Monday 14 November 2022

Solipsism; Are you the dreamer of your own dream?

John Carter
Solipsism: From the perspective of the EGO, there is NOTHING else. No other minds, nothing outside itself. It is GOD and SELF. That should be the true definition of Solipsism - to include EGO as the point of view.
 Hang on! ...There is a sense of being excluded or deprived that drives it to get it for itself and be seen by others to have it. The ego is the belief in a separate mind, which by definition is othered or distanced from 'othered' mind, or 'world-mind'. Compartmentalised meanings that all reflect back witnesses to being alone and apart. If solipsism was taken to Mind rather than self-thinking- alone, it would find no self apart but only relational exchange, and so would recoil from Infinity to get its normal back ;-)
The ego sense of wanting to "belong" and "be seen/appreciated" is the ego insisting on being revered. But, since it considers "out there" to be the same as "in here" (what is portrayed on the canvas/dashboard is the only reality), then it can only be revered by itself. It amounts to the ego proclaiming that it is "that" which created "all that is" and then insisting on an approving audience that is "other." Wait! That sounds an awful lot like the God of the Old Testament.
There is a critical difference; God knows all in one and one in all. This is to truly know and be known. Only apparent separation generates longing from a love that needed no name until replaced by imaged symbol (ego). The substitution for Reality runs a fragmented or distanced and masked version as attack on God. (Ego) running unconscious - hence your narcissistic sketch. Beneath appearances is the true unconscious wellspring of a Creation that is at the same 'time' superconscious. That is to say it's Life Jim, but not as we know it.
We are not self-creating, but the illusion of such a self-world runs in its own mythic prequel - that is we create the past (or father) that supports and justifies our currently accepted self-acceptance or assertion. Our Mythic consciousness of Self, God & World underlies our narrative identity–not as a fixed template but as a transformable 'structure' or complex of acquired and inherited definitions and beliefs - most of which are unconscious or masked.

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