Monday 8 March 2021

Resonance - It Takes One to Know One

Researcher: (Quoting me)

”If you recognise something in another – you are seeing through the same in yourself. It takes one to know one.”

Actually, that’s fallacious. It’s one of those clichés that came from bad self help books in the 80’s.

It’s possible to recognize patterns of behavior in others that have nothing to do with oneself.

Understanding or analyzing the motives of psychopaths, narcissists, criminals, pathological liars, murderers etc is not masking a hatred or fear of oneself or a hidden desire to conduct criminal or harmful behavior to others.

We do not need to have first hand experience of behavior, thoughts, habits or traits to recognize those patterns in others once we have initially observed the phenomena.

I disagree.

But invoking 'new age self help books' as if to authorise your point is to weaken it.

How can you recognise something that is not also part of you?

Whether you knew it or not the moment before?

That denial operates a mind of masking dissociation is part of what is being served on the world stage.

The FORM of the pattern of behaviour can vary greatly and extreme examples can serve to illuminate what otherwise lies 'unconscious' or masked out.

The pattern I see is of the externalisation of feared evil within.

Note that fear can be used as IF fact.

You carry a wealth of experience that goes far beyond your current personal sense. The uncovering of the more of who and what you are is often presaged by disturbance or unsettling.

The issue of responsibility as freedom and NOT blame is key here.

If you invest in the externalisation of sins you MUST see them in others as the means to NOT address and release them in yourself.

The complexity of our entanglements is such as to make grievance and hate seem TOTALLY justified. That is how we 'came in' - or Forgot Who and What we are for a displacement in substitution.

This relates to the ability to focus in the human 'world' rather than the model of the world that essentially filters and frames our experience of existence.

When light shines from another to you, it shines to your light - and the darkness is no longer operating as your presumption of conflict, lack and loss, disconnection and attempt to resolve it externally.

It takes a love to know a love. Hate cannot see it, no matter how ingeniously masked in complex instruments of virtue.

But when hate is revealed as the pain of hurt, the issue is within the range of communication, rather than posited as a power unto itself or 'out there' seeking your destruction.

Any insight can be degraded by marketising and weaponising - just as can any scientific discovery be subverted to 'possession and control' agenda. Context is everything here. Merely addressing the forms does not recognise reality, but is easily phished to a false or mis-taken identity.

Resonance is the fundamental power of the Universe.

Dissociation is the mind's capacity to temporarily block awareness of connection. We have an object lesson in play.

You are also the Casting Director for your life and everyone you interact with. But only for your own narratives and themes, which of course shift and change with experience such as to re-evaluate who you judged - and perhaps release them from judgement.

The gift of freedom is the only way to have it. The attempt to wrest it from another - or force another to take your version, is the realm of manipulative deceits. And in that choice do we also become a target. If you are honest, you will receive an education from a trickster. Such as to address the susceptibility in yourself. There are innumerable ways of running the same trick in different guises, because the lack of responsibility does not look to the deeper pattern or principle of manipulative intent - perhaps because it believes it is the Good Guys.

You can test the saying by choosing to change your disposition and meeting a different world. It isn't that you are meeting a reflection in image and form, but that you are receiving valid feedback if you are willing to see it. Again if you read this as 'blame' you are currently and earnestly lost and lost again. Guilt and blame operate the lockdown of awareness under fear of penalty.

I recognise your posts as consistently worthy of reading. That extends or shares worth. A tangible quality of life given value. I recognise and align in what I value. I am aware of the negative and choose not to feed, nurture, host of invite it into manifestation by demonising denial. We contain the choice for both until we become consistent enough for the conditioned habit to fade by non use, while a new pattern grows an an integrated expression of felt and recognised worth.


“How can you recognise something that is not also part of you?“

Because if I see a butterfly it is not “a part of me”. The recognition is only the recollection of a previous event.

You are an intelligent being playing evasive manoeuvres!

If you limit your definition of 'you' to your physical body then NOTHING else is part of you. So by your act of definition you can indeed assert an exclusive 'self' or 'reality'. But you cannot make it true even if you 'normalise; your response of acting on the belief or wish or fear that it be true - and have that experience.

There are many accounts of primitive people's meeting objects outside their experience which they either did no see or saw something representing in terms of their existing experience.

You can only recollect or recognise a match to a past that is within you. You include everything that is in your past. This includes denied or masked over experience such as the article points to - which includes fears, beliefs and wishes that are 'transmitted' or induced subliminally to the surface thinking level.

