Wednesday 19 August 2020

The enemy as the idea of salvation through attack or self unrecognised

There is no external enemy, all enemies are self-created. I believe this, and yet I don’t. I know that thinking of others as enemies is mostly due to my own limited perception. And yet, is it not true to correctly identify an enemy who is trying to eradicate you (which does in fact happen)?
One of the many (supposed) paradoxes of life.
This is the limit of philosophy, and of language. Be nice if we all sat around meditating – I’d like that I think, but then what to do about these men coming to wipe us off the face of the earth?
To be Zen is to be beyond philosophy.

The mind as definition is the ‘creative’. Mind has no outside - unless locked down in the image and form of Body. But even here, we see only through the idea of 'outside or other'. Ideas do not leave the mind of the thinker - regardless they open an infinity of potentials.

The ego cannot tolerate Infinity - as it was made to limit and mask over. Within the mask is world of reversal.

While you react to 'enemies', you believe in them, and at some level believe that attack is the power of your salvation or survival.

That this belief or definition is deep-set and widely held does not make it true.

The answer - if answer is the right term, is the recognition of yourself in another.

While not a popular view, I suggest we have learned to hate ourself as a projection upon others that makes then ‘other’ or judged - yet first we attack, deny or judge ourself.

The view that the mind of judgement is a two-edged sword, and a mind by which we are deceived is hardly new.

When we enter the human experience, we take on a particular focus by which to learn the world and participate in it.

Within the world of the idea you are a body is the realm of attack and death set over life in a locked-down bubble identity set in self-isolation, and masked in the body - and in the rituals and behaviours and appearances of the body - that under threat can march in lockstep to assert the masking narrative over a growing capacity to question or exceed and expand the limits of the mask as control.

I would refine your question to the core responsibility; ‘who am I?’ and where shall I stand or move to within the situation as it truly is?’.

The ‘mind that would bring your death to you’ is not a completely different thing than your own patterns of self-denial - which are generally themselves denied. So perhaps - as a guarantee that we cannot really get completely lost and locked in our own guilt, we meet our denials in our ‘world’ - but unrecognised as such - because we put them out to NOT KNOW what at that instant we could not accept, face or allow to even bring to question.

I don't think you need to ‘learn’ how to protect your ego - as it is on perpetual vigilance. But you may want to learn how to protect you Peace, from the insinuations of guilting and fear. There is a voice for Peace - just as there is a call to war. You can think about it as much as you want - but the crux of the matter is where do you go to receive your self? Be aware that masking in virtue generates a false and derivative currency of symbol and language for felt and share meaning.

Jesus put it that what he pointed to or showed the way of was not IN this world.

But is the inheritor of a world recognised in truth.

Live the moment at hand, and live the day.

Death comes to sweep you off the face of the earth?

You can choose to see it that way.

What do you get out of it?

Can you see it differently?

Do you want to see it differently?

I stand in life - not death - and yet it seems to those who choose fear of death over love of life that I am associating with death - while they are ‘doing something to stop it - or avert and delay the Inevitable. They of course need funding and controls or compliance to rules, such as to make us safe.

Fear operates a self-fulfilling prophecy - and yet masks in virtue and finds popular support against ‘evil threat’.

Yes it becomes the agency of the very think it presents to defend against - and accuses itself in anyone seeking to bring it to question. But is attack the way to undo, heal or resolve fear?

Insofar as we are meet a destructive intent set against us, resolve to counter or defend what is true and worthy by such means as to bring active hostility to a process of communication. This is the right of self-defence as defence and not the use of that right to justify and take joy in acts of hate that inflict pain and destruction.

There are many ways to say ‘NO!’ to a disintegrity. But if we are not acting from integrity, we use their sins to hide and cover our own, and are deceived by our self-justification or narrative identity - taken from kneeling on their life support, and given in allegiance to the god of war and death - set over and apart from life - as an utterly alien will, to whose ‘mysteries’ we may sacrifice to be brought closer to death in life as fantasy given power.

The idea of the Eugenicists - as purveyed into the Green liturgical masses, is of human beings as a virus or cancer on the Earth - deserving to be ‘swept away’ or at least quarantined, flattened and made safe. But it is corrupt human thinking that works a parasitic ‘virus’ or cancer in the living Body of all, and it is this that is pointed to with ‘wicked shall perish’. The personification of thoughts assigns the sin as creator of the sinner to act act scapegoat magic as sacrifice as atonement or payment in kind.

The idea or repentance and release as an immediate response to a recognition of mis-identification is undoing conviction of guilt locked into sin, to a recognition of error that calls for immediate correction. That people learned to go through the motions or make involved processes of atoning or correcting to ‘mask in virtue’ is hardly surprising - but that it does not heal is the sign that it is false. A world based on false currency is a fake world. How shall it stand? - but by perpetual sacrifice of truth to maintain its otherwise failure to face off threats of exposure as a fraud?

If it were possible to simply tell the truth and undo illusion, illusion would have no capacity to persist as experience through which to learn, grow perspectives and develop abilities.

The function of illusion is to replace, pass off or mask as truth.

If you are modelling possibilities and know you are only modelling - you do not take it as true - but as a potential guide.

But if we WANT illusion and invest in it as true, it shall be so as our identity and protection.

Maybe we don't need so much to do something about all the fakery that works destructive entanglement as to instead bring a whole life to truth in willingness to serve a whole life?

Once we set the problem, we become defined or even spellbound by the terms and conditions we agreed consent by reactions of the willingness to ‘solve it’.

If an insanely ‘guided’ (?) mind can seek to deconstruct Society, so as to remake in its own image, then a Sanity can deconstruct the insane ‘guide’ that seems to offer power and protection - never really deliver either, but exact hidden costs that further disempower under dependencies that effect to control us and do not give more than a mask of temporary security.

'These men’ are embodiments of a fear-agenda that has mass support. What is it’s part in you? 

Disturbance is not a philosophical matter. It can move the bowel, wretch out mad thinking, and oppress the ability to breathe and feel in Living Presence.

Do ‘these men’ do this, or is it a matter of cometh the hour cometh the Men?

A field of energy has no existence except through its interactions with its medium.

Our thinking assigns agency to objects and forces upon or between them.

Systems theory takes fear thinking as far as it can in terms of replicating a Natural Order as a systemic control.

Will we succeed in wiping consciousness off the face of Humankind?

Is the wish NOT to know, an actual opposition to That for which Creation Is to Know 'That It Is Good'?

Or a mind-construct through which to choose not to See, that renders results that seem to prove it cannot be seen?

i feel a bit like Gethsemene - where I look for my brothers and they lost vigilance and sleep - but in my loss of peace is the mind of judgement revealed to run as if a will of its own - and so the returning to the Garden to pray is not ‘meditating’ so much as yielding the mind of a separate judging will.

If love is lost to death and change, it is mere illusion.

As we choose in any moment will determine the witnesses we seek and find.

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