Monday 17 August 2020

Naked Emperor - Masking Over a Sense of Self-Lack


@Binra Magnificent New Robes is exactly the illusion I see when confronted with a face mask.

 @peacedreamerable  I like to take the whole story, so the underlying sense of lack that attracts the 'courtiers of deceit' corresponds with the shame-covering of fig-leaves in another old story. If we can see through ANOTHER"s masking attempts, then we can likewise be seen. This doesn't always clock to the mind of judgement that thinks to presume a superiority. 

There is also the socialisation or 'normalising' of the ability to 'see' the world in terms of the social masking reality - which is often what is taboo or made a no-go area under some claim to virtue - and not always without purpose.

The limitation and denial of our expression is civilising in its suppression of violence or theft, but poisonous and destructive as the suppression of love. To the masked off 'ego' both are equally 'threat' to an order of blind rules protected by an elite priesthood, to which humanity is sacrificed.

Masking is a persona. Transparency to truth is both giving and receiving, but because we normalised giving a masked presence, we have to learn to receive truth of other regardless the packaging - as the basis for extending a love or appreciation that makes NO demands on them.

To be accepted as we are by another, is where the feeling of love rises spontaneously as perhaps a synchronous smile in the eyes. The difference between love and masking in virtue is ... everything and nothing. Yet fear directs the exchange of everything for nothing under the sense of keeping or holding a part of everything specially for a sense of personal control held secret behind a masked fear of Everything - as it truth or love is the undoing of an invested identity. Which it is - but not as an act of destruction. Rather as a free releasing or who we are not or what we no longer need or choose to identify in.

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