Because you are identifying your body as your locked down and distanced bubble of narrative control, I cant reach you directly for your filters and rules block or distort communication. But even within our model or self-definition of a physical Universe is the recognition of Life as Biome of which you and I and butterflies are an expression.

Nothing you experience is actually outside you - ever - even for a moment. No exceptions. But in terms of the model of self-imaged - Everything is outside 'you' - even the body that withers and recycles.

A critical key to the current situation is a destructive identification with and within the self-image and reality model, given precedence over relational communication, which is the living current or currency of unfolding experience of Reality - as the 'Only Thing Going On' yet as the unfolding of infinite perspectives that are all part of each other as they are part of the whole.

As long as you want the bubbled sense of self-exclusion as your salvation from fear and pain of loss of face and control, you will not question your reality-experience.

If you were willing to engage innocent perception of a butterfly, you would release the layers of associations ABOUT it that are all about you and your world, to meet the moment in transparency to wonder. Intimacy is being.

To 'clothed' being, is set in symbol, and so we might say 'naked being' - but true nakedness is not defenceless or susceptible to threat - but unselfconscious relational exchange. There is no 'object' self - apart from the object model - which is part of our current experience and not to be denied its service. 

To a locked-down control narrative - love's awareness is perceived as threat of contagion no less than hate, anger and blind rage, and each is confused with the other, such that the witness or messengers for truth and healing are demonised and attacked for the protection of systemic rules that lock down and replace a living will.

If everything and everyone you see is socially distanced, how shall you ever recognise your Self and break the spell?

I invite the consciousness of current definitions to the revealing of their origins and true referents. This expands and embraces or reintegrates a fragmented 'mind' and world.

It is never just a physical, and the physical is never the true cause of conditioning. Our core definitions and beliefs set the meanings that then condition our results.

Garbage in; garbage out.

None of what I write calls for your sacrifice, but calls to your freedom to recognise the measure of your giving - of the word or definition that runs as your current acceptance of both giving and receiving.

Psycho-pathy means sickness or dysfunction of thought or mind. But for popular use it masks the meaning 'evil' in scientific masking. The issue of evil in our thought, word and relational outcomes or experiences goes way back and is yet reiterated knowingly and unknowingly upon our present, as 'the devil we know' set against fear of the Unknown - onto which are projected 'Separation trauma' that the mind is invoked to deny, hide and mask over. 'Our Room 101' is like  the monsters that guard the treasure in mythic fable. terror symbols serve as defences against Disclosure.

Incidentally, in visualising Orwell's proxy persona in a head cage full of hungry rats, I felt the perspective of 'elitists' trapped in a cage of limitation with their projected denials (the othered or not self). The refusal to recognise the life of another is the psycho-pathy of its denial in our self. And so a proxy operates as a 'lead role in a cage'.

Do we project OUR motives and intentions into 'others' and then react as if it is so? Does that in some sense attract or draw out behaviours from others that reinforce the interpretation as 'real'?

Where does the willingness to own and look at 'denied experience' as the desire to heal or release it begin?

Is it when the addictive pattern of self-reinforcing denial bottoms out, to reveal a lack of substance at its foundation?

I could say more on butterflies. Everything Teaches a willingness to learn of Life. We stuff our database and think we 'know'. I trust this seeming death is pupation. Are you not participating in new growth from a different expression of the same DNA? I see that service in your research and recognise gladness at heart. But critical awareness of the 'problem' is not in and of itself releasing the problem not can it be while the 'problem' defines us.


“How can you recognise something that is not also part of you?“

Because if I see a butterfly it is not “a part of me”. The recognition is only the recollection of a previous event.

You are an intelligent being playing evasive manoeuvres!

If you limit your definition of ‘you’ to your physical body then NOTHING else is part of you. So by your act of definition you can indeed assert an exclusive ‘self’ or ‘reality’. But you cannot make it true even if you ‘normalise; your response of acting on the belief or wish or fear that it be true – and have that experience.

There are many accounts of primitive people’s meeting objects outside their experience which they either did no see or saw something representing in terms of their existing experience.

You can only recollect or recognise a match to a past that is within you. You include everything that is in your past. This includes denied or masked over experience such as the article points to – which includes fears, beliefs and wishes that are ‘transmitted’ or induced subliminally to the surface thinking level.

