Thursday 6 October 2022

Self-Parody running as a face for power set in lies

Self-Parody running as a face for power set in lies
in response to the themes in:

The phrase; "You couldn't make this up!" is redundant when 'they' obviously did & do. But also 'they' send themselves up as such a grotesque and absurd parody of life as to almost monopolise it's use. 'They" don't even try to seriously pass off a fakery as real, for whatever reasons we may infer.
A discernment of the living from the dead is a basis to release what has no belonging so as to wholly engage with what does and is here to be and share in.
I use 'they' in quotes, but also use 'it', for it runs the minds of all who would give power to a lie of a self and life, as basis for an attack on life and lives of others no longer recognised, but subordinated and sacrificed to the lie and the father of it. We can readily observe our own mind for a proclivity to protect invested identity rather than listen and receive a basis for that which identifies truly - or as I put it, a discernment of living truth.
Archetypal themes recycle the generations. Pattern recognition can serve expansion of perspective to a shift of  realignment of the whole. Terms may change but Garbage in; garbage out applies the same as sowing and reaping. The result is determined in the predicates. A dim awareness of this excites the hacker that would engage sorcery in our Source Code, but I put it to you, did Prometheus run off with a mis-taken copy to gas-light his own project onto some Cave wall?
Is it not evident that no external enemy could achieve the destruction we do unto ourself  unless at some level we joined or contracted so?
I met a phrase recently that I resonate with and so I accept as worthy currency; "Sovereign Integral".
Just a the Prodigal Son ran off with a mis-taken inheritance or identity, so can a mind be phished by its own image, symbol, concepts, perception & response, as a fundamental Self-dissociation set in seeking external validation.
'Psychological' concepts may not connect directly to psychic-emotional conflict because they are already a mind set over and apart from itself as distanced masked and with intent to predictively control according to its modelling of order set over against chaos or indeed terror of exposure to pain and loss.
A spotlight conceals more than it reveals. What we think to know may run an active ignorance relative to deeper patterns of conflict evasion or pre-emptive attack.
Life is a relational exchange within fields that cannot be quantified or predictively controlled, though we can and do effectively block communication selectively via rules and filters of value set by persistent focus rather than what we tell ourself or others. If the cost of 'control' is not only death in life but a persistent futility in pain, conflict and meaninglessness or joylessness– then there is a basis to question it as the true source or nature of power in life or arbiter of reality despite and because of an addictive fascination with horror and the 'dynamics' of conflict.

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