Sunday 27 December 2020

Love's honesty is altogether different than how we have trained our minds to work 


We have to become more doggedly determined than the people who are trying to reshape our world.

Discipline under fear is driven and can hold its course against great odds as the survival urge, and run as the 'normal' of a subconscious masking imperative that will subordinate all else to its ongoing controls.

This is not the framing in which or by which to overcome or realise freedom from malign intent, and so a first call is not to react in like kind. This opens the way to look at the framing of fear in act, and to recognise it as unworthy, without substance and nothing we want, which frees the way to uncovering what we truly want.

Discipline of willingness for love's honesty is altogether different than the way we have trained our minds to work. Determination as active free willingness is of a different order than the imposition or overriding of the will by a mind of guilted and fear-set rules as to what everything is or must be. The determination to see and know and share in truth is a natural response to a recognition of a false 'salvation' as a hell - from which to disassociate without any other ado.

A false sense of self and world reshapes its mind and world to 'save' itself from its own denials. One of the seeming salvations of 'fear as the guide' is the externalisation of liabilities, such that the most hateful or fearful is put away from self by denial and projection of our conflicts to our use of our relational world as a means to 'resolve' our identity conflicts 'externally'.

The belief that attacking and denying or eradicating and controlling the 'enemy' is self-vindicating victory is the dogged persistence in repeating and recycling polarisations of conflict, struggle, pain, depletion and loss to death. Until this is seen as futile, it persists as if our salvation or vindication of identity set in hate and grievance seeking its own, but in a frame that implicitly reiterates the original error, for it does the thing is seeks to eradicate or deny to the other.

Programming runs until another command is set in place. To add further control specifications to a program is to persist in the same command of decision under the belief it is meaningful or effective. Hence the development of the use of the mind as we have accepted to technological extensions of the idea of controlling and reshaping our world.

The true nature of command rests in the power of decision, not from a battle of wills. As long as you take your sense of power from a battle of wills, you must be driven by what you are set against - the 'Adversary'. This will be always shifting as various patterns of external threat that must be protected as narrative dictates to maintain the discipline against looking within.

Everything in the ego's thought system or program is to the purpose of looking without seeing. It is Self and therefore self-evasion, set in self-reinforcing loop that shirtcircuits awareness of wholeness, now. As a part of your thought it has all the power you gave it and give its still, for the purpose you assigned it. Everyone who comes to this world learns the masking by which to participate and adapt to the human world - which is a modelling overlay through which we have and share life in a physical frame.

To the 'ego' framework there is no other life but framed in death and driven by fear of death as IF power over life in the moment of its imposition as desirable and necessary, but which is revealed as passing show of grasping illusion. The desire is then compelled to seek again and yet again to 'get' what it teaches itself to lack or be denied and deprived, and the addiction to control of the means to 'get' becomes a hollow and meaningless end in itself.

What is it FOR?

We can gain a world as an ideal of completion by the means to make it fulfil fantasies of creating life in our image. We can imagine and dedicate or sacrifice to its ideal, as the surrender of all that we are to achieve the experience of its becoming, but why would we WANT it?

I put that as a collective because we are collectively co-creating this, in ways that are not obvious or apparent to the surface of thinking and the appearances that our thinking determines.

Our world - OUR world - is psycho-physical both, and the psychic element is being locked down and denied for the purpose of a contract with control, as the basis for our world.

Of course we do this unto our Self - but via the mind that frames itself as compelled by external powers, consequences and meanings - that it has set itself in and distanced from, as if to object itself from the relational field of knowing and being existence, aware.

The regaining of Communication as Relationship itself is the repurposing of abilities learned or acquired in pain or struggle. In this sense our 'world' made in guilt, fear and pain of loss, is redeemable to Vision restored.

The issue is not 'how can this be', but whether in your heart you WANT this to be.

No one is forced to choose the truth of their own heart's desire, but in choosing against our truth we set up the conditions of pain of loss that shall find a limit of tolerance, and so the willingness to look within shall call forth a better choice through which to see differently and recognise a way of release that was hidden from the drive to ‘Get’ for our self. Truth is never a thing, an idea or ideal set in any kind of form, system or structure, yet is the quality and qualities through which all things are known and find their place.


What (or who) can you not tear down and stand over, as righteous judgement?

The persona is the focus of moral oneupmanship.

But the pivotal moments of all changes are lived through specific situation in which a more universal recognition allows the release of a situation of conflict to one of some measure of cooperation.

The principle is key - not worshipping and idealising or idolising the person or event.

As one who identifies in terrain theory, I don't see the pathogen or the apparent saviour in isolation from the context that draws forth the condition. This is a different way of seeing - as within a wholeness rather than as if set apart and set over a wholeness torn down and stood over in a game of 'king of the castle' - and the dirty rascal.

Nothing can bring recognition of life as whole to a mind intent on picking holes.

However, when any form, idea or system is idolised, and presented as a god-narrative to comply and conform in, the willingness to see it is full of holes is the release from taking one's identity from its compliance, worship or accepted currency.

Politics has been called the art of the possible, and like parenting is both impossible and necessary. Social organisation is an ordered chaos or chaotic order. Ideals of order and control operate as conflicting interests and power struggle consolidates the means to prevail as control. Yet this kills the life it claims to serve or protect and is a generator OF chaos at system level.

Order within chaos is a discernment of compassionate presence, rather than conflicting sympathies and antipathies of narrative driven identity.

Anyone who gives attention and aligns support in this is generating the pathways for a win-win perspective instead of ancient hate set in power struggle. Does it matter how many or who serves to hold the way open for release of ancient hatred to a truly workable way of living on this Earth.

The eugeneticists actively generate 'the degradation of the stock' they claim to be saving humanity from. But are one extreme example of how we become the thing we hate - under narrative blindness of being 'right' against the lack of virtue seen or extended to the 'unworthy'.

The politicisation of hate crime is operating against the potential to freely recognise hate in our own heart and choose not to use it.

Freely means free of blaming hate that thinks to 'make a better world' (sic). But if our measure DOES come back to us, then our call to re-evaluate where we are coming from is not a witch hunt but a living desire for a better world right Now! Without justification or apology to anyone else.

'Where do I stand?' is first.

Where do I stand in terms of a presenting problem will be seen from a true understanding, or else frame me in someone else's problem running as a currency of contagion.

Many identify from their problems and would feel lost, exposed and naked without them. The devil they know...

'Just give me whatever makes it go away doc'.

The choice to abnegate responsibility is different to the period of dependency that calls for orientation and support in learning to live. And is fed and nurtured by the role given to those who then take that as the basis for control, leverage, and use of the living as a food source, energy supply or bio-assets to develop or discard.

The unholy alliance of fear and control is the subjugation of the living will to systemic compliance. But the Law is made for Man - not the other way around.

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