed it was always seen as the disease won the battle, and more money was called up to boost an immunity that was only really applicable to the 'treatment industrial complex'.

Yes the people lived as caged laboratory specimens by their own choice! Believing that Sacrifice paid in fear of pain of loss, would offset as Protection from fear set in the frame of risk of future pain of loss.
Many tried to help them see that they did this even unto themselves, but nothing they said could be understood, but if only partly understood the messengers were attacked & drawn into pathological thinking or denied any voice or place.

Meanwhile their  Model of pathological biology mutated to weak and broken genetic coding as the cause for susceptibility for sickness and the genetic control complex set to remake biology to better serve its officially assigned functions, even though no such control was in fact controllable.

The last stand was in the discovery of bio-field operating upstream to presumed genetic controls. But as with germs, only insiders understood that the mainstreamed official narratives were more a way to control people that related to anything real, but in the guise of a saviour complex, they set to block life, transfect their own signalling and boost the failed genetic solution to the failed germ & virus solution, so that they would finally GET rid of the disease, even if they lost the patient.

What happened to them next?
Did they live happily ever after?
Knowing nothing?

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