Because you are identifying your body as your locked down and distanced bubble of narrative control, I cant reach you directly for your filters and rules block or distort communication. But even within our model or self-definition of a physical Universe is the recognition of Life as Biome of which you and I and butterflies are an expression.

Nothing you experience is actually outside you – ever – even for a moment. No exceptions. But in terms of the model of self-imaged – Everything is outside ‘you’ – even the body that withers and recycles.

A critical key to the current situation is a destructive identification with and within the self-image and reality model, given precedence over relational communication, which is the living current or currency of unfolding experience of Reality – as the ‘Only Thing Going On’ yet as the unfolding of infinite perspectives that are all part of each other as they are part of the whole.

As long as you want the bubbled sense of self-exclusion as your salvation from fear and pain of loss of face and control, you will not question your reality-experience.

If you were willing to engage innocent perception of a butterfly, you would release the layers of associations ABOUT it that are all about you and your world, to meet the moment in transparency to wonder. Intimacy is being.
To ‘clothed’ being, is set in symbol, and so we might say ‘naked being’ – but true nakedness is not defenceless or susceptible to threat – but unselfconscious relational exchange. There is no ‘object’ self – apart from the object model – which is part of our current experience and not to be denied its service.

To a locked-down control narrative – love’s awareness is perceived as threat of contagion no less than hate, anger and blind rage, and each is confused with the other, such that the witness or messengers for truth and healing are demonised and attacked for the protection of systemic rules that lock down and replace a living will.

If everything and everyone you see is socially distanced, how shall you ever recognise your Self and break the spell?
I invite the consciousness of current definitions to the revealing of their origins and true referents. This expands and embraces or reintegrates a fragmented ‘mind’ and world.
It is never just a physical, and the physical is never the true cause of conditioning. Our core definitions and beliefs set the meanings that then condition our results.
Garbage in; garbage out.

None of what I write calls for your sacrifice, but calls to your freedom to recognise the measure of your giving – of the word or definition that runs as your current acceptance of both giving and receiving.

Psycho-pathy means sickness or dysfunction of thought or mind. But for popular use it masks the meaning ‘evil’ in scientific masking. The issue of evil in our thought, word and relational outcomes or experiences goes way back and is yet reiterated knowingly and unknowingly upon our present, as ‘the devil we know’ set against fear of the Unknown – onto which are projected ‘Separation trauma’ that the mind is invoked to deny, hide and mask over. ‘Our Room 101’ is like the monsters that guard the treasure in mythic fable. terror symbols serve as defences against Disclosure.

Incidentally, in visualising Orwell’s proxy persona in a head cage full of hungry rats, I felt the perspective of ‘elitists’ trapped in a cage of limitation with their projected denials (the othered or not self). The refusal to recognise the life of another is the psycho-pathy of its denial in our self. And so a proxy operates as a ‘lead role in a cage’.

Do we project OUR motives and intentions into ‘others’ and then react as if it is so? Does that in some sense attract or draw out behaviours from others that reinforce the interpretation as ‘real’?

Where does the willingness to own and look at ‘denied experience’ as the desire to heal or release it begin?
Is it when the addictive pattern of self-reinforcing denial bottoms out, to reveal a lack of substance at its foundation?

I could say more on butterflies. Everything Teaches a willingness to learn of Life. We stuff our database and think we ‘know’. I trust this seeming death is pupation. Are you not participating in new growth from a different expression of the same DNA? I see that service in your research and recognise gladness at heart. But critical awareness of the ‘problem’ is not in and of itself releasing the problem not can it be while the ‘problem’ defines us.


Not everything we think, believe or experience is a projection or transference. Just as not everything we experience individually is imprinted on the collective or universal psyche. We are individuals with individual egos due to differing experiences, not universal oneness or sameness.

People often conflate or confuse observational processes with internalization and transposition. We can choose to ascribe emotions or importance to our observations or refrain.

Certain psychological disorders are physically measurable due to absent brain activity in certain regions where empathy is processed. If it’s repeatable, it’s empirical evidence of a pattern or phenomenon that explains behavioral impulses or habits.

I do not process information the same way you use abstractions to create understanding and meaning but use pattern recognition and probability analysis.

For instance, the probability that we will agree on this subject is low due to the pattern I have observed previously.

(I had a go here at a worthy communication. If you are not interested, then you are of course free to follow what you are interested in. Free Will is the source and nature of the life I recognise beneath masking distortion. I regard the expansion of perspective as the needed shift - but as lived - not as intellectual theory).

