Thursday 11 March 2021

Normalising collective insanity 


How can their be a ‘new normal’ if nothing was ‘normal’ to begin with?


The answer is because it’s a NEW ABNORMAL not a new ‘normal’ that was never really ‘normal’ in the first place.


So therefore the new abnormal is nothing new?

Me: It is implied to mean natural but simply means conditioned adaptation. No?


Is it not natural to adapt to the conditions?


 You do not adapt to 'the world', as a passive imprint of its conditions, but learn to 'see' it through narrative definitions that are your current core beliefs. This conditioning will be experienced AS conditions, AS outside you, but has the meanings you are giving it. This giving of meaning is YOUR responsibility, but it is given over to 'power in the world' as the sense of survival within locked down meanings that distance you from awareness of what you are truly giving and by which set the measure of your receiving.

Social reinforcement is then 'getting' from others FOR a sense of self-separateness.

Adapting to the conditions can thus be a program running automatically that does not allow the conditions of being still, and knowing who you are and what you are. Giving and Receiving both.

Garbage in; garbage out, applies.

No matter how many adapt to lies they do not become true.

But if the lie is believed to protect you from overwhelm of terror, pain and loss, will you choose to adapt to its dictate?

In a sense we are the People of the Lie - in terms of lidding over denials and redefining 'normality' as NOT looking there. Thus we have protected narratives that are serving a purpose in maintaining a split mind against its own condition. The split is then projected out and away from self as narratives or covers stories by which to survive the game of musical chairs or ever diminishing returns of a negatively defined self, world, society, economy.

You may not understand what I offered if your identity and world depend on NOT understanding it. But there is a key here in terms of questioning the meanings under which you think, perceive, speak and act. You know the use of language is weaponised such that 'cases' or 'pandemic' are redefined 'officially' to switch meanings. You can see the manipulation of 'meanings' in the open.

Well it goes all the way deeper in that there are layers of 'meanings' that effect a distortion and even reversal of truth in the minds of a learning and adaptation to a Great Projection. What brought you 'here'? Who are you? Where do you truly come from? Did you simply come here to die?

My sketch here is to you own freedom. As one with my own.

The 'controllers' are setting the new conditions - as the means and will to do so, and we are adapting or becoming conditioned - whether we jack up their mRNA shit or shout in the kettled and divided deprivation of any real voice.

But the means and the way they are achieving this is revealing a mind control that reiterates something we are already doing to ourselves - that they run on or feed on. Just as we may observe that we 'run on' patterns of 'getting' what we want from relationships under a mask of joining, without any real intimacy or joining - but under mask of virtue that signals symbolic identity of joining.

The level of mind that receives and gives definition to life is not the same as the conditioned personality perception and response to the result of the current definitions.

So reading the true conditions or terrain is not at the level of the screen of results, but in the heart of a wholeness of self that gives and receives truly, rather than through a glass darkly. In practical terms this is listening and sensing presence to which thinking shall serve if and as required.

We are 'led' by the nose by a 'thinking' which SEEMS to have a will of its own. Not least because we give our life to it as our sense of self and life, protection and control. The recognition of Universal Will is truly felt as the already Movement of our being - not the override of narrative cover stories.

But no one can exercise a responsibility they are hell bent on escaping by getting rid of it to others and world - in the theme of 'You/It made me do it!'

If you WANT to live that theme, you are free to choose to do so, but you will not know the truth of your freedom in the attempt to limit, deny and get rid of it.

We are being shown we are 'hypnotised' - if we are willing to see. We can miss this if we only see everyone ELSE as under a spell. That is how the cover story operates; by flagging our unconscious patterns onto others and world. That is what denies us, and yet that is what we can recognise as a reintegrative acceptance in place of actively masked denials.

I write the movement of the journey - not just a social response, and so of course to the themes in play and not to you specifically. How you choose to respond is your freedom, but may be already assigned to a learned adaptation. The condition you are in here may be unique rather than 'already known' and so you mat turn up - bring yourself present - to learn anew.

If we do not want to live as robots or lab rats, maybe we have to find the 'quality of life' to truly live from?


‘Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists…’ ~ A Course in Miracles

Yes. But taking things out of context may lead to partial or incomplete and erroneous results.

Here it is in context:

“This is A Course in Miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. This Course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

     Nothing real can be threatened.

     Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.”

I might add that our 'curriculum' is the unlearning of a mind and world made in error or 'mistaken identity' that could be seen as the result of a course in grievances. We all already know how to operate the mind-lock of lack, fear, grievance and attack - and mask it as virtue!

As if love is remade in our broken image is become a holy war. If holy is of Whole, then war is attack on wholeness. BUT... where will we stand outside and apart of Wholeness unless we are first attacked and split off by an alien or 'other' 'will'.

In Upanishad I recall the phrase; 'where there is 'other' fear arises.

The Course teaches the recognition and reintegration of 'other' to 'Brother'. This has no meaning at the level of the mask of self differentiating distance for a private mind of control.

But is the nature of the basis of all relationship, trust and communication.

Projection could thus be seen as attempted ex-communication of the feared and hated. A sort of inner cancel culture by which to protect the mask of polarised difference against the re-cognition of an underlying commonality. When we extend the qualities of being, we do not become a doormat, but a witness to an integrity of being - rather than a masking of virtue signalling - or an anti-mask that makes a virtue of attacking perceived errors and evils in the 'other'.

Thanks for the moment of resonance!

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