Tuesday 13 October 2020

The Reptilian Brain


Ivor Cummins with Julia Hartley-Brewer. The VIRAL DATA - on TalkRadio!

If fear driven control agenda is symbolised by 'lizard people' or those where the reptilian or primitive brain reflex, overrides or short circuits the social brain and effectively runs the frontal lobes or forebrain - then we have the psychopathy of a disconnected sense of mental modelling and planning relative to any human experience or indeed existence!

By starting out in defining 'NO CRAZY' allowed, you are really saying - we are only allowed or feel safe to look at the symptoms and ways of managing symptoms, and are NOT going to give any time or attention to anything 'controversial' as to what is running beneath as 'causation' of any of the coronavirus or its media and global political reaction.

This can of course be considered essential if seeking to plead to those who just might ease the onerous restrictions, to conditions that support life.

But reasoned analysis or as Sumption calls it 'common sense' is no longer currency of exchange, and our gods are not listening except to better gain the leverage to sell us into a masked and managed control system. There is nothing new in such a pattern.

Corporate cartel interests of the 'developed world', have induced their politicians and influential leader to sell them into subjection, while resources are plundered and puppet dictators installed or encouraged as a means to deny the 'crazies' who recognise they are being betrayed and abused at every turn - under fronting organisations that speak with PR that means the opposite of what is being said, relative to what is being effected.

I haven't read Icke. he speaks for himself, and if he has an axe to grind I can understand why - though I don't see weaponised grievance as the way forward any more than deny grievance a right toi be heard.

The mainstream reality - not just 'news' but the policies being acted out - is CRAZY - unless the intent is nothing to do with a 'paramount concern for our safety' and everything to do with 'making' us 'safe'. Phrases without context are merely masked agenda or weaponised language to manipulate minds without any honouring or place for open dialogue.

Thanks for having Ivor on.

If you cant keep him chasing the carrot under the impression that reason will prevail, he might apply his very clear and calm intellect to looking at our human social and political situation, and coming out with crazy notions such as the weaponisation of language, framing our thinking and reactions you think are your own...

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