Sunday 17 January 2021

Meaninglessness masking over smoke and mirrors

 Meaninglessness has become the basis and framework for almost all human endeavour - as in the attempt to escape an unreal problem causing very real problems that in turn are misinterpreted to cascade as a new world illusion that will run a while as the destruction of the old and the basis for redistribution of priority and therefore wealth and power.

Almost all of of 'lockdownsceptics' joins the mainstream in the chewing over of meaninglessness as if telling it it is not true will be heard and change the mindset in invested self-illusions. We can only accept truth in our own hearts - but will always find some relational exchange and synchronicity in such restored alignment because we are relational being.

Fact 1 - the method and means of the asserted discovery of Sars-Cov-2 are highly questionable and relate more to computer modelling of preselective bias than any empirically isolated and identified entity or object.

Fact 2 - no study has investigated this reconstituted 'Platonic' ideal of a virus as a cause of any disease.

Fact 3 - no one actually has any samples of actual Sars-Cov-2 for the purpose of such research.

Fact 4 - the PCR testing parameters developed by (the usual suspect) Dr Drostren and peer reviewed, proofed and published in under 2 days - with digital information and no actual virus sample are highly questionable and are being called for retraction by scientific peers as fraud or without foundation.

Fact 5 - The Corporate Financial sector is part and parcel of innumerable NGO 'fronts' and proxies of business, state and media - such as to exercise disproportionate leverages over all traditional checks and balances, such as to be able to generate the narratives by which to set regulatory structures under which to make their position safe relative to collapse of social and economic order resulting from their corruption of systems that serve to hold the conditions for life, into systems of predation upon the lives of others. This includes language and meaning. The result is meaninglessness or insanity.

Fact 5 is the context of 1-4 - and reflects the methods assigned to a parasitic hijacking 'virus'.

The mind has the capacity to mask over and deny its own act and intention by accusing and attacking the same in others, In this way it reveals a signature to its own inner conflict. However the collective will is weighted towards externalising our own unresolved conflict and assigning blame, rather than creating the conditions for healing, undoing and correcting as a reconnection and alignment in felt presence of communication restored. It is my sense that this - as an addictive pattern - has to bottom out - for the uncovering of a true willingness for serving and supporting Life - rather than seeking or evading vengeance set in ancient patterns that can be represented as an alien will or mind set over 'Planet Lockdown'. That is to say the covid mind trap is drawing on and leveraging deep fear and hate from which the unprepared mind recoils to mask in self-protection of cognitive dissonance, hell-bent on normalising a sense of continuity of a separated or split sense of self as some fragment of a sense of Paradise Shattered.

The capacity to question the questionable is because its resulting dissonance calls on and guides the willingness to release it.

The symbol of the Fall for the Garden, as a mindtrap of masking over a sense of self-wrongness set in fear expecting penalty of pain of loss was addressed by the questioning "And WHO told you, you were naked?" - that is - WHO tells us we are unprotected, vulnerable and susceptible to threat and attack in fear of pain and loss?

Our own 'thinking' operates as self-invested illusion - when allowed to divorce from felt relational presence. Our computer modelling mind would run off into its own spin as if a self-creating narrative seeking to be made Real, which has all the reality we give it, though never less that that, and where we give priority to self-illusion we shall sacrifice the living to idols of power and protection, over and over again. All illusions are temporary but the awareness of truth reflected in the realm of change opens recognition of a timeless context for the power that holds the conditions for the extension and support of Life in expression.

Workability is integrality. Our conflicts are not to be systemically eradicated, but re-evaluated from a greater perspective. The intent to manually redefine the mind that is being currently attempted is the nature of the original error seeking 'reset' on its own terms in place of Renewal in truth restored.

Hence it personifies war on our awareness of truth as a mind set in dissociation and defence against love's honesty now.

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Posted in similar vein later today at

to 'under-the-weather':

There's a difference between Covid deniers , those who say there's no Covid which could be challenged mentally, those who refuse a PCR for no reason, and those who are making use of their legal rights and govts illegal abuses of their rights in a less than dire pandemic which they can prove legally.

Covid-19 is the umbrella term for a range of 'disease' that includes 'health' (no clinical symptoms). This is presumed to be caused by a new or 'novel' virus codenamed Sars-Cov-2.

Respiratory diseases happen (with seasonality).

Particular features that are loosely called covid pneumonia are eithe the novel set of disease symptoms - or highlighted by the intense media driven spotlight of fear, funding and reaction. The cause or causes of which remain open to question - as do factors of susceptibility and treatments.

Fear is used as an old normal to mobilise a campaign or crusade of both funding and regulatory controls that ratchet always tighter at expense of rights and freedom to exercise responsibilities.

I could challenge you 'mentally' if what you mean is to question whether you are in your right mind or under the influence of a cult or scam. But I trust you are doing the best you can with what you have.

Once anyone takes and makes identity in the frame of the deception, they are emotionally invested into, reinforcing of, and fodder for, it intent.

When you see a new item - so called, you are under offer to enter a contract by engaging in its terms. If you zoom out from liability of being phished by emotional reaction you will see it is a legal document in the framing and phrasing of its qualifying small print as well as around otherwise highly emotive or provocative imager and messaging.

These attempts to capture mindshare and bypass rational thought, are challenges to your integrity. If you do not maintain integrity, you will let it in where it will undo you from within - under illusion of moral justification.

I wrote a bit today on core facts that are mostly unestablished assumptions set as the basis for this whole restructure of economy and human society.


It SHOULD be up to the authorities imposing such restrictions of choking our relational freedoms and business to prove their case at every step. They have not HAD or allowed an 'opposition' or oversight of checks and balances.

This tells me that the institutions are 'bought, corrupted or terrorised into compliance over a long term process that kept the medical avenue as a trump card, and switched lockdowns for established protocols at the critical point of a drilled and lockstepped support for emergency.

Once beliefs are injected into the collective, they will persist against all evidence.

They may be established by fear, but they operate under the belief in masking protection from fear. This is what the refusal or unwillingness to heal demands. And the means by which fear operates a masked agenda of control.

It is not my call to actively 'deny' what has not proven its existence in terms that are empirically anchored. Nor do I accept theory and assumptions as 'the science' or as fact. But I am open to answers and would of course broaden my scope from a virological psycho-pathogenic obsession which fuels a cult-like fear and superstition of cognitive dissociation.

I don't deny that we experience 'colds'. What they are seems to have eluded science for a century or more - but it would appear they have now been redefined as a basis a self-extinction of Humankind - whether or not trans-human carbon units persist. No XrRebellion is mobilised, because we are for the most part prepared, cultivated and ready to abandon our life to a control system that has been growing through a monopolising of technology under corporate 'stakeholders'

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