Sunday 11 July 2021

1000s of Homing Pigeons go missing

1000s of Homing Pigeons go missing

Hypothesising is a prerequisite to empirical test - in love of truth.

Graphene nanoparticles are 'believed' to be in chemtrails. I am not aware of confirmation yet.

If so then this interacts with or distorts and blocks natural electromagnetic sensitivities. BUT Cosmic conditions or 'Space Weather' are always fluctuating and at times involve magnetic anomalies in terms of our standard models, and so there can be Natural occurrences of particular interactions within what I call plasma physics, which is electromagnetic cause AND effect both. 

The new 5g wavelengths and saturation of areas with pulsed EMF all add to electrosmog or 'noise' relative to bio-electric signalling which operates on such nanoscale currents of very specific frequencies as to be hardly measurable (but is lab confirmed by many - I read Abraham Liboff's work but he is by no means alone).

Graphene nanostructures becomes highly magnetic within biofields.

I don't see this as being impossible but probable as a working hypothesis until replaced or shown false. 

I sense all of the above - and perhaps more.

Please if you can, keep a repository of at least links to updating information on this area of concern.

The intent to hack and control life is evident in our minds at various levels of expression. Modelling reality becomes an invested, defended and masking identity in attempts to manipulate the model. Unlike a computer, our modelling is also a biofeedback that may not edit a reality of qualities that are not physical, but will as I see edit our core structure of apprehension of reality as a 3D temporal experience. But that goes to another level. However, we are at leat collectively hacking into the most fundamental patterns or structures of support for life, for consciousness and perhaps as such rendering the 666 of carbon back to a 2d realm of data storage without capacity or will to move. However I align in Creative Being and as an emergent resonance to both a harvesting of all that we have lived and loved along with the seeding renewal to a new expression of living desire, rather than reactive programmed conditionings running in substitution. For the pattern we are 'technologising' is already within us as unadressed and unhealse self-conflict 'locked' in trauma that breeds dissociations in grievance, set 'technologically' against reliving - by a mindset of rules and filters by which to distance and mask over AS IF escape, and then manipulate the mask so as to 'survive' the world we made of such definitions and beliefs.

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