Wednesday 7 July 2021

Stories and Lies

 Robin Monotti Channel with Mike Yeadon on Telegram

#1 Truth is. Lies are knots.

James Howell,

[In reply to Robin Monotti Channel with Mike Yeadon]

A lie told once remains a lie. A lie told 1000 times becomes the truth.

[In reply to James Howell]

No it doesnt! A lie by definition is not true. That which is not true is not truly supported in fact. Fictions can worm their way into a corner to die - as if they ever had any life but what you gave them. 

But what I take you to mean is that lies can become a normalised false currency that passes off as true. Perhaps believed, perhaps given a blind eye, but it is allowed to run without correction.

So the lies running through this covidian cult are so thick as to rob the chance to artvculate about it without feeding ito a fundamentally flawed or flse floored definition of our existence; a lie and the father of it.

Giving to Caesar what is due unto Caesar is a distinction from what is due unto God and Creation or if you prefer the Living truth as contrasted with socially enforced systems of organisation.

Conditioning is being openly administered. Mind control has been developed since Adam listened to WHO told him he was naked, but its technological reach is bringing on the conditions in which life cannot operate. You may argue that a degraded form of existence may survive as a collective incapacity to think or feel. Take Munsch's The Scream, sow up the mouth (mask out the freedom of expression) , desaturate to grey, send them into a realm of stark denial of creative will, and call them aliens. Let them use emojis as 'feelings'. Kettle them in technological management systems. Let them scream without knowing what or why or how and tell them this is normal reality and they are long as they don't  reach to think or feel individuality as a living creative freedom to share in.

#2 Fear of contagion by shedding


[In reply to Janet UK]

You probably are a victim of shedding then. There are a number of detox suggestions from pine needle tea to star anise.

[In reply to jon]

There's another fear of contagion story.

How would you detox false thinking that baits investment by reaction?

There is psychic contagion underneath the stories.

Fear has all the power and life you give it.

Detoxing fear is a matter of responsible or conscious diet.

If you give and receive fear-defined communications you toxify even while thinking to escape.

I drink Pine needle tea anyway at times.

The magnetic field properties of nanoparticles interacts with man made frequencies as well as disrupting natural communication that you didn't know you had until it was gone. The Separation re-enacts itelf through human thinking that sets actions or reactions that embody the fear. Just as the abused often grow to become abusers - even when they think they made sure it could never happen again - because the underlying pattern is not address. hence the polarities shift and change without fundamental change - because false foundations are heavily protected against exposure. Not least by a phished identity driven by drama.


Are you trying to say shedding doesn't happen? that spikes haven't been located where they shouldn't (such as in breast milk) - or that I shouldn't be afraid? the rest of your statement is not terribly readable sorry.

I told you what happens. You deal in spikes as if you know what they are. The story runs on invested emotional identity by reaction. That the spiking with spike protein coded mRNA is spiked with nanoparticles is much more relevant to my concerns. Solid science to show the genetic model is not more professional fearguessing backed by trillion dollar investors has yet to reach me. When trusted authorities lie, the whole pyramid beneath follows suit and seems to prove it MUST be true then.

Sars Cov-2 has apparently been 'located' in all kinds of variations by means that are fraudulently based and fraudulently operated and you expect me to just accept the next instalment of the novel as fact?

If the Media promotes it, don't let it run your own thinking.

If the Media disclose the machinations of the hand that feeds and controls them, consider it MAY be true or may be a token truth to regain trust and draw a line over the (ongoing) fraud.

Likewise the counter narrative for detox with pine needle tea. There MAY be something in it as it is very high in vit C and contains turpentine which as a solvent can (if properly administered) clear toxic gunge and gunk fron our body (often with a herx effect that needs to be recognised as such).

Pure gum turpentine used to be in the Merck Manual and is a genuine detoxification treatment protocol. (Most disease can be understood as toxification/nutrition including psychic emotional balance. Whether pine needle tea is effective in whatever is actually going in here is another matter, but fearful people make foolish choices that often further trap them in powerlessness. Manipulators know this and so work fear from every angle, through willing agents of less than conscious vigilance.

I do not write within the framework of accepted self-illusion and social masking and so you cant skim it, you have to WANT to know to have a real question that then attarcts and aligns and answer in like kind. I am not trying to wake the dead so much as respond to those who are waking to the Call to Live instead of the call to mask over against fear of death that operates a covert identity against disclosure to love's honesty. You do not need to apologise for your existence or for my choices.

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