Tuesday 6 April 2021

Choose Not to Play The Game

(A worthy read from James Corbett)

There's another angle to this and that is to recognise the frame of a deceit and choose not to play in its terms.

So in this sense you cant 'win' the covid game, because it is a mind trap - or rather something fundamentally running in the reality fear gives it by reacting in its frame.

Jesus expressed this as 'resist ye no evil!' Which does not mean do nothing, affect helplessness or turn a blind eye as a doormat or complicity. It means do not take the bait of reacting to the framing of that which is targeted to or corresponding to your own profile of thought, fear, sympathy and judgemental bias.

Resisting temptation to such reaction is vigilance FOR peace. Awareness is key to recognition of truth, and fear - no matter how well masked as control or the attempt to regain it - distorts awareness or filters it through a conflict of interests.

Jame's article is spot on for how to escape from a conditioning we ahve ALREADY acquired or succumbed to - and that is to accept and align actively in where we DO hold freedom of choice and responsibility. Quite apart from actions in the world this also applies to decisions as to how we see our world, the meanings and values we give and therefore set as the experience we receive.

If for example we set our goal as changing or waking the minds of others, we give our current evaluation of them priority and set ourselves to impact, persuade, incentivise or coerce them into 'waking up' what we believe is needed to save us. A moment's pause may let it be obvious that that is the problem, not the answer.

The mind is very quick to run ahead and mask in the forms of what passes of as virtue, when in truth it is a hiding place through which to persist the same patterns unchanged but in 'woke' or 'correct' terms relative to a particular groupthink, or narrative identity.

No one can fail who seeks the truth, but everyone knows how to seek everywhere else BUT where truth is, so as to protect the problem from being truly addressed by some kind of war in problem, projected out and away in diversionary displacement.

Covid - at least for some now - offers a key to recognise how a nothing can be given power by fear, and thus become fearfully destructive by reaction. For our 'defences and reactions' are the actual means of degradation and undermining of health and live and social cohesion, not a pathogen. So how do you get out of a problem that is not real? You cannot, and any attempt will compound the belief it needs escaping and make it real.

You don't need to escape from what you were never truly in, but you do need to grow in vigilance against consenting to play its game by unwatched thought word and reaction.

This is another way of saying freedom truly belongs to you as the mind in alignment with the heart - and is then expressed at body level as our experience of relationship and world. The idea freedom is a body is ALREADY a locked down and distanced mind under masking narrative.

Hopelessness and despair are active faithlessness to life, or if you prefer, faith invested in hate and fear and self-conflict.

The latter will dissociate and isolate an alienated sense of 'thinking' as your representative masking protection against fear of exposure to a greater hate within. However the key i wanted to stress in all this is that it is very possible to suffer from a fear of something as if it is a self conviction in truth, when ONLY the attempt to evade it has every given it any reality it has. The mind is very powerful, but not in the way we think. Although the limiting of Mind to such 'thinking' as can seem to trap the mind in its own thought, is fully in line with Jame's Corbett's article. For any action repeated, becomes a learned 'normal' expectation and reaction pattern, that can only be changed by choosing to NOT use the old habit by making a new choice - at a level that is within your current reach of willingness and desire. The 'identity' of the old pattern will operate an inertial resistance against change, until you persist past the tipping point to simply know what you want and choose who you are - instead of engaging temptations to indecision played out as a conflict of wills. If the old pattern has a social reinforcement - such as a medical industrial complex or similar, then that 'group' will endeavour to reinforce the resistance to 'weaken' it by withdrawing support. I think the addiction patterns serve well enough here. You may need to separate from that identity ritual to grow the strength to stand in your own light before reengaging from a more integrated place.

Fear is not overcome by force of will, but by true and free willing decision to align in who you are rather in fear of who you think you have become. Grievance and hate can distance and dissociate, but does not truly escape by denials, projections and diversionary distractions. At some point crisis demands attention, but if the fear is great, the crisis will be repackaged or reset into deeper denials and limitations so as to persist as 'control'.

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