Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Out of One - Not Banged Out of Nothing

in response to the themes in Iain Davis's pt4 of The Multipolar World Order:


"For those who manipulate geopolitics covertly, it is perfect:
the system itself is king."

Covert ID is the nature of a masked 'reality'.

"They don’t care what the intent of an idea is. They care only how they can use that ideology or philosophy to justify their actions if anyone asks." 

This is the premise of eGoF or covert ID masking so as to gain function from life for lies - or invested & protected self-illusion.

The 'pole' that is missing from the thinking or system of control is the truth or wholeness that "All the king’s horses and all the king’s men" are set to put together again from a fragmented and broken chaos driven order.
Masking strategy runs against yet depends upon fear of pain of loss.

Integral Sovereignty is denied or blocked from awareness by fragmented conflict driven narrative control, that runs a normalised reversal of effect and cause to gain a world but lose Soul of Felt awareness. Yet truth is not edited or changed by illusion or lie so much as masked out or masked over in the mind that joins in wanting self-illusion and fearing truth as pain of loss.


"But WHO told you your were naked?" said the Lord.

Apart from its current reference, I see this statement reminds our freedom to question our 'reality' and the thoughts that induced us to want or need to mask or defend a sense of self-lack, invalidity, or guilt for our existence.

#2 (Commenter refutes claims of China as running social credit system)

How to corroborate anything in such a fragmented 'world'?
The 'enemy image' works as a primary device to keep a conflicted mind in lockstep or focus of separate self interest - as in distanced and masked to 'save' itself from communication or relationship in which self-denials or deeper conflicts are brought into awareness.
While this projection is valid information for our own healing, the susceptibility it opens is to coercive manipulation by others seeking to boost their life by coopting the power in life you are induced to give away. Victim & victimiser are equally entangled in darkness of lack, conflict and disconnection.

There is a social debit system running the minds of the many called guilt and offset by blame such as to generate narrative masking evasions by which to persist in lawless or irresponsible acts while offsetting them AWAY from the polarity of a self set in control.
Reality cannot be controlled excepting as we choose to define and accept or identify true. Of course reality remains as is, but we can effectively block, filter and limit an experience of substitution.

I sense that mis-taken identity runs as 'self-interest' in ways not unlike the idea of Adam Smith's 'hidden hand' of a common good based on common sense - excepting that the premise of a masking identity is that it makes you safe & gets you what you need to survive the conditions that made it. Those conditions were set prior to the development of rational thought or a differentiated sense of self in the social order.

Conflict denial enacts the violence it thinks to eradicate under zero tolerance or zealous idealism.
Conflict evasion defers or delays the inevitable by buying the time it makes as diversionary displacements and obfuscation.
Conflict acted out in violence is self-and other destructive.

The idea of nipping conflict in the bud makes sense if we truly address the cause - which is ALWAYS in the relational field and never entirely in the perpetrator, or indeed in the scapegoat by which a society of masked violence can persist in a seemingly clear conscience, because 'evil vermin or enemies are "good" to eradicate'. The realm of 'cause' of ills is thus manipulated by personally invested ingenuity of thought instead of being brought to an integrally creative awareness.
But those who would hack the Source as code, cannot recognise a true word or a true value shared - while intent in war on reality as justified, necessary and meaningful.

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