Thursday 24 June 2021

How does Life organise itself? - The Call for Alignment

This comment cant be linked practically. Somewhere buried in Robin Monotti's Telegram Churnel

However it was in response to the call for non compliance, drawing forth the critical response in calling for organised resistance.

 How does Life organise itself?


How does human thinking organise Life?


the Field function for life is known to biology but downplayed.

I expect the magnetic interventions are part of 'biologically' cutting off from the Field that IS our Coomunication and Support but which has been progressively masked out and denied by a counterfeit or substitute for life.

Conscious alignment with the 'Field' is both key and true choice while awareness of choice CAN move. This goes much deeper than we think, because our 'thinking' is the matrix of the 'control mentality' developed in respose to Field disconnect - which I could call Separation Trauma.

i write to extend and share and strengthen Invitation, as distinct from a coercive narrative dictate - regardless of 'sides' or invested identity.

"I cant do it!" is associated with overwhelm or breakdown to a mind that comes in to protect against further pain by dissociation or mask of forgetting.

But "I cant do it!" I perfectly expressing the result of attempting to take on what is NOT my responsibility or function. The attempt to control reality (daft as it sounds) is what the mind is doing all the time. Unless released from service to restore to the function of honest reporting or innocent perception. Fear distorts perception and masked fear overlays with virtue signalling as a self specialness or clique set as if in separation and judgement from the sins sought and seen in the Others.

You CAN be who you are, and this is releasing what you are NOT so as to stand only in presence.

Articulating this sketch is not a qualification for true being. No expertise is requited to be who you are. But most all you have learned is how to mask in survival within a world spun out of a Separation Trauma we mostly are deeply set in forgetting, denying, distancing from and locking down into narratives by which to reenact the motifs externally.

So the developing of inspired consciousness is an organisational Field given witness as a synchronicity that cannot be engineered or even concieved of.

Whatever you think, say or do, is teaching you, and so you can and will learn by whatever you do whether it is fitting and workable or worthy for who you accept yourself to be.

Again, much of our thinking is acquired conditioning of which we are unaware.

No matter what I say, you cannot hear what you are as yet unwilling or unready to hear.

Who sets the limits on what we can receive but what we are willing to give?

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