Saturday 26 December 2020

Cancelled Masculinity ?

Context is everything.
The ability of a mental structure to set a false context is the 'lie and the father if it' - that is of a wish to imagine a context in place of what is actually here and act from it as if true. This is toxic to our awareness and appreciation of truth. (Truth Is all that is). the lie must project its own intent onto others and world and attack the scapegoat.
The world of human affairs is one of becoming entangled and set in a set of mental constructs that are held in place by acquired habits.
The renewing of our mind (in truth) is the necessary reconnection with the true values that are both felt and shared.
The groupthink of correctness is a mental dissociation that cannot allow a direct and felt relationship.
As such it is a masking identity operating as one who knows not what he does - because without true awareness of the worth and value of anything - he knows not who and what he is. The capacity to recognise a self-destructive habit holds the light of an honesty through which a better choice can be accepted and lived.
This calls for the pausing or resting of the emotionally reactive mind as the willingness to know rather than 'think about' or process according to rules that have become internalised and invisible as a 'normal'.
The working of the sense of self lack and grievance by a mind of deceit is of course the willingness to listen to it.
The polarised reaction of sexual qualities or any other charged conditions, can set off a self-reinforcing breakdown of communication.
The zero-point - an idea rising from electrical and plasma physics - is not an absence or negation but the underlying Point of which , within which, and as which all that is - has and shared the experience of being. Without a pivot Tweedledee cannot even have a fantasy of victory or subjugation in relation to Tweedledum.
Where is the relationship as an active expression?
What is really going on?

the Receptive without the Extension or Projective would not Be.
Nor the other ways about.
Giving and receiving are one in truth for they cannot be truly separate. But what we think to give or think to receive can be as insanely out of true as we are willing to bear - and able to find social reinforcement for. That a 'world' has in a sense gone mad is the 'garbage out' that remains faithful feedback to the 'garbage in'.

Blessed are the poor in Spirit - once they recognise their own lack of giving sets their misery.
Otherwise a mind reacts as being poor in grievance, subjugation, deprivation, denial and a sense of life betrayed.
And once reacting from such a fear or hate - are phished in the image to a distance and a lockdown set in a 'denied and denying will'.
Free willing is not the freedom to act without consequence, but the freedom to align in life as a conscious acceptance - and to know the act as a true participance in Creation - which is not theologically determined or scientifically settled and sealed, but always new. Wonder and appreciation are qualities of recognition.
A sense of self is a sense of freedom and responsibility for inner and outer balance - within a greater Whole.
If the cell or self loses Communication, it runs out of sync and as a sense of disconnection and depletion.
Happy un-Boxing day!

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