Wednesday 30 September 2020

Why are the powers that be, doing this?

 The above was asked on

(A page on which I posted a lot of very short comments).

James asked:

WHY are the powers that be doing this ? It’s obvious it’s being done on purpose someone please explain why ?

That is a big question James. But 'what for?' cannot proceed without first re-evaluating the presumptions under which we live.

An attempt at a simple sketch is that corruptions in our thought lead to conflicts that if not addressed and resolved lead to systemic corruptions that become structural as the 'way the world works' - except that it is NOT how anything works - so much as forcing life to operate under and through false narrative beliefs and at cost of ongoing burden of sacrifice as debt (in more ways than money) that only grows toxic to the superstructure running as surface appearances.

The idea of a re-adjustement or reset in old economic terms was when a bubble of inflated and false values is forced to reset to the current fact rather than the false currency of derivative 'values' that collapse.

Invested identity in control - (seeking power over life instead of power to hold the conditions for life) - seeks to control the Crash, or control the ability to be placed so as to suffer less or benefit more. When such identity operates the inequality of wealth distribution and financial leverage that we have collectively allowed or participated in creating, the perceived and believed MEANS to control call very strongly to the fear of loss - or should I say total loss - because the idea of sacrificing others (and a vital part of your own heart) to a seemingly necessary or even 'worthy' intent to not only manage such a major change, but use it as a means to reshape the world in your own image. But here I am talking of those who are active in setting up and executing the systems of thought and control that regulate a largely sleepwalking or managed people.

The Economy is rigged and corrupt and not at all what we put our confidence in as something tangible. This also applies to currencies of thought. The means, is to use our own mind against us, and yet by this is its lack of true foundation brought to light - yet en route this will operate as the accusation and deconstruction of identity such as to 'diagnose the healthy as a vector of contagion' and mandate controls, or as carbon guilt units, to be controlled, but by whatever ever means, to be 'made safe' so as to no longer threaten the system OF control in which and by which the rich or privileged keep what is not their just reward or right, for it is gotten by deceit and coercion. That is not to demonise the rich or privileged - but to say there is a basis in life of responsibility what what you have and are, and to lose this for outward appearance is to be dispossessed of life by one's apparent possessions.

My witness from all that I have so far seen, is that there is no life, love or true fulfilment in the vision of the 'new world order' under whatever front or names or ruses. It is all about control - taken or indeed sacrificed to - as power.

This is a ancient story written in modern clothes. Or indeed fig-leaf thinking and the Emperor's New Robes.

You could look at it as a consummate deceit - but what exactly does its deliver (us to)?

I wrote the sketch without recourse to blame-hate, because accepting responsibility for what we have and are is undermined and blocked by engaging in blame as the projection or casting of guilt as if to get rid of it. The body can and does deposit toxins it cannot eliminate where they will least damage core functions. But they are not eliminated or more than temporarily encapsulated thereby. So while it is not wrong to use work-arounds as a temporary expedient, that does not establish such means as a way to live and thrive.

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