Tuesday 9 February 2021

Willingness to feel and find the living way


#1 of 3

The mind-trap of a polarised identity operates as conflict that filters, rules out and distorts communication. It weaponises the form of communication as a masking defence.

The cultivation of dissociative denial serves a divide and rule mindset, because such a mind depends on darkness and conflict to operate as a narrative over. It cannot abide light or peace of wholeness, and must hate the life it takes for its self alone,

But true and false are not determined by self judgement of good and evil or right and wrong.Truth does not participate in a war of illusions that battle only with themselves.

But illusions of truth and mask and signal of virtue, make up a masking world of dissociation from truth as IF the right and power to tell it what it is and sacrifice to the god it made, so as to give it all the reality it has.

Fear is framed as if at the hand of circumstance or of others, such as to seem to happen to you, without your consent. Defence is then invoked and enacted in like kind, overriding the right of others deemed unworthy, hateful, treacherous and so denied, excluded, and cast out as the violation by defences that quickly become pre-emptive attack as 'denying' them before its denies you.

The fearful can be suspicious, and in a moment this can become vicious as the attempt to deny or protect the fear from awareness by the aggressive assertion of conditions as demands of compliance to distancing, lockdown of communication and masking over as 'identity' set or seeking social reinforcement.

The article that called for considering both or all sides of an argument is still framed in 'argument'. There is a basis to recognise the fear and hurt beneath the masking in hate and anger set as control, but it is not an intellectual consideration of equal rights set in further protecting conflict from being truly addressed - in our own hearts.

The right to claim grievance and offence as the source of identity invoking claim to right and power in vengeance, rises from a set of demands and conditions that others and world fail to deliver. And shall always fail to deliver. We generally are unaware of such expectations until they are not met, and have masking armour to cope with a world deemed loveless because it fails to support the source of our identity.

But this is not love, but an image of self and world that we set in as denied, lost, abandoned, rejected, or betrayed - and so driven to seek to regain or cling to in the world of the mind that set this up. The set of mind as focus of thought and desire, energy and attention, in self imaged, is a lock down, distancing and narrative masking conflict seeking resolution externally. Where not only can it not be found, but where entanglement in false 'solutions' further dissociates and alienates a mind from its own true relational being, in a 'mask' that wont come off, which has substituted for the living in hollow parody of life rendered joyless, isolated, and driven.

The dissociated live their own version of such 'reality' as an augmented or overlay and at times total replacement for anything present, current or actual. They cannot be told they are wrong but will enact their right to choose to filter, distort and deny what they perceive as threat of harm. And so the first need is to establish a willingness of communication at the level of simply being, as acknowledgement and a fundamental extension of the worth that our being gives us as the freedom to choose.

Where there is a willingness, life shows a way, but if we try to force our way onto others, we meet an experience of opposition, conflict and denial. If we choose to interpret this as being attacked or denied, we will join our fellow being in the 'ego' of a communication breakdown and feed or strengthen conflict that we guilt the other for. Any perceived attack on our peace can call on a deeper honesty to discern what in fact is here rather than allowing a programming of old fears to run in our name.

The key in this is that what we give to another sets the measure of our experience of our world. Not circumstances. That we operates as if circumstances have built in and locked down meanings, is the normalisation of conflict to narrative masking. The willingness to be curious and present as a current desire is innate to our being, but blocked and distorted by guilt rising from and calling for fear, hate and attack.

The forms and patterns of our fears are different - but with many common elements that composite common agreements. Learning to discern the living, regardless the forms and appearances of complex masking is not dependent on understanding and dis-entangling our own mind in its own terms - which is futility itself. But we need a point for perspective from which to recognise the mind that is running and release to 'code' from operating.

Pausing from reaction as the willingness to feel and find the living way, is allowing awareness to align in freedom to see what the 'mind' of fear denies.



Numbers are falling yet the government doesn’t want to give up its power.

It has all the power that it Private Partnership gives it, in exchange for Public predation.

