Wednesday 9 December 2020

Breaking the Spell by ceasing to Cast it



Anyway, I’m off to bed, but I’ll leave the night shift to consider something that really bothers me about this whole thing.

There are far too many very intelligent people who “believe” all this. I can’t figure why this is, other than to think they have either been paid, or threatened.

Discuss! (Use both sides of the paper, if required.

 Intelligence is predicated upon what?

Intelligence can be assigned to those considered insane or possessed of evil intent.

The issue then is not the capacity or ability of the mind, but its assigned and assumed active purpose. Garbage in; garbage out doesn't just apply to Ferguson’s modelling career! But if garbage is needed as a pretext for private gain or evading private loss, then, intelligence is assigned the task of presenting such a masking agenda and fronting it out. If the private agenda equates itself with the public good, then all lies become noble or necessary leverage towards a perceived good or lesser evil - relative to an ongoing situation of impending threat to private agenda, that is perceived as the greater evil against which all resources and abilities are aligned, but which cannot be openly acknowledged, for disclosure of the true account is the greater evil associated with fear of pain of loss of power as both ‘face’ and ‘control’.

A corrupted and dissociated sense of self is masked from self-honesty, as the attempt to control the results, so as to hide the conflict by redefining its world as the justification for persisting as narratives of controlm evasion and shifting predicates asserted as if a continuity.

Within a ‘normal’ world of mutually agreed conditioning, the agreements are essentially invisibly structured as the ‘world’ or reality in which we live. Those in a bubble self and world perceive the reinforcements and proofs  that represent their survival - as set in such an unconscious or subconsciously operating structure of identified definitions and beliefs. The nature of the drive for a bubbled or masked off sense of self and world is driven to maintain itself as the action and reaction of a sense of self set over conflict.

The need for mutual reinforcement will override all else , because there is no support in reality for invested self-illusion - excepting its revelation as a lack of substance or untrue.

The world as a narrative construct of human image, meaning, modelling, predictions and controls is a ‘House of Cards’ too big to fail - but lacking true foundation or conflicted as a result of corruptions and adulterations of a true Currency that effect a dissociated bubble reality that runs destructive to conservation of worth, as well as to creative and expansive endeavour.

The thinking within the solution being ‘rolled out’ is fear-defined, fear driven and fear managing. There is no love in it. Can a machine intelligence be anything but a programming of templated programming - no matter how fitted to ‘learning’ as a quantised systemic modelling and control system?

Can you discern the qualities of life?

This is the root of the Heart’s intelligence.

Will you trade, abandon or deny life for the false premise following fasle profit?

Are you being ‘phished’?

Those who took the bait, are actively operating under a stolen or mis-taken identity. They are not in their Right mind or currently in relational communication, seeing only through a glass darkly. However, the underlying pattern is of a habit-reaction set in fear, and so the issue is not merely ‘covid’ but our capacity to abide our self and world to the recognition and alignment in a true relation.

The ‘covid’ agenda is setting an extreme example of the way the mind of manipulative evasions and masking deceits operates as a masking ‘power struggle’ that cannot be ‘won’.  The archetype of ‘war in heaven’ is a ‘separation trauma’ to undo, heal and move past, but no one can recognise or relase what they are compelled to re-enact.

I did not reach to apparent or hidden reasons in the corporo-political-social world.

They are all set in the frame that operates to prevent questioning that would break the spell.


Burlington in Reply to  Ceriain

I am stunned by the number of my friends I thought were intelligent rational thinkers who are so resistant to any conversation about lock-downs, the virus, masks or vaccines. Any hint of the conversation turning in that direction and the shutters immediately come down,

Its irrational and very worrying.

Perhaps there is something in the water supply?

I see 'More than my job is worth' running directly on existential fear.

Peer support or social inclusion is so much more than we like to think - because we like to think we are independent, in control, thinking beings, and even 'free'!

Lies that we SEEM to live by, can only run in place of true relationship by being 'shared'. This by definition generates an exclusion, pact, clique or segregative agreement NOT to openly say, know or accept the disclosure of the lies that are effecting a cover story for mistakes that grew out of all proportion to become hidden sins. Most have little or no rational sense of this, because most are using rationalisations to mask over and evade directly knowing what they need to turn a blind eye to, in order to 'live with themselves'.

If you do not align in such a directive, you break the pact, contract, clique or hidden set of mutual conditions that set the terms under which life is allowed to move or communicate or share. As those conditions have been openly tightened or contracted to a new set of commandments, the pretences have to be openly asserted and masked in - no matter what. 

The existential guilt and fear takes different form and pattern - but its demands are the sacrifice of love and life truly lived and shared.

He who would save his own life shall lose it - because salvation from fear is the restoring to love of life truly lived and shared.

This is truly having and being, but the fear of dispossession and exposure to humiliation and invalidation, is to 'have not' - which by its drive to GET, loses even the little that it has.

I see the recognition of the need for true foundation - in place of a driven insanity seeking limitation and control - is the honesty to true need recognised - and this is the turnaround or 'bottoming out'.

