And God said: "Behold it is very Good!".
I take this as the recognition of true resonance.
The mind of judgement of good and evil would make sense of the Good were always true resonance, and the evil was a false or partial running AS IF true. But the self made in image takes and is taken in by Self and Reality in and as image and form to identify in image by the denial and rejection of the truly informing.
Clinging to self-illusion at cost of present appreciation (resonant recognition) of living truth, for a private model or 'derivative inheritance' taken as a self-separate sense.
Dissociation is in a sense built into our human psyche or personality structure. We have a freedom to accept truth that IS awareness revealing resonance and coherence at the Source or Nature from which all else arises. We are then the giver of wholeness as the blessing of a recognition, but perhaps running as the desperate seeking to GET fulfilment from a world we no longer recognise our being shares.
To align in being is not necessary to 'do' something, but as human beings we are always doing - as the action component of our experience. But obsessive compulsive doing denies all free attention and awareness in which to notice the active choice running as 'learned habit' and identified as self.
If your mind runs away with you. Do you need an External Power to lock it down
distance from fear and lockstep in 'salvation' from what you are currently dissociating under a masking narrative that must be protected (sacrificial compliance) as your chosen Protector? Then you shall invoke it by hook or by crook until you change your mind about your mind.
An itch can become a hell if you cant leave it alone.
How willing are we to abide our inner discomforts when meeting what seem to be outer compulsions? You CAN find a peace of awareness and felt connection, within or beneath temptation to react to external triggering of inner conflict. But do you WANT to?
Self honesty to the current beliefs and definitions we are accepting by acting out, is the step through which more awareness rises for a more aligned step from who we NOW accept ourself to be.
In the opening sense, I hold that you were created of and in the perfect resonance of the 'Good' that has no separation or reference to any other state. But our desire and freedom of experience is an extension of Creative, not a 'thing'. A true integrity or worth is then NOT ours to defile or regain - except as we choose to believe in our heart as a result of persisting in dissonance given OUR judgements rather than letting dissonance be the call to align truly, now. In OUR judgements we make a world of guilt and fear by our own convictions and mask over as the attempt to mitigate its pain - but then become almost exclusively identified in the mask as the expression of selecting and rejecting for a private sense of self-serving or salvation. Fear of losing even the little that we hath, runs the program of those who have not (or lack being). What you appreciate, appreciates, and so what you give your energy and attention to, is where you are currently setting your treasure. To be vigilant for your peace, is to align with truth. To beware of temptation to being phished by reaction means loving yourself and your world enough to show up and care rather than drift in 'comfort zones' that shall not deliver you unto the living appreciation of a true gratitude and appreciation for being. At least, not directly!
I can only live my part, or my responsibilities in the willingness I give, but in this is everyone else's part. This is not understandable to the sense of self under time and space. But you may understand that if you neglect or attempt to overstep your own part you will recognise nothing being offered you and be mis-timed and out of sync with your Good - as IF at the hand of another - for that is how the mind works until we change our mind about our mind's function.
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