Saturday, 11 July 2020

Good news meets you in truth

in response to the themes in:

Its function is what operates through what is left of a 'masking of public service'.
If you want the 'service' use it. If you recognise the function operating as the framing of your thought, lose it.

If BBC was scrapped it would only be to use other or new forms of identity reinforcement and social engineering. For those who are invested in such functions have the wherewithal to play apparently competing or contrasting roles from the shadows.

Good news meets you in truth. But invested identity in outcomes, sets the prerequisite for an identification in the form of an outcome as invested 'truth'.

Token gestures can be used to maintain an illusion of accountability.
The knitworking of the function of control to gain invested outcomes - over against feared pain of loss - is an establishment of distributing fear, pain and loss, to the population at large so that the function of control can be protected against the function of communication.

We each - and thus together choose in every thought and every moment whether to accept identification in communication, or in the 'form of communication' as an expression of what I sense to be an illusion of control - for limiting and shutting down awareness and communication as the basis for raising a false narrative is hardly more than denial - given worth-ship as a basis for a displacement reality - or social masking.

The communication of hate masked as 'saving lives' does not become loving or virtuous, but locks in by investment as a social or mutual agreement by ritual observance. The mask itself has all the power you give it - and so if it is to 'ward against invisible threat', its wearer makes the threat real by defence. If it is to evade peer conflict, then power is given to fear of conflicted communications, and if to evade state-backed penalty, then we give unto Caesar what we deem necessary to survive in the world. But this brings up whether we give to God (as the source and nature of a living will) what is truly due to God. Love is the quality of a true communication or extension of being in action - and not just worlds, presented masking or competing identities seeking protection or reinforcement.

Noticing the thought and response in our own mind is hardly served by self-blaming - which will reveal itself in the quickness to blame others for what we hate or fear in ourselves.

'Answers' will be framed by our question. If our 'invested or identified answers' are falsely framed then they deliver us to evil - by functional or logical extension.

If the invisible threat is no real threat at all, then the need for such a threat my be generated by all who are invested in it as a means of controlling or feeding off the 'answer'.
We all know fear of pain of loss as part of our mind, but rarely identify its true cause because this requires transparence and accountability by which we 'lose face'.

"And who told you you were naked?"

Ego defences DO the thing they premise to protect against.
If I give no energy and attention to a 'framed baiting' then it has no resonance or correspondence in me. At some level this is an energetic of permission or agreement for if we judge - we have opened the experience of being judged - which may inflate in seeming praise to destroy by uncovering guilt as invalidation.

I don't give 'answers' here, so much as invite a more discerning questioning of already active invested answers that in truth replicate or regenerate the problem in a new set of clothes. But to be met in truth is good news - or a resonant recognition of true value shared. If the mind sets conditions for this that are practically impossible, then no one will have any news - but only reiterate the 'same old same old'. But if the willingness for any moment in any situation of recognition, extends that recognition, then the mind is released from seeking out and finding what is wrong with everyone and everything (for not meeting its underlying conditions), to alight in and re-member the felt quality of life as a gift that shares. Sometimes this is recognised as a shared moment between us and another or us and nature, but always as a quality of shared being.

The theme of locking down for control set in fear and masking in narrative demanding lockstep or exclusion is already active as a consciousness we are so normalised to that it runs as a subconscious habit in place of a greater life rendered invisible and framed in fear as the communication that would undo the need for a control-mind - and release the burden of it to a direct quality of being of a wholeness - from which to recognise underlying calls in the situation that fear and division interpret as offence, threat and justification for attack or denial.

The situation is unique. There is no one size or plan to fit all - except a templated database of learned responses that reiterates its past as a blindness to presence that seeks the qualities of such fulfilment everywhere else - and which can become enraged or terrified, heartbroken or paralysed in shifting patterns of reactivity that in turn generate suppression and limitation as control. But control is always an expression OF the thing it is set over. True decision is arrived at as a process of communication, in willingness for resolution in the context of relationship. We can experience our resistances in the context of a true willing, or we can persist in the drama of narrative dictates - as the reality that a hateful or unworthy 'world' fails to meet.

Human self-hate is directly associated with self-conflicted fear. We 'bank it' in complex instruments of repackaged and redistributed definitions as both a survival response and yet a knowing untruth. How shall we live such a lie?
Either by denying its disclosure as the necessary evil that must never be let into awareness, or in willingness and curiosity to release our lockdown enough to allow the messengers of a reintegrative purpose. The Prodigal Son motif may be simple, but its core message is of a restoring truth to a mistaken identity set in its own spin.

The desecration and degradation of our self and world experience is not escaped by cover stories that buy more time to persist in unrecognised futility. But the timing of our releasing to the recognition of release is each and together our own.

To love life must be to listen to life and abide it - or else we love our own image set in thinking, and blindly sacrifice life to raise an idol, 'made real' in its place.
But to notice this, is to be restored to the capacity to choose not to use it. Not the capacity to choose to love in our own right. Love moves of Itself through the willingness to share or extend it. If it broke down our unwillingness by force love would not be love and we would not be free to choose. When we resort to coercion, we set conditions in which love's honesty is denied recognition and all hell breaks loose - even if immediately frozen over by limiting of fear, of pain, of loss set in time as delay.

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