Friday 25 June 2021

Life doesn't have to support your beliefs

 I lost the context for this comment but felt it worthy of sharing

Life doesn't have to support your beliefs, but you have the final say on what you make of your situation. The terrain distortions that support what then seem to be independent agencies of pathogenic violation are themselves dependent on the conditions that they represent as an effect.

The mind as we mostly use it or think of it, has been active despite being denied or dissociated from.

The mind is used to mask conflicts so as to protect a split off sense of 'safety' or protection under fear as control. This is the fundamental level as a Living One to own and align in.

Synchronous to this are the actions and noticings that express willing realignment to the Field of Relational being (Living). But while perfect resolve is not required, the mind's capacity to seek solutions to mask conflict in seeming virtue rather than address it truly - where it is - repackages toxic conflicts by masking in association with the outer forms, without aligning the meaning they are sharing. In short, one can lead a horse to water but cannot make them drink.

Where there is fear there is capacity to attract and direct attention and funding to identity of a seeming escape. So while there may be any number of things that undo or undermine an illegitimate denial of your integrity, the disposition of fear magnifies these so as to start from a false place that then binds all that comes after.

The Living 'Field' supports all illusion that runs in the mind as the freedom to give and receive your own gift of experience - in that the Sun shines equally on the just and the unjust, and your giving sets the measure of your receiving.

Context must always guide and support actions, or we are easily phished to an identity theft.

The decision to embrace Living is the determination to use what is here to serve alignment and reintegration to Life. But the mind jumps straight to 'strategies' without dropping to a discernment and appreciation of the heart. Its very very fast! But then you are always already here!

Resonance operates synchronistically. Our mind - for all it ingenuity - cannot grasp of grok wholeness in all its parts. But if we look at living biology with Lanka, we will perhaps recognise what 'trauma' had covered over and seemed to split off a piece of Mind set in seeking answer everywhere Else than its true or original address, source and nature.

Pine tea is in any case a worthy foraging gift of Nature. A little of the inner red bark with it is nice too. Always take from a vertical strip. If we allow the relational connection, we open a context in which miracles are natural because wholeness is where cause and effect are not split or separated.

We don't really want the baggage and toxicity of self-illusion but of our own thinking cannot recognise and release. In some way the problem is revealing the answer.

That which would cut us from our relational 'field connection' shows us where to Be.


  1. I was going to send this to you via Twitter DM but your settings prevent that. This is my 140-character message: All I can really say is, I am so happy you exist, @onemindinmany. Reading your blog. Discovering how truly 'entry-level' I am at translation after exposure to your breathtaking articulation w/ Presence. Grateful to have found you. Slowly & surely, I am finding the few. From @EMmin8ing

    1. You are welcome.
      I'll check twitter DM settings.
      Your link is 'profile not available'
      Thankyou for your communication.
      Comparisons don't help but inspirations do.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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