Extending love to another is the recognition of their being, not the reinforcement of their narrative beliefs or presentations. There is a learning in how to not react as if our salvation depends upon countering or correcting their errors - which only feeds the mindset of error.


Good response for a 'narrative refinement'.

Ideas are taken up and repurposed - or as I often say weaponised and marketised by opportunism driven by perceived need or called forth by true desire.

Adam Curtis makes 'docu-stories' to show how ideas hijack the mind, replicate contagion and mutate as ever new twists to the narrative of possession and control. Persons and events are thus shown as agencies of the ideas rather than as pathogens. Though in order for him to set a drama key persons and events are used to sketch out - and this leads a personal moral judgement to fall into blame and shame reaction - rather than address the whole terrain within us.

I see mutual self interest operating as an invisible left hand of darkness when  self is defined by fear to operate as the masking over and hiding of fear and thus protect the fear by following its directive as a power of protection. If this reads insane, that is because brought out of a compartmentalised dissociation, it is insane.

The golden rule operates the equilibrium of 'balance points' in support for Life as a result of all as brought to communication. But if fear and guilt interject a withdrawal and withholding of communication, the same rule operates to negative effect - for treachery sees itself in others and by reacting to what it sees in defence, does the thing it fear in the 'othered' to others and draws a like reaction that, like tares in the field, runs as contagion through the whole.

"What I see is a form of vengeance" accurately describes the way anyone who holds attack thoughts in his mind must see their world. Having projected  anger onto their world, they see vengeance about to strike at them. Their own attack is thus 'justified' as self-defense. This becomes an increasingly vicious circle until there is a willingness to change how they see.  Otherwise, thoughts of attack and counterattack will preoccupy him, and people his entire world. What peace of mind is possible to them then?"

(adapted from A Course in Miracles).

Zero-point offers a way to transcendent unity - by a shift of perspective instead of persisting in polarised reaction as if any unified, fulfilling or complete outcome can ever become realised.

The findings of plasma science extending to a resonance or field model - instead of a resistance or object model, offer a bridge or crossover point.

The lockdown mindset is in my view resisting as objection to an Expansion of Perspective in which the mindset of possession as control is redundant.

It seeks to 'understand' but only as the means to define in terms of control.

It is has no real sense of what control is FOR, because it is set against allowing the Function of Communication to truly reveal anything.

And so a compartmentalised and shifting mind-management of conflict, masks as the casting out to narrative definitions of 'problems' and of 'solutions' in which to hide or cover and escape toxic debt, that so piles up as to become unworkable. To the conflict management, too big to fail, means externalising costs. And so everyone and everything else is engineered and set to fail as the means to contract and consolidate the appetite that feeds on fear and conflict for its 'survival' at life's expense.

But note I am not speaking of living being, but of deceits or structures of thinking that operate beneath or behind the face of appearances.

The mind is free to engage in self illusion, but is not free to change truth or to make untruth true. A false inheritance is a mistaken identity, as a context for the recognition and release to a true appreciation.


The Israeli Intelligence had or perhaps still has a process of 1 in 10 acting devil's advocate, as a means to avoid groupthink which is a dissociating blindness leading to failure of intelligence and negative consequence.

The instilling OF groupthink to captured assets and proxies is the denial of freedom of thought under a narrative dictate, demand or crusade.

This takes the targeted profile of guilt, shame, fear and masking defence, into a marketised and weaponised systemic control. (Welcome to the Machine)

All elitist control structures set narratives by which to protect their interests - that their own narrative justifies as in the nations, corporation, group or relationships interest. This is the reversal of mind to predate upon rather than participate within, relational existence - from an alien-ated and exclusive sense of self-interest set as if a mind set over and apart from a life denied and dissociated from - and yet entirely dependent on.

A story can also be seen as a spell or offer of entrancement. Invested identity runs in the frame provided.

"Give me the storyteller to every central banker's mind and I care not who runs the world" - to adapt an already adapted phrase. Perhaps I overreach here - but my point is that those who employ spells of mind manipulation are not as free to be, as such thinking suggests, unless withdrawing from the narrative of which they are no less invisibly conformed, to a life and world they clearly hate - (or else would not seek to possess, control and destroy it and others to remake all their own image-worship).

On the other hand there is now a theme of 'how do we wake the sleeping?

I suggest we don't and cannot OF ourselves impose upon or change the will of another, but that the intent and attempt entangles us in a negative self-reinforcing loop,

But in attending to the living and witnessing to alignment and unselfconscious extension of life, we serve the conditions that support freedom of being - as the perspective from which sane choice corrects mistaken and persisted investments.

This is to say we are not as awake or in truth healed or whole if we must convert or save the minds of others, in order to be vindicated.

As I wrote that I saw the similarity with the vaccine as 'religion' that has to not only ongoingly sacrifice to a prop of protection, but demand it of all others so as to eradicate doubt.

Recognising the psychic-emotional patterns is a function of expanding intelligence, rather than extending patterns of which we are unknowingly conformed and condemned to repeat.

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