Tuesday 13 October 2020

Be the Love that you Are anyway


Yes but resist the temptation to become framed by deceit and be the love that you are anyway - and in any way - just because! and not as a 'should' driven agenda.

Loving life in any act or endeavour is living it.

But if we do this in order to beat or heal or fix our problems - then we bring ALL such psychic mess into what we simply are and love to be, such as to lose the simple grace of being to a complicated self-conscious set of issues.

But it is so that where we align in truth as an expression of our being, we release 'problem-driven struggle' to be the state where we are not available to it nor feeding it. And that experience grows perspectives that see the 'problems' in ways that become practically workable - in the alignment of purpose and encouragement to be our life.

Truth Is.

If we seek to make a weapon of truth or love, we bring the mask or the wish of truth and love into the arena of conflict, pain and loss. The need is to bring the conflict into the light of a free awareneness, so as to discern what is moving here and release what no longer applies or never was true. Free attention is released from conflict to wholeness naturally in aligning with who we are and where we are.

I hold the following two principles to be testable:

What we resist, persists.

What we do not use fades from non use.

If you consider a battle of wills - with another or within yourself, you can perhaps see.

That fear can pass through us without reaction, is where we have no resonant correspondence. When we notice emotional reactivity, we may also notice that we are being baited or triggered out from our peace. This is an opportunity to bring curiosity or enquiry into play instead of reaction. When we open to moments of joy or shared appreciation in life we have the quality of peace or wholeness as that expression, and this opens the point from which to see before having reacted rather than within the confusion of having already reacted.

Writing can sound like steps or techniques but it isn't, it is involvement, participation and in many ways messy. But learning what we choose to focus in and feed and what we can let fade from non use, is the basis for not making a self-indulgence of the difficult.

Taking ourself lightly is also not being set up to take offence at everyone and everything that doesn't fit our wishes of expectations.

i don't assign this post to personal achievement but to the art of getting out of our own way. Everyone has their own way.

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