Numbers are mostly bollox.

Why join in their switch of test ‘cases’ for clinical conditions.

Why join in clinical conditions framed in panic and mistreated?

Why join in fear and control narrative that shouts “I am propaganda!” month after month after month?

Numbness is calling but do you want to give it power?



Today’s lead story: “New plot twist…” No, not a plot twist, new government lies.

If you are shown that it is all fiction, does this allow freeing the mind to seek and find truth?

Or does the mind insist that the lie must be eradicated, fought, or subjected to vengeance?

What I mean is can we release the trap of lies to take a fresh view or are we compelled to hate them and use them as a basis to make hate real - by stamping on the face of the hated?

Regardless what the Banker's stakeholders are doing, do they compel me to frame my life in reaction to lies?

Setting a mind against lies is not the same as yielding the mind to felt and loved truth.

The virus CAN be read as only about our mind.

Narratives are mind-creations that cast our conflict - as if to escape it.

But stories CAN serve waking from such futility to address our problems truly - which is in life and not in a mind set over and apart from life.

Addiction to narrative is compulsive thinking by which to maintain it.

The role of narrative distortion in leveraging minds is the masking over of fear - protected from awareness, true addressing, and healing or undoing.

Seek to be a true witness rather than merely throw stones or accusations at the false.

Once we saw they were lying - why are their lies given so much energy and attention?

Surely that must be because we are invested IN the lies.

The Lie can serve the wish to GET a private outcome, but then must call on further lies to protect from disclosure. The Lie goes forth to multiply as a contagion of lies that SEEM to give Carrots or SEEM to offer protection and mitigation from Sticks, such as to normalise the Lie and defend it as a normalised acceptance of life.

But the Lie has HAD to shift in open and plain sight, and while it may promise a new normal to be 'Happyland' where all your cares are removed from your consciousness, its false premises are hardly being disguised! And its nature as a false and destructive 'Economy' is hardly hidden from open sight!

To attack the agencies and symptoms of the Lie is to be diverted into masks behind masks that will never end and lead nowhere - as a well intentioned cause!

Lies are not true.

Free the mind from lies by aligning truly.

There is no call to escape a Lie in its own terms.

But attending those engaged in such will recognise a process of releasing investment.

The capacity of the Lie to reset itself by fear and guilt, is our susceptibility and resilience to baiting that targets our fears as 'receptors' by which to 'hijack' our mind.

The other hidden side of which is where our own fear seeks to get OUT of its own mind and WANTS to dissociate into something that limits and locks down the overwhelm, so as to escape the intolerable. That this gives power and responsibility away, and can be to a helpful containment in which to regain perspective over time. As within a true culture of support.

Or to the masked agenda of 'help' over the drive for control over others, as a means to use them to get for a sense of private agenda set over life as relationship and communication.

By our own desires and choices are we given a world as experience.

All experience is passing and in that sense, illusion, but the quality and capacity of recognition of truth extended and reflected is our coherence and resonance of thought, word and deed.

We ARE responsible for the thought we accept and embody or suppress to leak in devious ways. But blame is not correction. Restoring alignment in wholeness of being truly centres us. Dumping our stuff on others feeds a false habit and dependency for external 'fixes' that feed addiction. We are beings of choice, but can deny awareness of our choosing so as to 'escape' it onto others, to our past, to our circumstances - and believe we GET AWAY WITH IT!

That all our denials come 'home' is because they never really left.

But they seek release by acceptance and release of mistaken identity.

No less have all your blessings been saved as part of the true life shared - for they truly belong and cannot be truly lost, only covered over.

We are beings of freedom, in a realm of choice.

We are not without feedback, and guidance by which to recognise and feel our way.

Free will is not thrust upon us or we would be Biotech robotics.

But is contrasted by what it is NOT to a clear cut unequivocal choice by which to know and accept who you are. This always extends universally. But cannot override or violate the will of another. The tempt to do so is the exchange of a living will for a false inheritance, no matter how many ways or times we twist the plot.

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