Sunday 29 May 2022

Fear of Disclosure

Posted to The Duran in response to:

John Ward often writes excellent pieces on his blog, 'The Slog'. Here's his latest, where he looks at Elon Musk through the angle of his ties with the CIA, moves on to the CIA itself, and the role it continues to play in the woes of the world, including Ukraine. There's a lovely infographic summarising the scares and turmoil and their linkages. A short article, well worth 10 minutes to read.

 Deconstructing the Elon Musk fantasy, and quantifying the spooks’ ability to confuse us

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And here I must say, that Alexander and Alex - each in their particular ways, interprets and reports in what might be called a conventional frame of reference, or Overton Window. No blame, but 'old normal' no longer serves, and so new choices are needed to set the basis for new 'habits'.

There is yet another layer to A Wards sketchmap of interrelated factors, in the underlying psychic-emotional motivations of self-interests as defined by such framing definitions running for the most part unseen to the 'consciousness' that reacts as if what they perceive is in FACT reality.

Fear of Disclosure to (fear of) pain and loss - of self, of face, of control, masks itself in every kind of self-justification but as the Bible says:
"But WHO told you you were naked?" said the Lord.
Masking 'realities' battle each other as polarised narrative identities in echo of mythic gods, but the basis of true principle rests in real relationship, given and received.
Fear seeking control is running out of even the 'control' it offers as protection from externalised projections of threat - such as can be distorted to serve a gain of function AS a control mindset.

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