Of course! Not everything we experience is the result of a personal projection! (That would be paranoid delusion such as fear re-packaged as defence against 'mutant viruses' or revolting peasants). 

So I suggest responsibility for the persona or masking overlay of acquired or conditioned meaning-patterns? Otherwise they 'run you'.

Someone said 'you are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are. Or as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Or as ye give so shall ye receive. There is nothing new in what I sketch out but that it uses cultural expression of our time towards a more integrated foundation from which to live than the dead-end of our current 'groupthink' as locked down separate individual defences against externalised terror

Whatever Mind or Awareness Is, Is always already being. Our personal and persona level of experience expresses a version of it based on probabilities and pattern recognition, but always predicated on the current or active self-definitions, meanings and parameters. 

Hence transparency to the true movement of our being is to let love of truth give and receive definition truly, as discernment, recognition and acceptance by extension. You must know that when there is persona-bias, there is also filtering distortion of judgements that can deny truth as the protection of a current identification, wished, feared or believed true.

This asserted protection of a limited or locked down sense of self or reality, teaches and learns (projects and perceives), through the belief that thoughts or experience have projected outside the mind. 

Not least to 'get rid of' hated fears and conflicts onto 'othered' reality.

This is 'separation' in concept, supported by fear and guilt as a dissociated experience of lidded and masked trauma, and rendered 'solid' as conditioned patterns of pattern recognition and probability serving a recoil for life as the fear of dispossession and loss of face or control (mask and lid).

That everything is experienced in or even as the Field of Awareness is not to say you personally made it up, but if all meaning is set and filtered by narrative identity dictates, then what actually Is, will not be directly appreciated, but seen through a lens of filtering and distortion or indeed not seen at all. Concurrent with all the above is the seeking of external reinforcements for the maintaining of the masking narratives. We are never truly alone in anything.

The above offers a practical basis for questioning a dissociated and self-alienating 'thinking' that runs as if a discrete or autonomous entity, set apart from the whole in its relationships, and in struggle for possession and control in those relationships.

But I do not arrive at such sketch of understandings by thinking, for thinking cannot transcend its own predicates. One has to be still to receive - or else the mind is used 'for getting'. I observe the process of thinking in action from a different point of perspective, than that of a recoil or collapse into thinking that results from fear conditioned or fear triggered dissociation. It is referred to be 'ask and ye shall receive'. But how many of our 'questions' are not restatements of the problem in the form of questions. Learning to think in the heart is undoing the reversal of a mind set in its own spin.

The unique qualities of our individuality are the signature of our Creator, I said nothing to suggest homogenous 'oneness' and any such notion is absurd and in denial of Life here and now!

The One is 'extending or projecting' as the Many - not the Many being degraded or forced into any notion of 'unity' or oneness. Jesus' two commandments witness to this as the already Fact. I called it 'Intimacy' of being and 'Synchronicity'.

You can of course choose to bias or 'roll your own reality'. But first 'Humpty has to Fall and be shattered for private 'meanings' to be coerced or computer modelled in the attempt to substitute a replicate of 'oneness' - such as the global monopolism exemplifies. I am suggesting that Humpty is a false flag and that there is a basis to look at the experience of 'Separation'

Self-differentiations of egoic self-image are a masking overlay of personality, which runs in a similar manner to the current covid 'masking' identity derived from manipulations of existing patterns of undercurrent (lidded and socially masked) fear and guilt.

Pattern recognition has fractal and holographic qualities that allow perspective shifts within simple presence that embraces time and space. But engagement in drama doesn't lend to free attention and awareness. Plato's Cave remains a metaphor for the principle of fixation on shadow play, as does Narcissus to our addiction to our own 'thinking-reflection'. Yet the quality of awareness is never really absent - even from the form and image of its denial.

I sought to link what seems abstract to some of our current 'Big Screen Projection' (World).

Mind is a Projector, but there IS nothing outside for it is Non-local, and nothing before or after as it is non-temporal. In human terms, we 'Self-differentiate' through desire for experience and this sets up polarities of tension that never really independently exist as separate us or them, me or you for always there is a higher or more inclusive reality of which we are expressions of. Yet that belief runs as our 'mind', every time we are phished or triggered to identify exclusively in conditionings carried from our past.

We are already perfectly identified in the active extension of love and life, but WHO told us we were 'naked' to shame and penalty of pain and loss? The mind of the wish to persist in the personal investment in 'self-assertive' denial, by hiding or masking the cost of loss of wholeness, and redefining darkness as the new standard!

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