Friday 9 October 2020

As for toxifying or undermining support for life in earth 

Taking a leaf out of the reptilian playbook - consider a UVB basking light for winter - and or supplements.

Just be aware of the eyes and UVB. There may be some vibrational thing with mercury vapour lighting - but everything in this world is an alloy of risk-benefit - and then there's what we make of it.

I don't know of stats for UVB levels of exposure but my sense is that the 'magnetosphere' is weak during very low Solar activity allowing more cosmic 'ray/particles'. On different days I sense different conditions and act out of a sense of relationship with body and with Sun.

The second link is effectively a hit-piece against vit D supplementation. The phrse 'synthetic' vit D is a strange one. Innumerable studies and experience with supplementation have not supported the insinuation of toxicity. While I could go into that the fear-porn of such messages is not equally focused on pharmaceutical interventions.

So it has worth in terms of stress and receptivity but food will not come close to what the Sun can give even in a few minutes. Avoiding rickets is not an optimal level.

Stress is inverse to Heart connected life.

The change and challenge of stress is part of life, but a stress-based sense of self is a stuck record or a dead end.

Actual benefit of sunlight may be more than Vit D - ie cholesterol sulphate - and charge - re Pollack's EZ water effect. The first link is good to note that there may be adaptations for receptivity in winter, but generally there is less light and more indoors toward polar latitudes in winter.

As for toxifying or undermining support for life in earth - the solution has to be in the roots, and soil and yielding back to root cause may be the only way of becoming a true seed from which to extend a truly creative basis for life. The toxicity has a psychic counterpart that is within our 'psycho-genetic' template or it would not be manifesting. Possession and control rise from fear of loss of face or masking control over a private locked down world.

The adaptation to such a world is dependent on its conditions such that disclosing Full Communication would merely be destructive to such consciousness.

The body is not an end in itself - or else it sets a dead end.

That which creates, or arises as life through the body is whole, but the use to which it is put can become so identified in as to lockdown, mask in and defend appearances within the always changing, as if setting the mask against a life that becomes 'death'.

Without fear of death in the body, continuity and development would not have the focus of protection. But when fear of death becomes raised to an effective worship of death in desperation to mask over a bubbled sense of life as if a self-existing separateness driven by threat of death, we become the means to attack and undermine ourselves through the very thinking that sought to mask in hiding from fear that could not at the time be faced.

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