Tuesday 17 May 2022

On the means to pre-empt an unwitting choice

 in response to the themes in:



Accepting a premise unwitting by engaging in its terms or framing.

The fake choice is thus a means to pre-empt an unwitting choice.

The urge to react becomes invested identity in outcomes.

Narrative identity is already invested – and so this can be profiled as a means to target a particular or range of profiles for such reaction.

From the perspective of inner peace, loss of peace rises from a sense of lack – so that experiencing a filfilment can trigger a desire to grasp or keep it. Here is the identity in lack reacting to what is here as something that can be lost and losing it by grasping at its form.
We then defend such identity as a sense of self-specialness against threat of change – such as to run as a protected narrative that filters and rules what can then be allowed.

This will automatically frame its thought in false binary – such as to vacillate between expression of a self specialness (anger) or repression of the action-component (depression). But freedom is in whether to choose to persist in self-illusion, or release it for a renewing or our mind. As illusion only ‘works’ to mask reality by remaining unwitting, bringing the choice to awareness makes ‘re-choosing’ the habit an active intent.

The act of persisting in self-illusion by willingness to attack & deny true or living relationships is a definition for sin or living death in hollow parody of life trapped in its own driven image.

The function of illusion is not inherently sinful, but a personal freedom within our inherited creative potential to enhance, augment and contribute to shared frameworks for experience, and exchange. Mistaking what we make for true creation is where image or symbol substitutes for living qualities – that cannot be defined or contained in the realm of image or concept. To the mind focused in object-modelling, meanings may seem to be innate or built-in to the object. Yet they never truly leave the mind that holds them.

True communication is resonance. The interjection of dissonance (self-contradictions), can run as a distortion or blocking filter to a derivative experience that ‘normalises’ as a defended but covert identity set to protect its distancing and masking from exposure that threatens reliving the original ‘Separation trauma’ that its regards itself as a surviving fragment of rather than mask over.

How do you get a masking ID to release its (destructive or blocking) defences?
You cannot.
Communication is a resonance of living qualities freely aligned in.
But what we make in the mask as a means to boost or bolster our own, or break and enforce another, is all framed within the mask of a manipulative mind – no matter how intensely or cunningly mimicking life.

By the word that comes from our own mouth (mind) are we corrupted?
Giving true witness – and indeed true with-ness – must learn to recognise and release the false. Garbage in; garbage out – also applies to our fruits or experience that results from the use to which we put our mind.

Running on habit seems natural or easy as a freedom from responsibility at heart, yet taking on a complex of emotional baggage for issues that may not be ours to take on – excepting they mask for our own denied inner conflicts, that are seeking integration or release from denial – but by distorted or perverted means.

Functional is often used for reductionist thinking, but I have it that our true function is joy.
When we take on or give ourselves other functions, we generate the sacrificial reversal of mind, in which the imaged idol or model demands sacrifice of the living to be sustained against the ‘end of the world’ (in terms of that identity/paradigm).

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