Sunday 18 September 2022

When Hate Masks as Caring.

I wrote this as an online comment to someone in the 'Family Constellations' community struggling in the identity of oppressor as 'white supremacist' just for being white and then feeling unable to address racism in the context of her work.


The use of grievance and guilting as a source of power 'gives and receives' in its own measure.
When vengeance is given priority, healing is discarded and the wound is protected.
The underlying oppression is beneath or behind victim & victimiser.
But those who seek controversy shall find it.
The ''group conscience' for being seen as 'caring people' demands correctness or cancelling and exclusion.
The particular agency through which a perpetration of blind egoism denies the living,  becomes at some point denied as 'evil' so as to perpetrate pain of denial as hate justified in the name of 'caring'. The mind by which love is induced to give itself to hate, and then support the misery that ensues, is a blind love that has yet to differentiate its own signature vibration from its parenting cultural idioms.
Because your skin colour, you are to be denied and excluded?
To live as an apology for existing?
To have to justify yourself for permission to speak?
Yes there is a charge of denial, but there are also elements that manipulate or cultivate collective grievance to use as proxy weapons for hatred of life in any other image than their own.

Of course your functions are blocked when to let flow is felt to threaten your survival - no?
You may not use 'God' but I will to say that the denial of our Source and Nature is embodied by the split of an attacked and attacking mind.
"Even as ye do unto the least ye do unto Me" is not an exhortation to double down in blame and self-denial but to Recognize Me in your 'brother' - used here for an integral expression of the Field that precedes our 'thinking' and reveals when a self and world made by mutual 'agreements as rules and filters - is released.

The blindness to the 'other' is part of the formative 'self'.
The recognition of dissonance that we often interpret as guilt, is the opportunity to realign true so as to come into a resonance of honouring appreciation.
If a blind hatred seeks your destruction, I recommend not inviting it into your heart, your relationships, your thinking, your appreciation for being.
It must be seeking love in ways that deny it, but only the Spirit's discernment reveals that to our heart. The attempt to usurp the Spirit as someone who should love is seeking love in a way that denies it too, so the match is made energetically for a 'special love' to sacrifice to an ideal set in image that has no life but what we give it. But all the power we give it is then our own subjection.

The work of true willingness is always subject specific. Taking some attributes and then generalising as if universal is the nature of usurping the heart and mind of true desire - for how can we see through or past the experience we have accepted and identified in as our validation, vindication and survival?

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