Saturday 13 February 2021

The NHS is set up to fail

 The NHS is set up to fail. (Its really a PPP - like our 'government' -sic).

There is a lot else could be said of NHS.

The covid narrative is first and foremost a narrative by which to leverage outcomes.

The cases are misnamed test results for a test that means nothing in terms of disease or infectious status, and can be tweaked to give more of less 'cases' as politically expedient.

The underlying conditions that ARE clinical cases of respiratory disease or complications arising from such, are not fundamentally different than any other seasonal cold and flu cycle. There ARE safe and effective immune assistance measures with particular regard to Vit D and a number of safe and effective treatments. For nearly everyone, no special 'treatment' is required outside of nursing oneself or loved ones through it.

Panic Directives of covid-fear testing overwhelmed (sic) the deliberately crippled NHS.

The triggering and inflammation to terror of fear in the pubic is the only thing to not 'let rip' of they may have wanted to 'kill outsiders', or hate targets as vermin.

Fear is KNOWN to do this to the minds of the many when it reaches critical mass.

That is what was intended to be activated as the means to transition a global Economy  and restructure a top down system of fear management  or toxic debt repackaging as surveilled and enforced normal.

Sumption cant openly question the narrative.

Locking down core and natural freedoms while shutting down selected business sectors has absolutely nothing to offer in terms of gain of function - EXCEPT as testing and adjusting systemic controls under the mask of biological warfare. Toxic exposures are part of biological warfare. Inducing toxic fear-framed thinking is a psychological arm of the same intent.

It's up you you what you use you mind for - or to who or what you assign it to be used.

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