Friday 4 June 2021

Mob Vengeance? 

Tim Dreyton:

We should be welcoming them to our side, to sanity, not tarring and feathering them.

Yes. The re-wakening to a shared humanity is the only basis from which renewal can rise from the stamped mind of corruption of thought, word and deed.

The reaction set in vengeance is a direct contagion of the same energy hated in the ‘other’. Regardless the ‘other’s’ actual belief or intentions, consciousness or state of dispossession.

The hates that arise are not the best guide for decision or action, but for many, they know nothing else and protect their grievance as their treasure and their life.

Hence I feel there is a lot more compression to come in terms of the cost of clinging to self-illusions – IF – as I see it – this is a process of releasing all that doesn’t serve, belong or truly share meaning.

Considering life in concept is capable of callous indifference or heartless cruelty as a result of the experience that concepts raised as gods brings forth. As is evident.

Poohbah of Doodah

Maybe, but I say we shave their heads & frog march them down the street- just in case you’re wrong

Nothing quite like a mob permission slip to bring out that hidden sadist!

We all have all components, but take different roles (at different times).

The mob vengeance is a protected and identified fear set in hate and seeking a target for vengeance. It must find a target or the hate stays home. (Where it never really leaves).

Scapegoat magic is Ancient.

The Greek pharmakoi, singular pharmakos, refers to victims who were ritually beaten, driven out of cities, and killed, for example, by being forced over the edge of a precipice. The word pharmakos, designating a person who is selected as a ritual victim, is related to pharmakon, which means both "remedy" and "poison," depending on the context. In the story of the horrible miracle of Apollonius, the beggar is a pharmakos, a kind of ritual victim. Apollonius points to him as the demon causing the plague (he is the source of pollution or poison), but his lynching restores the well being of Ephesus (he becomes the remedy for the crisis). — Trans.”

 ~ René Girard, I See Satan Fall Like Lightning

This is of course scapegoat magic.

Offering 'medical' frameworks to relieve us of our responsibilities can seem attractive - but then we become victim to demons we cannot dispel because they have hidden them in falsely flagged symptoms and toxic 'remedies' or in modern terms 'sickness management'.

Twit thread relates:

The 'ego' of self in image is then running as a protected narrative against Disclosure to fear of pain and loss of undoing as face of self control. It must then seek allies to join in hate/blame as mutual reinforcement in claiming self-justification on basis of ...

... framing all communication to support its masking agenda, as the weaponising of communication that communicates only to undermine communication apart from the filtered 'witnesses'.

This is the OLD NORMAL revealed.

It seeks to reset in shifted narrative rather than lose ...

...possession & control as the only life it knows. Yet this is all the life we give it under subjection to an alien will, where we operate under coercions set as conditioned/autonomous habit reaction.

Whatever world is, we each live our own part in its...

.. masking narrative-reaction, and its release from a false-framed deceit to a true appreciation of freedom in awakened response-ability to being truly moved, free of hijack of loveless or alien thinking.

#SeeThePattern opens intuitive awareness outside the frame of fear/reaction

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