Sunday 14 February 2021

Carrot and Stick Management Inc
(nothing much to read there today)

Cecil B

‘As part of a “carrot and stick” approach, ministers are also working on’


Its not enough to bray emotionally reactive assertions.

The reward and punishment mechanism is a narrative capture of an innate pain-pleasure principle, but in the masking mind,of a lockdown to the body level, pleasure and and pain can become confused, such that short term relief from pain can become and attraction, a dependency and an addiction.

There is only token journalism here - but it runs a back room 'kettle' for commenters to vent their spleen and feel better in a group identity reinforcement.

The mind control 'operation' has many aspects but one of these is narrative management.

As long as we are emotionally reactive, we are invested and captured.

But the moment we look AT our emotional reaction and embrace it from a new perspective, we are free of the carrot and stick of the story we had been entranced to or taken on as our 'self and world'.

Why don't institutions of so called public service or duty offer information on aligning integrity in thought and health instead of suppressing immune resilience for the imposition of an external dependence-capture?

Why don't lockdown sceptics (sic) - grow a consciousness of what is needed?

Because the narrative is set to herd the vacca (cattle) to the milking shed, the abattoir, the bio-research lab, the bio-fuel hopper. In short to induce them to consent to be used, predated upon, experimented on and enslaved. In exchange for ... what exactly?

Free the mind because the mind in truth IS freedom.

Act as if you have it!

Rather than act out self-denying narrative guilt and fear in 'sickness' or its 'protection'

Unless of course, you insist!

For a mind to have perspective on its own current focus, there has to be a release of the getting mechanism - be that getting what we think we want or must have, or getting away from what we think we must avoid or get rid of. The mind of the animal level can be trained to love or hate against its nature.

I note that a living cell will always move toward a nutrient and away from a toxin as a result of sensing its environment. Humans have created or developed a virtual representation of our actual current relational communication as the result OF the intent to grasp and control it. Much of which is a self-conditioned response from the experiences arising from possession and control, or values set that invested and defended as 'self' and survival. This complex of self-image and world-view is invested in as the actual, when it is a currency of representation, a modelling and the developing of models of models or derivative meanings that conflict, and encapsulate as polarised identities.

The capacity of the mask and model to tyrannise it maker, is all the power we gave and give it as our 'self' or source of identity and protection. It isn't that imagination is wrong! But that images taken out of context as mistaken identity, will operate as reality for the mind that reacts to them as real, because on some level the fit the profile of already accepted and active identifications.

This is within the sphere of your responsibility even if you assign it away to conditions outside your control (as part of the wish to get rid of fear of consequence that responsibility would open within you). Fear paints imaginations of representation for inner conflicts that are denied or masked over and deferred or delayed from owning and resolving. It cast them out as something toxic to get rid of as hateful, and then finds that that meets a direct comeback from others, and so learns to repackage hate or toxic debts into complex instruments of social currency by which to pass off as care, cure, concern or virtue driven by social necessity.

Fear offers tyranny and deceit by the attempt to deny and protect it from a true reconciliation.

Hate and vengeance set as conviction in guilt refuses to even consider the possibility of relational communication, for a mind given to hate is lock-stepped to the driving guilt and fear of a survival as the 'love' and protection of what hate made 'real'. It needs grievance and enemy to maintain a past set in pain and loss as the stamp of hate given power over love and life.

#2 (Relating to Church and Christian Faith)

The identification in structure masks over identity in relational honesty - consecrated to the Spirit of truth.

The 'moth and rust' doth corrupt the corruptible or the maggots eat the dead and decaying flesh. In that sense they perform a service to the breaking of a false or mis-taken ID - that has to Cover its sin so as to mask in 'virtue' and be given social currency to set fig leaves against disclosure, while pretending to work toward the Master's return or the end of lockdown.

It is a mind level lockdown that the physical is used to symbolise and represent as magical association. It is also part of an inherited pattern that has developed over millennia. The pattern, device or 'Beast' is revealing itself for lack of capacity to support its own masking.

The 'lord' that steps forth to crown itself is forced and false.

Love does not 'lord it' as coercion and deceit - but such was the wish to 'be as gods' rather than be the love that we are.

Relational honesty is not what you think. For our own thinking is taking the attention and focus we could extend to another as our self. There is no other way to recognise truth than the willingness to receive it.

But if we choose to roll our own, we get to spin our own yarn with smoke and mirrors! (That sets a curriculum for re-education and rehabilitation to a wakening of willingness for truth, in place of self-wilful assertion).

The practice of Christian virtue is the sharing of a Gift, not the wishful substitutions of ritualised 'identity'. Under whatever name - or none - the Holy Spirit of a true Discernment is not absent any situation. All are Called but few choose to listen. However, the self fulfilling hell of pain and loss in loveless isolation finds limit of tolerance, such that disturbance uncovers a willingness for a deepening honesty of being.

Love wists where it will. A living Will, is felt within the living and not imposed upon it as if set over and apart a distanced and locked down mind and world.

Separation trauma are what we use our world to hide from, but eventually recognise we are hiding in.

#4 (today but not into the above comment thread)

Pity is that people with legitimate opinions and facts are being wrongly labelled conspiracists etc.

It is not a pity so much as naked power masking is forms of social acceptance.

The narratives of social acceptance are subverted and distorted by fear of pain of loss - including loss of face, social inclusion and conditions of support for living. Fear breeds masking superstition as a means of 'managing' conflicts instead of truly resolving them. Thus the perceived threat to such a 'management mindset' is walled out under terms of invalidation and smear that in truth undermine or reveal a lack of integrity and authority in the so called 'authorities' or institutions or their representatives. Redeeming back to truth is forsaking the seemingly comfort-a-bubble of externally supported (for now) self-illusion, at the cost of an inner or innate integrity of being - as a congruency of thought, word and deed. This level of corruption underlies the personae of pathological strategies that we often use the term for.

However, the process of noticing and integrating conflicts is not served by adding more layers of fear or guilt as reactive polarised identity. The Sprit of Science is genuine enquiry as a heart-felt discipline to observe and uncover the truth of what is presenting for the release of subjective limitation to an expansion of shared perspective.

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