Monday 12 October 2020

On the false worship of technologism as mindset of control

Technology is presumed neutral as the progeny of a science (deemed likewise), as if ethical, moral or indeed human considerations do not colour or limit the endeavour of science - except as 'choices' that are later applied to the discoveries or developments.

Human consciousness is capable of thinking 'as if' and this capacity to model reality and run probable outcomes is a creative imagination running on chosen or accepted presumptions and parameters. The development of which becomes a subconscious modelling that operates as conditioned reaction along the lines of accepted self definitions and beliefs. 

Such routines or learned behavioural responses can be set by trauma or shock as a means to evade the reliving or exposure to an intolerable overwhelm of conflict, pain or loss, under a mindset of control, as a technologism in place of a natural philosophy, such that all else is subordinated to marketising and weaponising - for possession and control as the survival of a split off and fear-defined purpose of maintaining the separation from feared life as the intent to limit divide and control it as if an external environment to a private agenda.

To set this in terms of the world as we generally see it, an invested identity in possession and control, determines the flow - or choking - of funding and narrative support for the development of both technology, the uses to which it is put and the narratives of a 'scientism' that operate to mask over science and mask as science - while killing or enslaving it along with all other human endeavour as the replacement of life by systemic control.

An invested identity in possession and control is of course driven by fear of dispossession and loss of face or control, and so the mask operates an inversion or reversal of the active intent - which is a characteristic signature of a manipulative intent, knowingly crafted or spontaneously generated under belief such means are called for or necessary.

So beliefs about science are cultivated as a priesthood of knowledge or expertise that has become increasing fragmented in specialism and sub specialisms that render what seemed to almost reach to a heavenly knowledge or power, as a tower of babel, in which vertical hierarchies of control, status and funding replace horizontal community endeavour or human social context.

Made in the image of our worship, society is no less fragmented and captured by the consolidation of the means of control which is chiefly a spiritual blindness within subconsciously active structures of replacement for communication and exchange. As if we have stepped into and become trapped in our own 'modelling' given power over our primary and direct relationship with our being - as a totality or living whole.

Fitting our life into a locked down and masked control system is thus a replication or re-enacting of a theme already operating but made explicit. For all that is of a root idea will carry the signature characteristics or recognisable fruits of its original.

The ability to explicate mind to technological faculty and cultural results is one way of bringing forth and sharing in, but it can and has become a means to gain a 'world of conflicting premises and purpose in exchange for the felt participance of our being as relational willingness, resonant recognition and love of life in expression.

At some level we do this unto ourselves and therefore to each other and to life. The mind grown or developed from attack and fear, is of denial masked over and protected by narrative identities set against feared threat.

Those who know not what they do, are set in the need to know 'something else' and seek support and reinforcement for 'finding it' and setting the meaning in terms of a moral justification.

Science as true enquiry seeks to uncover the already true, as the revealing of what is to who we are as an integral part of the whole. That we forgot our question in distractions along the way is the very nature of the world of rich experience in which we become invested and entangled as the themes of our living.

Reintegration is not the movement to persist in further segregation, driven by limitation, division and conflict. But a pause of subconscious reaction to question our presumptions, definitions and active beliefs that in our moment are reality to us. There is always another way of looking at this - whatever this is - that allows something of a wholeness of being to undo or correct our 'model' or thinking to a more coherent and shared appreciation. Finding such willingness is set against the mind of a learned or trained experience, and can be experienced as conflicting or in terms of a battle, but in truth we are split in decision, and will have no real peace until we differentiate the true from the false, to accept and align in truth and release or let the false fall away for lack of support.

How this unfolds or refolds to a true appreciation of who and what we are, is not in the mind of control simulations given priority, but through the relaxing and release of that as ' guide', to the condition of discerning or recognising the living path or balance points within apparent complexity. We don't like this as it is the cusp or threshhold of responsibility and feels naked and exposed - relative to sleepwalking under systemic controls that save us from having to truly engage. But it is not defenceless so much as needing our acceptance and abiding with, rather than recoil from - in order to grow in us by living through us. Fear of attack can trigger the reaction in like kind, by which, attack is 'proven' to have occurred, and love's awareness of being (is) lost or subordinated to the power to limit, divide and control, given to the mind of 'as if'.

If this seems abstract, there is nothing abstract about an illusion given priority or power in our mind by which we are set against, and in fear of truth that can no longer be recognised or rested in while we chase or are driven by emotionally invested identity.

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