Tuesday 16 March 2021

Love and Connection have no Substitute



It’s like the claims that Covid has killed more people than WWII, or Vietnam. That’s numberwang!

 But such claims may come to pass if 'covid' refers to the war on humankind.

The liar in a corner has everything to lose and so will do and say anything to evade pain of loss.

A corrupt system and society or individual paints itself into a corner.

The crisis is the opportunity for correction and healing. In this case, restoring integrity of function or service including transparency and accountability.

To use E F Schumaker's phrase - "as if people mattered".

When we act out hateful and worthless agenda as if to gain, we can only become hateful and worthless in our own convictions no matter how many masking narratives are presented to others as if to convince ourselves. And to ourselves as if to convince others.

Virtue signalling does not seem to be hateful to those who think the lies serve a just cause or goal. Such is the power of the mind in aligning all else to what you think you are and want to become. When fear sets the agenda, the mind is phished or hijacked to focus in what it does NOT want, as the way to overcome, eradicate, and escape IN ITS TERMS. This is really repackaging fear so as to make it SEEM to be escaped, after using or allowing fear to set the mind in hiding from itself, splitting of dissociating.

"Mummy, Make the bad thing go away!"

If your 'Parent' loves you, the call will draw connection that calms and restores perspective or 'coming back to our right mind' from upset.

If your 'Parent' shares your 'wrong-minded' distortions and fears, they will take the role of protector as their own masking salvation against their fears of inadequacy of loss, and use the 'children' as a means to cling to and maintain the role as if it is their life and salvation. But the social contracts of role play are NOT truly connecting (love lived) but go through the motions as each seeking to find connection in roles and identities derived from and learned under fear that has been given power instead of being brought to the power of loving connection for the restoring of our Right Mind.

Pointing out another's wrongmindedness is not the extension of connection that connects and restores. Our being is never 'wrong' but set in thought, belief and reactions that then set us wrong under the blindness of being saved from fear of exposure or delivery to fear, penalty and loss or indeed death. Under such thinking everyone else is seen as wrong or threat to be hidden from or denied.

The conditions for the evaluation of our own thought are the welcoming of light - not the war on darkness.

The belief we are alone and sundered from true connection and support is the armouring and distancing of fear seeking protection. Withholding love is the way to forget or lose awareness of who we are. What we extend of give our world and relationships, sets the measure of our receiving - not as social contract, but as trust embodied and recognised as connection. You are not alone, isolate or split off from your Life - unless of course you insist and set your will over the communication and communion of truth lived!

This is the theme running as the attempt to 'make reality' in our own image or thinking, modelling and systemic substitution for Life rendered fearful, treacherous and unworthy BY such thinking given hosting, that then holds love hostage.

Finding what is wrong does not set us right unless truly addressed where it is, rather than masked or flagged off to where it can NEVER be resolved.

In hide and seek games, the idea of the hidden is of being the last to be found. Not to be so hidden as to NEVER be found.

Where is the last place we would think to look?

That is where we hide or mask in.

Regardless the opportunism and manipulations of others, we have our own learned strategies and patterns of substitution for truth or real relationship - that pass off as 'escape' from reality while ticking the boxes of observed or socially established rituals of behaviour.

The 'old normal' may seem a Golden Age, but that such a world can suddenly replace it is the revealing that we 'slept' in dreams of social management that were NOT aligned in shared of common Good - regardless the PR.

Uncovering our true nature from the lies and the lies that protect the lies, lies not in a mind-modelling of masking substitution, but the as the gift of the conditions of truly felt Connection.

We cannot extend what we are actively denying or withholding, so the conditions that trigger such reactions need to become our responsibility to transform. This is very simple self care. Willingness for love is the key. The usurping of our connection and awareness of Life is the belief we have to create our self or make our Life work, all alone. Fear can invoke great resistance. Learn not to indulge or feed it with energy and attention. If you were not worthy of existing, you would not be. Our self-convictions are NOT the final word, or hate would never be undone and lockdown in lies set forever in place of Living Truth, here and now.


Commenter: Don't feed the Troll!

(I moved this to the following post as its own place)


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