Thursday 15 April 2021

Begetting of Illusions and alignment within Living Truth.

I appreciated you comment and reflected in its themes - as resonating in my own interest..

Illusions that serve as substitution for feared or denied reality, 'beget' according to their kind. Ideas that GENerate in their kind can reflect truth OR self-contradiction masking as currency of meaning. Living Idea is already wholeness by extension, Dead or false ideas seek to recombine fragmented and indeterminate 'meanings' to a lost or broken Communication - as if to put Humpty together again - or indeed a novel virus! Closed systems become pathogenic to Wholeness' extension through us, because conflict with reality is unworkable or unbalanced. Yet protected circles of focus and intent are inherent to the integration of experience as a consciousness or identity complex through which to explore freely.

So the maintaining of a balance of closed and open states is where intention and attention are guided or aligned within a field of receptive communication to context, such that a specialised focus does not develop defences against 'interference' to what then becomes a blind program or private agenda set in its own 'begetting'. A sense of self polarised as oppositional to Context as if a thing in itself creating along the line of its own thought - which is programmed by evasion of true Context as if exposure to loss of a self and life set as control against fear of total loss.

The shift from one illusion to another is no real change at all, only a redistribution of elements and energies within the dream. Yet the mind can operate multiple levels as different attentions given different priority within shifting contexts at a rate its personality is constructed from or upon. The function of illusion is to replace reality in the mind of its 'projection', casting out, or imaged modelling.

Any story that substitutes for truth demands truth be hid or masked over, to distance and time. In the meantime a narrative continuity gives priority to facing out into object continuity. Learning to focus such a world is a primary requirement to participate its experience. We think life is a body, but thought shifts billions of times per second to provide support and reinforcement to the total experience that of course we both have and are.

The body as a communication tool, has been developed as a separator and proxy through which to explore the experience of who we are not, or as we are not. Yet it remains purposed to communication regardless being used for fantasy gratification in substitution for appreciating reality as Is. Likewise the mind that has been mapped out to body and world as a conditioned or automatic response.

Conscious realignment to communication, releases the intent to use the tools or forms of communication as a weapon or leverage on Modelling AS IF to control reality. Communication is first, receptive, and through this, moved to act, or ask, seek or unfold fulfilment of true desire. True because nothing is added or taken away from a direct recognition free of coercion. Hence alive or communicating implicitly as presence, inspiring, resonant, meaningful, just, worthy and shared by nature.

The wish to re-Genesis life is from the belief that we both can and have such power. This mind is already looking through a glass darkly at a fragmented and conflicted 'world' that is both witness to war death and sickness set over truth, and driver of the hate of such a life as the attempt to escape it, overcome it or redefine it by adaptive compliance to its dictate.

That there is an already Wholeness of active Extension is hidden or discarded by the mind set in the conflict of its own mis-begetting and driven to complete and impossible or futile task. Garbage in; garbage out.

It is in the field of responsibility for thought that false or fixed ideals set up closed loops of accepted and invested identity. Regardless 'alien agenda' or alienating thought given welcome, our own giving and receiving remains freedom and right to align as our will, whether aligned in coherence or set in oppositional dissonance. Free willing alignment accepts correction as truth recognised and appreciated. The usurping of 'correctnesses' runs blind, as if to reset life to an image, taken in vain. Willingness to see, must release what seems - especially under protected narratives. Here lie invested self-illusions and underlying conflicts that generate them.

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